Chapter 37

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   I sat in the room while they talked about who would put it on
   "I can take it" I say
   "You're too small, your body couldn't take it" banner says
    "Are you gonna do it?" I ask
   Everyone looks at each other as if banner doing it was a good idea
   "Are we sure you can handle it? It took all of the guardians just to hold one" I say
   Doubt appears on everyone's faces, they look at each other
   "It's up to you" I shrug my shoulders
   Tony looks at me, I look into his mind, he thinks I can do it, but he thinks banner can too
   "I can do it" banner says
   He puts the gauntlet on and it burns his arm but he snaps
   "Did he do it?" I say after he gets it off
   Clint's phone rings, and so does mine, I see buckys name
   I sober up so quick and answer it, "Buck?" I cover my mouth and my eyes start to fill
   "Hey doll" he sounds confused
   Just as he speaks, the building blows up, and I get stuck under concrete
   A piece of the building laid over top of my legs and torso
   I felt blood on my torso, I threw the concrete with my powers, I found a will to live
   There was a pole completely through my ribs, I pulled it out and forced my body to heal faster
   I was stuck under the building when I heard what sounded like rocket, so I yelled for him
   "Rocket?!" I yelled into the rubble
   No one answered, so I lifted up piece by peice trying to find him
   "Rocket?!" I don't see him but I do see banner, I run over to him as he lifts the rocks off of Scott
   "Do you know where anyone else is?" I ask the both of them
   "No, but maybe they found their way out" banner says
   "Should we look for the others?" I ask
   "We need to look for our way out before this collapses" Scott says
   "They can get out" banner walks to a light peeking out
   Scott and I follow him and see Tony, Steve, and Thor out in the open with thanos, fighting
   "Yn your leg" Scott says, I look at my leg and see a big gash in it
   I heal it and use the technology Tony gave me to press a button to put my suit on
   I throw the big piece of rubble off of us and fly out
   Thanos sees me, my eyes glowing yellow with rage, a yellow glow coming from my body, my hands shaking
   His jaw drops after he sees me glowing like the sun, almost as hot in rage
   I threw ball by ball at him, knocking him down, burning him
   I made the ball as big and hot as I could and threw it down at him
   It didn't hit him, instead, deflected it with his sword back at me
   It hit me, and it hurt, I plummeted to the ground, I hit the ground on my back
   The wind was knocked out of me, so I coughed to get air
   I was back in the rubble, but there was a hole from me falling
After I caught my breath, I flew back up and saw that everyone got out and thanos had his army behind him
I landed behind Steve as everyone got in a battle stance, ready to fight
Steve put his hand up to his ear and Sam flew on the left of us
I look up at Sam and see him fly around, then I turn around to see portals of people coming out
As people came out ours portals, I looked for Bucky
He didn't come out of any, until another portal opened behind me
I look behind me and see Bucky, I cover my mouth as he scans my body
He smiles, I haven't seen that smile in years, it was warm and refreshing
A tear falls from my eye and he hugs me, his arms tight around me
I hug him and cry, "I missed you so much" I smile into his neck
"I missed you too doll, but we gotta get to this fight" he cups my cheeks
His touch is a feeling I've craved for years, it's a feeling I needed
When everyone arrived, we all ran into battle, Bucky by my side
Bucky didn't stay by my side for long, I flew up to a chitauri and used my powers like a rope so I could control where it flew
I rode the chitauri into another, taking them both down
I landed again but right infront of thanos, "this is where you lose everything" I conjure power into my hands
He swings his sword at me, i dodge and try to break his arm
His bones splinter but don't break because of me, but it still hurts him
He uses the back of his sword to hit me and fling me across the field
My body flies through the air until I hit the ground
I stand up again and talk into the earpiece in my suit
"Everyone jump or fly in 3...2...1!" I shoot strong currents of electricity and energy through the ground
Everyone does as I said and jumps, all of thanos's army fall to the ground, sadly I couldn't do enough to kill all of them
My body is low on energy so I can't stand up, so I fall, I look to the person standing at my feet and see Tony
Tony picks me up and flys me over to the back of the battlefield
He lays me down and flies off again, I can't do anything so I lay there trying to gain any energy back
I am bad with electricity, a little bit of it can take a lot out of me, but with energy I can use a lot of it and not get tired

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