Part 10

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All yn did for a few days was lay there, that's all she could do, hydra must've had her doing a lot and from the looks of her body they tortured her too
She had bruises and cuts and scars all over her body, it was probably my fault, if she caught me and brought me back she would be fine for the most part
She wouldn't eat anything which is normal, hydra really doesn't feed us and we never feel hungry under control
I brought her food anyways and made sure she ate, for her health
After she ate lunch, still unable to move, there was a knock at the door, I rushed down the stairs and saw it was Steve
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask
"Just came to check on you, I know yn getting captured really took a toll on you"
"Oh, yeah I'm doing good, you didn't need to come all the way out here"
"I wanna make sure, I'm sure she'll be back soon"
"I hope so" I pretend like she's not upstairs because I haven't told anyone for her safety even if it's Steve
"I should go"
"Come back whenever buddy"
Steve walked out and drove away, I walked back upstairs to yn
"Bucky..." yn says with as much strength as she can muster
"I need to see Loki, he can help me heal"
"How would you get to him?"
"You need to tell Thor"
"But it would put you in danger"
"Fine, I'll see what I can do"
I walk out of the room then sit at the kitchen table and bury my head in my hands
A multicolored tube looking thing comes from the sky and plants itself into the yard then disappeared leaving a man in the middle of the circle
It was Thor.
He walked to the door and let himself in, "yn called" is all he said and waited for me to answer
"She doesn't have her phone" I say
"She said my name"
"Oh, she's upstairs, don't tell anyone you know she's here"
He nods and walks upstairs to yn's room, "hey, I heard my name"
"Thor I need Loki" she responds still weak
"You need him?"
"To heal, Thor please bring me to Asgard" she pleads
"Wait you never said you would go anywhere" I interject
"Bucky if I'm beaten down enough my body can't heal at all"
That shuts me up, she seems like she's been healing
"Bucky, Thor and Loki keep me alive" she says, starting to sound desperate
"Okay" I let Thor and yn continue
"I can take you now and my mother can help" Thor says
Yn smiled weakly and looked at me, "Buck?" She waits for my approval
"Will she be safer on Asgard" I ask
"Yes" Thor responds and I know she will be safer there but I don't want to leave her side again, "how long will it take?" I ask
"Three weeks max" Thor responds
I nod and move out of the doorway so they can leave
I watch them both walk out and disappear the same way Thor appeared
I fell to my knees afraid of losing her for any longer, I know she's safe but she's not with me and that scared me


Thor was carrying me into Asgard, I looked like a dead body and felt like one too, I couldn't move, it hurt to speak, my body was all purple and red with cuts
When we walked in his father saw me and called to frigga
"Frigga!!! Hurry!!!" He yelled, frigga rushing in, covering her mouth after seeing me
Frigga Thor and Odin took me to a room with just a single hospital bed in it
They later brought Loki in, when he saw me his jaw dropped and he held his stomach
"What happened to you?" He asked
"Hydra" I responded weakly
He held my hand and just looked at me, "I would ask if you were okay but it seems not" he joked
"How much can you do?" I ask
"You will still have mental and physical scars but you won't look or feel dead"
"That's good enough for me" I smile
His mother later came in and started my healing, Loki continued it for about 2 days until frigga took over again for about the same time, they would both do it then let me rest for about 3 days then go back to it, the healing only took 2 weeks
On the last day I was there Loki walked in to check on me
"Are you about good to go home?" He asked
"I think so" I stand which is more than I could do before, he grabs my hand gently not wanting to hurt me but making sure I don't fall
We walked out into the main room where Thor, Odin, and frigga were waiting
Thor smiled along with his mother while Odin just gave a very approving look
"Are you ready to go back?" Thor asked and took a step closer to me
I nodded and we went to the portal thing then back to my house
We landed and Bucky ran out of the house towards us
He scooped me up in a hug and squeezed tight, "Buck- I need to breathe" he loosened his grasp and looked into my eyes
I kissed him and hugged him back, I felt him smile into the kiss
"Okay I'm gonna go" Thor awkward flies away with his hammer
"Never leave me again" bucky says and kisses me again
"I don't plan on it" I respond and wrap my arms around him, smiling into the kiss
We walk inside and the house is spotless and Zoey is there, I kneel on the floor to give her a hug and some pets
Bucky also must've gotten some new furniture because my tiny one person couch was gone and an L couch replaced it
I wandered the house, all the rooms that were empty or filled with bins of clothes and extra stuff I haven't gotten rid of yet
One of the rooms I walked into was painted a muted pastel yellow with a crib and baby stuff
I turned around to bucky in the doorway smiling at me
"It doesn't have to be for now or next year but it's here" he says
I hug him, "I love you" I mumble into his chest
"I love you too darling" he replies and kisses the top of my head
We walked out to the yard and saw training equipment for us and Zoey that Bucky had built
"Darling" he says from behind me
"Do you want to go on a date tonight?"
My eyes glow, "yes!!"
He smiles and kisses me, "I'm gonna go inside and feed Zoey, her bowl looked a little low"
   "Okay I'm gonna shower, it's been awhile"
   We both walk inside, he walks to zoeys bowl and I walk to the bathroom to start the shower when I see buckys phone
I opened it and saw he had 13 missed calls from Tony, 6 from Steve, 4 from nat, and a few texts from tony
I read Tony's texts and they were still looking for me
I swung the bathroom door open, "you didn't tell them yet!?"
Buckys head spun around to look at me, he saw me holding his phone and his jaw dropped
"It was to keep you safe" he tried to explain but I didn't let him say more than that
"Tony is my brother, you have 13 missed calls from him James" I don't usually use his first name but I was furious
"Yn" he gently grabs my hands, "I was going to tell him after dinner tonight, I was actually gonna drive over there so you could see him in person"
"How do I know you aren't making this up?" I ask
"You can read minds can't you?" He says and I see he was telling the truth

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