Chapter 47

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   "What if Wanda can't do it?" Steve's face is covered by worry
   "She can and she will" I assure him
   "What about Steven?" Carol proposes we bring him in too
   "The more people we have, the higher the chance is of it working" I say
   "Are we sure about all of this?" Steve says
"It's what Tony wanted" I say
"If we tell her therapist she had another episode, she would be locked in the raft again" Thor brings up a plan to get her somewhere she can't leave
"So we could do that, then kill here there" Steve says and guilt floods his face
"Call Wanda and Steven" Clint says
I walk into the other room and call Wanda, she picks up on the first ring
"Hello" she says first
"We're gonna get yn arrested, then sent to the raft" I say then hear a sharp silence between us
"Are we gonna kill her?" She asks
   "If we have to" I say but it still means yea
   "Not sure yet"
   She hangs up and I walk back into the meeting room where everyone else is
   "When are we doing it?" I ask anyone in the room, but they all look at each other until Steve comes up with a time
   "When it's necessary" is all he says, he cares about her on a level, mostly everyone does
   I send a text to Wanda, saying we would when we needed to
   I walk out and call Steven strange, he doesn't pick up at all though
Strange won't pick up so I just head back in the meeting room
"Steven won't pick up" I say and sit down as I cross my arms
My phone starts to ring, at first I assume it's Steven calling me back, but it's not
It's yn
"I gotta take this" my face turns white and I walk out of the room again
"Hey yn what's-" she cuts me off
"Shut up nat, Steven is with me, he'll call you in a few" she says it so casually
"Why is he with you?" I ask, last I knew, they hated each other
"He's training with Sadie" she says
"Okay, bye then" I try to rush the conversation
"See ya soon" her words scare me and a part of my wants to go back on everything I've already done
She hangs up and I stand there for a second, yn thought a lot like me
We both did anything that needed to be done, no matter who it costed
She knew her powers were too much, but not even Tony's technology could control it
Bucky had said before she could see bits of the future in flashes or visions
Maybe she saw what we would do to her, and she knows it would be the right thing to let it happen, even if it costed her own life
I take another few moments to breathe and then walk back in
"Steven?" Steve asks and I sit down before I respond
"No, he will call me soon tho" I say before I slip into my thoughts


We were lined up, like cattle, or slaves, we had almost as many rights as slaves
One girl, yn slokov, she had rights because she had abilities and had been through hydra
Yn was my best friend, she was assigned to my room after solitary
She didn't introduce her abilities to me until she killed someone
The two of us were called to the blood room, they wanted her first, so she went
They handed her a gun, she looked at it with shaky hands, fear struck her eyes
Her eyes got glossy, almost like she was about to cry, but she didn't
2 soldiers brought a man in, he had a bag on his head, and his limbs were bound together by rope
They didn't tell her what to do, the soldiers just stepped away from the man
Yn looked at the man, then the gun, then the soldiers
She looked at the gun one more time before all emotion and tears balling up in her eyes, disappeared
She looked back at the man, raised the gun in her hand, and shot him in the heart, killing him instantly
I stood in fear, her face was so emotionless, it made me curious to how many times she's done this
I was frozen, my eyes open wide, with tears collecting
Guards took the gun from her when she handed it back to them
Her head hung low, her face still emotionless, and her hands no longer shaky
They handed me the gun and yn walked behind me, she was also frozen, but not in fear
Guards dragged the man's body off, and brought in a second
I can't do anything but stare at the gun, I stared at it so long, a guard forced me to
"Romanoff! Shoot!" He yelled and took a step towards me
I aimed the gun at him and tried my hardest to swallow the lump that had grown in my throat
My finger slowly moved to the trigger and softly squeezed it
The bullet ejected straight into his chest, straight into his heart
I handed back the gun, my hands shaking so bad I couldn't stay still
Yn walked up to me, emotion returned to her face, she grabbed my hands, she saw how bad they were shaking
"It's over, you did it, it's okay" her voice was calming
She did succeed in stopping my hands from shaking that bad, now it was only a little
The two of us walked back to our room and sat on our beds
"How was it so easy for you?" I ask and look at her
"It wasn't" she says but doesn't look back at me, she just stares into her lap
"You weren't scared, I could see from your face" my voice is shaky
"It's not the first time I've killed someone" her voice is steady and monotone
"What" I lean forward
"Hydra made me kill hundreds" I see a tear fall from her eye, to her chest
She brings her knees to her chest, and wraps her arms around them
I don't say anything because I don't know what I would say to that
"Its not so scary now" her eyes are open wide, filled with tears, and she stared at her knees, but she wasn't looking at her knees
I know she was seeing the faces of everyone she killed, she woke up a lot during the night and murmured about it at night
I'm still too stunned to speak and my brain starts to fill in the blanks, trying to think about what she went through

*end of flashback*

A part of me can understand her pain, but the other can't even comprehend it.

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