Chapter 23

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*flashback chapter!!!*

The experiments

   I ran as fast as I could but it felt like my feet weren't going fast enough
   I hear a gun go off behind me, and I feel it in my leg, I fall to the ground, the only light was a street lamp flickering
   I held my leg in pain as about five men strapped me to a bed and threw me in the back of a van
   I struggled but could not get free, no matter how hard I tried
   They injected something into my neck, I slowly fall unconscious
I wake up in a cell, "please let me out!!!" I yell as I bang on the door and fall to my knees in tears
"Please!" I hope anyone hears me
The only things in the room were a sad excuse as a bed, a metal toilet, myself
A man comes in and drags me out into a chair, I try to recover from how far he just dragged me, but I couldn't, the chair locks me in
"What are you gonna do to me?" My voice cracks from fear
"Quiet!" A soldier yells
They put something in my mouth to bite down on and they inject something into me
I feel my muscles pop out and grow, it's more painful than it sounds
My yelling feels silent, I was yelling so hard it was silent
After, they threw me in a different cell with someone else
I pick myself up off the ground with the other persons help, it was a man
The man was tall with dark brown hair, a metal arm, a slight scruff, and beautiful blue eyes
"Thank you" I sniffle
"No problem, are you okay?" He asks
"As good as I can be in this place" I joke
He laughs, "I'm James" he says and sits on the bed
"I'm yn" I sit on the other bed
"You look young, how old are you?" He asks
"27 so I'm young to some"
"I'm 24"
   He sees the bruises newly placed on my body, "they did you worse than me" he points out a few bruises on himself
   "I'm lighter" I laugh
   He laughs aswell, "oh I'm call me Bucky"
   "That's what my friend Steve called me and it just stuck"
   "No I mean, where did it come from?"
   "My name is James Buchanan Barnes, so Bucky"
   "Well okay Bucky" I smile at him
   A guard comes back in here, neither of us knows who's getting taken
   They grab me but I don't struggle this time, knowing I'll just get dragged
   They toss me in an empty room with a glowing stone in the middle
   "approach the stone" they demand me so I walk up to it and reach for it
   It showed me a woman with a skin tight suit with a yellow leather jacket that went down to the back of her knees, she was surrounded by yellow energy and electricity
   I feel like I absorb the energy the stone gave off and I fall backwards, unconscious
   When I wake up, there's a single stream of light coming from the door that illuminates the whole room
   I sit up, "hey, you were out for awhile" Bucky says and sits up on his bed
   "How long" I shake off my grogginess
   "A few hours" he says
   I sit there and don't say anything because I was trying to regain my vision, which was blurry
   "What did they do?" He asks
   I think about it, what they did, "I walked up to a stone" I say and rub my eyes
   "Did they give you something that made you feel like your muscles were growing" he asks
   I sneeze and the glass on the door shatters, scaring Bucky and I
   A guard bangs on the door "bed time!" He yells and walks to the next door
   We lay down, "how long have you been here" I ask him
"About 2 days before you" he smiles
When I see his smile, my spirits lift, and I feel happier
I notice there is a light coming from my eyes, Bucky looks at me in curiosity
"Is that what the stone did?" He asks

Bucky had escaped for about a week now and they are finally sending me out for him
They forgot to swipe my brain this time so I just walked out, I of course still looked for Bucky
They said he was seen in Washington so I went there
I got with the police and they were a great help, they had a single picture of him
That picture helped me find him, it showed me where he was 2 days ago and he probably has his bike so I would say he could be anywhere but I know he's not just anywhere
   I walked to the closest motel and walked to the front desk, "what room is James Barnes in?" I ask
   "Room 102 darlin" she hands me a key
   I walk up to room 102 and unlock the door, but the chain was on the door too
   I used my powers and opened the door, there was no one in the immediate room but the shower was running
   "Bucky?" I close the door and start walking to the bathroom and open that door
   "Yn?" He only has a towel on
   He hugs me and I hug him back, his abs glistening but right next to my boobs
   "You- you escaped"
   We hold each other in our arms for a long while, I can tell he missed me and I missed him, I was heartbroken when I found out he escaped
   "I'm sorry I left" he says
   "I'm sorry I took so long"
   We both felt sorry for our separation, we both felt guilt about it

The red room

   Bucky and I lived in my country, slokov after we escaped, and after my parents death, I took the throne, my guards all suggesting to make Bucky king
   My kingdom was once in ruin but I've built it up and now it's the second most powerful country in the world, following just behind wakanda
   I was sitting in my room, cleaning, Bucky wasn't with me at the time so I was alone, so when hydra came to get me again, I was venerable
   About 20 men came through each door, (there were 3 doors) and Atleast 14 came through the windows
   I was heavily outnumbered, realizing I had no chance, I put my hands up slowly and knelt to the ground
They walked me to another van and drove off, the injected me again too
I woke up in an interrogation room, my hands chained to the bar on the table
"Chains aren't gonna keep me in place!!" I yell to whoever's outside the door
"Then what will?" A short man stepped in
"Nothing" I snap
"I think that can change" he laughs
I use my powers to break the chains, "try me" the chains dangle from my wrists, scraping against the floor
"Sit down little girl" he demands but I stay standing in-front of him
"Sit down or I'll make you" he threatens
"What did I say old man" I collect a ball of energy in my hand
He pulls out a metal stick with a rubber handle, then jabs it into my stomach
I feel it immediately, electricity coming from the stick and into my stomach
I fall to the ground, holding my stomach, but I get back up and throw him at the wall
He pulls out his gun, "you won't" I say
He shoots me in the shoulder, "you won't kill me" I snap
"No but I will beat you down until you stop being so damn sassy"
My shoulder heals, "I bet you'll try"
Five other men come in, but I know I'm not outnumbered, even without my powers I could still beat them
I take out the five, their bodies sprawled out on the floor
"You're quite powerful miss yn" the man applauds me
"Is that why I'm here?" I ask
"We noticed you escaped from hydra and you've been quite popular in the news since your return
"So you wanna take me back?" I ask, balling energy in my hands
"No we want you with us"
"For what?"
"To fight"
"Im not a fighter"
"Oh but you are"
I was so intrigued by his talking, I didn't hear the soldier come up behind me and inject something into my neck
The walls start to spin and I get dizzy, I fall to the ground and pass out

They let me keep my ovaries and organs but they kept me for years
I only escaped because they let me go, I started killing everyone so they didn't want me
When I got out, I went to my country, my people were happy to see me but for the years I was gone, they established a government for anytime I was gone
After my release, I walked into my palace, and the first person I see, the person that waited for me, was Bucky
He stood on the stairs until he saw me, he ran down the stairs and lifted me up into a hug

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