Chapter 14

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   I sat in the meeting room waiting for yn and Bucky, I had files of Bucky and her and I was gonna tell yn about something I found in the files of my old army boot camp
   I heard buckys motorcycle pull up and yn and Bucky walk in
   "Yn can I talk to you real quick" I ask her
   We walk into another room and I hand her the files from hydra of both herself and Bucky
   "You found both?" She asks
   "Yes and your files in the avengers, I have them too if you want them"
   "Oh yes please cap" she says and I hand them to her
   She puts all the files in her bag and we both walk back out to Bucky
   "I also wanted to give you a note I found" I start
   "A note?" Bucky asks and looks at yn
   I hand the note to yn, she unfolds it and reads what it says
   "Where did you find this?" She asks and hands it to Bucky so he can read it
   "My old army boot camp"
   "Did my father write this?" She asks
   "Does Tony know about it?" She asks another
   She folds it back up and stuffs it in her bag with the files in it
   "Thank you Steve" she hugs me and they both walk out


   I drove us to a restaurant to look at the note more
   It had a signature on the bottom of it, Howard stark, and a name at the top to address the reader, dear my beautiful daughter
   "Bucky we need to go to the barracks" yn orders
   "Are you sure?" I ask not wanting to go
   "Yes it says he left something for me there"
   "What did he leave?"
   "Idk that's why we need to go"
   We drive out to the barracks, abandoned, dusty, and quiet
   We were just looking around anywhere until we went into an underground bunker
   There was a big box that looked out of place due to the lack of dust and mildew
   Yn opened it and we saw a box of metal arms about the size of yn's arm
   They were like a bunch of tight fitting metal gloves
   She put one on each of her arms and they fit perfectly
   She looked at them for a long while and felt them in her hands, "this is vibranium" she said
   There was a file in the bottom of the box, I grabbed it and say yn, it was her file from hydra
   "What is it buck?" She asked
   "It's a file, about you" I answered
   It said in the file that the vibranium would stop her powers
   "What's it say?" She asks
   I show her the notes and papers, "it stops your powers"
   She doesn't take them off, she just clenches her fist acts tries to use her powers
   She tries to lift the box up but can't, she tries to duplicate and does but her duplicates don't have gloves, she tries to channel any energy with lightning but fails
   She takes a glove off and tries to lift the box again and succeeds, she duplicates again but without the glove, then channeled electricity but it stayed in the glove
   She moved her hand around watching the current run through it
   "Let's head home, shall we?" She says
   "Yeah sure" I walk out first with her following me
   When we got back we both walked inside, she let Zoey out and smoked a joint while I put food in zoeys dish


   Bucky went upstairs to shower while I looked through the files
   Hydra collected mostly everything about me which is probably why they could control me so well
   My file from shield was seriously lacking, they called me the yellow witch, not even close, and it says I have telepathy, I have telekinesis but I'm not picky, my abilities are not limited, I'm not sure about that part, I think they are, I am immortal unless I'm close proximity to wakandan vibranium
Vibranium is my kryptonite
I take the glove off and slide it to the middle of the table
I continue on with my file, parents, the starks, adoptive parents, Willow and John slokov, sent from the red room to the experiments, partner James "Bucky" Barnes, mission, protect Barnes
I look at buckys files, both quite full, the winter soldier, wow they couldn't figure out my name but knew his, parents Winnifred and George Barnes, sent into experiments at the age of 28, last remaining soldier, on the back the only words are "if you want Bucky Barnes go for yn slokov" of course I'm stark now but now I know why I'm always getting shot at
Bucky comes down from his shower and walks to me still looking at the words
"What's all this?" He asks
"Our files, all of them" I answer
"What's this..." he reads it
I close the folder and put everything back in my bag and put my bag away
"What do you want for dinner doll?" Bucky asks and walks into the kitchen
"How about we order something" I suggest
"What do you have in mind?"
"That does sound good"
He gets on his phone and orders us pizza, we both like the same kind and get it all the time so he knew what to order
We turned on the show South Park while we waited for food

We had a lovely night, we danced and ate, and we just cuddled all night

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