Chapter 42

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Yn sat in the front seat, staring at the bracelets, I know she wants to take them off but she can't and won't
Sage was playing on her phone and Sadie was playing with her powers
"Sage when we get home, will you feed Zoey please" I ask her so yn doesn't have to and she can just go upstairs
"Yea" Sage replies, still playing on her phone
I put my hand on yn's thigh for comfort and I see her smile out of the corner of my eye
We get home, I get out and notice yn doesn't move, like she's in a trance
I open Sadie's door because she was behind me and the girls walk inside
I walk to yn's side of the car and open the door for her
She doesn't notice when I open the door, only when I gently grab her hand
"It's gonna be okay, it won't happen again" I reassure her
We walk inside, she goes upstairs and I can hear the shower start
"Dad..." Sadie walks up to me as I sit on the couch and she sits next to me
"Yeah?" I ask
"Moms gonna die" she looks at the wall in front of her instead of looking at me
"We all do eventually" I say, but I know she means soon
She stays quiet for a second, "I think it's gonna be my fault" she swallows hard
"Why would it be your fault?" She starts to worry me
"I lied to the therapist and I know I'm insane, that's why mom was so worried" she finally looks at me
"You're not insane" I say trying to believe my own words but I can't, I know she's right, but I don't want her to be
"Why don't we talk about this-" I start, but Sadie cuts me off
"Dad, I can twist reality- I should have those bracelets on, not her"
"She can too" yn doesn't do it, she can't do it well like Sadie can, but she can
"I can over power her-" I cut her off because I know she could try but if yn had an episode, it could kill Sadie
"Sadie no, she needs those bracelets" I stand up and walk upstairs
Yn finishes her shower shortly after and comes into our room wearing a towel
"It's been awhile" she smirks and drops the towel
A smirk grows on my face as yn walks over and sits on my lap
I cup her cheeks and kiss her aggressively, she matches my energy and unbuttons my shirt as I attack her neck
The step just outside our door creeks then there's a knock on our door
"Just a second!" Yn throws her robe on and opens the door to Sage
"Sadie" is all she says then runs down the stairs, yn follows and I do too
Sadie is laying on her back on the kitchen floor, her eyes rolled to the back of her head
Yn cups her face and does something to wake her up
She sits up and yn holds her, "what happened baby?" Yn cups her face again
Sadie looks at me with tears in her eyes, "I heard everyone's heart beat" she shakes
"What?" Yn asks
"Everyone, it was so loud, it hurt, and I couldn't" she stands up to take a breath
Yn looks up at her from the floor as sage holds her hand
"I'm okay" she brushes a lock of red hair out of her face
She died her hair so there would be streaks of bright red throughout it
"Are you sure?" Sage helps yn stand up so she can walk to her
Yn gently puts her hand on Sadie's back, "yeah my head just kinda hurts" Sadie walks over to the medicine cabinet to grab headache relief
"Okay we're gonna go back to bed, let us know if you need anything" yn kisses the top of Sadie's head and then sages
The both of us walk upstairs as the girls go to their rooms
"Is she okay?" I ask, knowing yn knows the answer
"Yeah she's good" she says and hops into my arms the second we get in our room
I pin her against the wall and see the smirk on her face grow
   She bites her lip as I kiss her neck and leave hickeys all over it
   I untie her robe and let it drop to the ground before I carry her to the bed
   She finishes unbuttoning my shirt, then rips it off of me and rolls us so she's on top
   She quickly gets my belt off, then my pants, and slides it in her pussy
   I flip us over again so I'm the top, but I make sure to keep it in
   I start slow and watch her breathing get faster, the faster I go
   She lets out a soft moan, so I cover her mouth, "don't let the kids hear you" I slide my hand away from her mouth and start to rub her clit
   Yn bites her lip in an attempt not to moan but grabs the sheets too
   I see her gasp as she's about to moan, so I stop and, "Buck- please" her breathing is fast
   "Quiet" I say as I kiss her neck and continue, but I know she can't keep quiet
   "Dig your nails into me, draw blood, just shhh" I go back to what I was doing
   I watch as her hands go from grabbing the sheets to my shoulders
   I go faster than I did before and I leave more hickeys
   Yn digs her nails into my skin but stays quiet for the most part
   She lets out a few soft moans and bites her lip when she gets close to finishing
   I slow down again to make her last longer and she lets a loud moan slip out
   "Buck-" she tries to get a word out but that's all she can manage
   She looks me in the eyes, her lips are red from her biting them, her forehead is sweaty, her breathing slows down
   A smirk grows on her face and I know what she's about to do
   She flips us over again and starts to leave hickeys on my neck and chest
I grab her hips and bounce her ass on my dick while she kisses my chest
She leaves small hickeys all across my body, leaving the majority of my chest purple
Her body tenses up like she's close so I flip is over so she can let me finish her
Her pussy tightens around my dick as she moans softly, whispering "fuck" as she finishes with me

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