Chapter 12

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   Yn threw me into the building with her powers, the force knocking the wind out of me
   She threw Steve and Tony aswell, but Steve into a table and Tony into a car
   Wanda was the only one capable of matching her energy
   Wanda held off yn's blow with all she had, the red and yellow energy flowing together, Wanda got the upper hand when I shot her in the leg
   Wanda trapped her on the ground with her powers
   Wanda was holding her with all she had, Steve, Tony, and I were still recovering from the throw
   "I can't hold her any longer" Wanda warned us before yn nearly electrocuted Wanda to death
   Wanda laid unconscious on the ground while yn pulled the bullet out of her leg
   Finally Thor and Loki arrived, Loki delayed her attack but thor took the hit even though it didn't seem to faze him
   Steve and I ran to Wanda and made sure she was okay, if we calmed yn down she could heal her
   Thor channeled his thunder into yn which had the opposite effect of what he thought
   Yn used the now lightning to create an explosion, throwing everyone back from her
   "Where is Bucky" I yelled for Tony
   "The compound!" He yelled back
   I gave Steve a look and he took off as quick as he could to get her
   Yn started floating, lightning and yellow energy surrounded her, Loki distracted her
   "Do you remember the baby?" Loki stood square with her
   Yn's face softened and floated back to the ground
   "We were gonna name her Sadie" Loki continued
   "You said you hoped she had your powers"
   Yn remembered her powers and set off another explosion just under Loki
   I turned my ear piece on, "Steve where the hell are you?!?"
   "We're coming" buckys voice echoes back
   Steve rounds the Corner on his bike, Bucky following behind him
   They both see the madness yn has fallen to, buckys face goes from determined to heartbroken
   Bucky calmly walks up to yn, drops his gun and looks up to her
   Yn sees him, steps towards him and all of the electricity and yellow glowing energy dissipates when Bucky cups her face with his hands
   Yn's face softens as she falls into buckys arms, he catches her and falls to the ground with her
   "I'm sorry I just-" yn starts
   "It's okay, no one was badly hurt" Bucky reassures and holds her in a hug
   Bucky picks her up and walks her to his motorcycle, she sits and waits while Bucky walks to us
   "I'm gonna take her home, call her therapist and let you guys know what's happening from there, and her and I will be off for awhile" Bucky says to Steve, Tony, and I
   "Sounds good Sargent" Steve responds and Bucky rides off with yn
   I help Wanda and Loki into an ambulance, I ride with Wanda and stay at the hospital with her


   I sit yn on the couch and walk in the kitchen to call her therapist
   "Hello?" She answers
   "Hey I'm Bucky, I'm yn's fiancé, you told her to call you if she ever thought she would snap"
   "Yes of course"
   "She snapped and could've hurt a lot more people than she did and can you please come over here?"
   "Send me the address I'll be there soon" she hangs up
   I clean up the house a bit and get yn something to eat and drink
   It took about 20 minutes until her therapist got there
   I heard a knock on the door, I answered it and let her in, she saw yn on the couch and walked over to sit on the couch
   I walked in the kitchen, far enough not to intrude but close enough to keep an eye on yn
   "So tell me, what happened? What set you off"
   "Tony, Steve, and nat"
   "Did they say something?"
   "What did they say?"
   "They didn't say it to me"
   "Tell me what happened"
  "They left their ear pieces in and we're talking about me, about Bucky"
   "What we're they saying"
   "They attempted my murder and they said Bucky was next"
   "What did they try to do to you"
   "They shot me, in the heart"
   "How did you survive"
The therapist walked into the kitchen to talk to me and had a disappointing look on her face
   "I have a prescription for her in my car, she needs to take them once a day when she wakes up"
   "Okay, sounds good"
   She walks out to her car and brings in a pill bottle to hand to me and leaves

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