Chapter 34

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"I wonder what Seth is doing" she says
"Who the fuck is Seth?" I ask
"My boyfriend"
"Ew his name is Seth?"
"Ew his name is Jack" she mocks my boyfriend
"When do you think we'll get out?" I ask
"Whenever mom gets us"
"Do you think her putting us in here was doing the right thing?"
"We're safe aren't we"
"Do you think she wanted to?"
"She didn't seem against it"
"But when she walked away, I could feel that she genuinely felt bad"
"So why did you ask?"
"I hate you"
"Why thank you"
I lay down and stare at the ceiling, Sage went quiet too, I'm not sure what she was doing though
We sat in silence for hours, waiting on our mother or father to get us
We started to hear yelling and some screaming coming from outside of our cells
"Sadie..." Sage sounds worried
"What" I look down to see my hands disappearing into dust
"Sadie I'm disappearing" she goes quiet
I stand, looking for my mother to come save me, but I whither away instead


I run into the raft and to the circle of cells the girls were in and they aren't there
My knees hit the ground as I scream, the pain escaping from my mouth
I lost Bucky, Wanda, and my children, Tony was MIA so it seemed like I lost him too
I felt so alone, I was defeated and I had no idea how to get them back
Panicking is bad, I tried not to but I had just lost everyone that meant anything to me
To not panic, I went home and Zoey greeted me, I drop to the floor and hug her
"It's just you and me again" I say to her, knowing she can't understand me
Steve came by later, he knocked on the door, "yn!!" He yelled through the door
I opened the door, "hey Steve" I sniffle
"I was gonna do this awhile ago but Bucky stopped me" ge looks to the ground
"Do what?" I get a little scared
Steve moves out of the way, to reveal nat standing behind him, with a gun trained on me
She shot three times, one in the head, one in the heart and one in the stomach
I plummet to the floor and watch as they run off, and as my blood floods the floor
I didn't move or call for help, I just laid there, I knew I would be fine but I also didn't want to get up
I passed out but awoke around an hour later, I sat up, looked at my shirt which had gunshots in it but my skin was healed
I cleaned up my blood with a mop and a few rags
   I fed Zoey and went to bed, I laid there, thinking about what just happened
   Bucky was gone, Sadie was gone, Sage was gone, Wanda was gone, and Tony was gone
   Zoey crawled into my bed and laid her head on my stomach

   I didn't fall asleep for a while but when I did, I woke up every few hours
   My nightmares increased since before everyone's disappearance, I had them every night multiple times a night
   After a week of non stop nightmares, I decided I would try to stop them by drowning them out with weed and alcohol
   I totally stopped going to therapy because of my therapist disappearing too
   I took Zoey on a walk and a ride in the car with me into town
   We got into town and I grabbed some food from the store, then I took her to the park for some play time while I smoked a joint
After a week there was still sobbing and screaming, I had only stopped because I couldn't feel the pain anymore
The weed keeps me high enough not to feel the feeling of needles in my skin or glass in my chest
The wine keeps me drunk enough to not hear the voices in my head and enough not to cry over the losses that almost killed me
I thought about them everyday, I've tried over and over again to conjure enough power to bring them back
I thought of an idea, I could go to someone that was still alive that might have an idea to bring them back
I stumble into the compound and see Steve and nat
"You can kill me" I smile and sit down
"How are you alive?" Nat stands up
"I'm immortal idiots" I flop into a chair
"You let me shoot you over and over again just to say you're immortal" nat grabs her gun
"I feel like I've told you before and you know that's not gonna work" my words mush out my mouth
"Are you drunk?" Steve asks
"And high" I mumble
They stand there, astounded, they have never seen me drunk or high before, I've never even drank or smoked infront of them
"What is wrong with you?" Nat says
"I lost both of my daughters and my husband! How would you feel?" I drink out of my flask
Nat sits back down and looks at steve, "why are you here?" She asks
"So you can shoot me again" I say sarcastically
"Really?" Steve says
"No Steve, I want my family back and I can't do it by myself" the words fumble
"We don't-" the bell interrupts nat
The three of us check the camera and see Scott lang standing at the gate
"Is that?" Steve starts
"Is that live?" I ask
"Yeah" we run out to go see him
"Holy shit" I hug him, "were have you been?" I ask and we separate
The four of us walk back inside and everyone sits down but Steve
Scott explains that we could get them back, I jump at the idea
He explains what we would need for it then steve suggests Tony
I haven't seen my brother since I was sober, when he came back
Scott sees the scared look in my face, "isn't he your brother?" He asks
"Yea" I sober up slightly
"Tony disowned her after he found out she's into drugs and she's an alcoholic" nat spits out
"Yeah" I look to my feet
"Oh" everyone goes silent
"He can't disown me twice" I drink out of my flask again

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