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+There may be grammar mistakes (that I also notice and try to correct) since it is a translation of my work written in my native language and I translate pretty quickly.+

1760, England

-You'll see, Mr. Im, you won't regret it. She will be an excellent servant.

-Servant?- Mr. Im asked. -I thought I was adopting a little girl.

-And so it is.- the man said adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose while he kept walking towards the room where the little girl was.

-So, why did you call her a servant?

-I thought she would be more useful as such than as her daughter. Call her what you prefer. For us she is simply one waste too much.- They arrived in front of the room and the man took the key out of his pocket. He slipped it inside and opened the door, revealing a little girl lying on a bed. -Come on, get up!- the man yelled. The slender figure stood up and looked with her innocent eyes at the two men before her. -It went well for you. They adopted you.

The little girl didn't say a word. She just looked at the well-dressed man. He seemed like a gentleman.

-Hello baby, what's your name?

-Jeongyeon.- the little girl said softly.

-Jeongyeon, do you want to have a family? A mother, a father and brothers?- The little girl nodded. -Then come with me.

The girl stared at the hand that had been extended to her. She didn't know what to do. Squeeze her? What if the man was worse than the owner of the orphanage?

-Move! Don't make me look bad! Shake Mr. Im's hand.

-Mr. Kim, please.- Mr. Im scolded.- A smile appeared on Jeongyeon's face. She walked over to Mr. Im and squeezed his hand. Mr. Im noticed how small and cold it was. -Come on, your siblings are waiting for you. Goodbye Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim removed his hat. -Goodbye and come back when you want.

Mr. Im took the little girl away from that place. Jeongyeon had practically grown up in that orphanage, and while the other children were adopted, she stayed there because no one wanted such a slender girl. Her arms would not have been useful for the work in the fields. Luckily Mr. Im didn't look like a farmer. He was wearing nice brown suit and bow tie and a white shirt. He was very elegant and also seemed well educated. Mr. Im lifted Jeongyeon off the ground and the little girl was afraid but the man put her on her carriage and then he got on too.

-Let's go home, Jimin.- he said to the coachman. The journey was long enough. They were in Chichester, Sussex, and had to arrive in London, where Mr. Im was born.  About four hours by carriage and Jeongyeon had fallen asleep. -Jimin, take her inside.

-Yes, Mr. Im.

Jimin picked her up and followed the owner of that majestic building, entering her house. Jeongyeon opened her eyes and Jimin put her down smiling at her.

-Family! Come here!

Within two minutes, everyone gathered in the hall. Mrs. Im eyed the little girl suspiciously.

-Who is she, Mr. Im?- asked his wife.

-This is Jeongyeon, my new daughter.

The dissent was great, both from Mrs. Im and from the guys.

-Where did this one come from?-asked Momo, the eldest of the brothers, she was nineteen years old.

-This is your sister, Momo.- her father corrected her. -And she's from Sussex.

-From Sussex?- asked Chaeyoung, the youngest of only eight years.

-Why is she our sister now?- Dahyun, Chaeyoung's twin, asked innocently.

-Because she has neither mother nor father. She lived in an orphanage.- Mr. Im explained.

-Now we have to take the poor souls into the house.- Mrs. Im, Sana, complained.

-Mrs. Im, don't be rude, Jeongyeon will be a very polite girl.

-Very polite? She comes from the street. I bet she also has tuberculosis.- At Minhyuk's joke he, Sana, Momo and Jihyo burst out laughing.

Jeongyeon lowered her eyes. She had tears running down her cheeks and no one had noticed. But what could she expect? They were right. She would probably bring them some disease.

-Why are you crying?- asked a little girl approaching her.

Jeongyeon wiped her tears with her sleeve. -I'm not crying.

-Don't listen to them. My siblings like to joke. They do it with me too. How old are you?

-Twelve.- the girl said in a low voice.

-Twelve years!? She is an infant. Don't we have enough people to take care of already, Mr. Im?

-Mrs. Im, Jeongyeon is no less skilled than Nayeon. They are the same age, I want to remind you.

-We have the same age! Finally someone to play with!- exclaimed the little girl who had asked her why she was crying. -I am Nayeon.

Jeongyeon wasn't sure if she would fit in there. As usual she was just a burden.

-What did you say your name was?-Jihyo asked.


-Flea?- Minhyuk asked laughing along with the rest of the family except Nayeon and Mr. Im.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung were too innocent to understand the meanness behind that joke.

-You will share the room with Nayeon.- Mr. Im told her.

Jeongyeon was grateful to share a room with someone who didn't treat her badly.

-Come Jeongyeon! I'll show you our room!- the girl screamed excitedly taking her by the arm.

-Nayeon! Don't touch her!- her mother scolded her.

-Who knows what diseases she has.- said Momo.

-Wash her.- her mother said and then went back to the kitchen.

-Do you know how to wash yourself?- Mr. Im asked.- Jeongyeon nodded. -Momo, show her the bathroom.

-With pleasure.- said the girl with a grin. -Follow me, Flea.- Jeongyeon followed the girl up the stairs. They went to the second floor where several rooms were located. -That's the bathroom. Have you ever seen soap in your life?- Jeongyeon shook her head. Momo walked into the bathroom and showed it to her. It was a pink strawberry flavored tablet. -This is eaten after washing. It helps strengthen the body. So you won't get sick.

Jeongyeon nodded. She didn't want to catch a disease. Momo went out and the little one observed the tablet.


-Jeongyeon! Are you there?- Mr. Im asked, knocking on the door. Concerned, he opened it, and saw Jeongyeon holding her belly. -What do you have? You're not feeling well?- Mr. Im then looked at the ground. He saw that the tablet of soap had been bitten. -You didn't eat it!, did you!?

Laughter was heard from the edge of the door.

-If you were hungry, you just needed to ask.- Minhyuk said.

I can't believe she ate the soap...- said Momo laughing.

Nayeon, meanwhile, looked at Jeongyeon with pity because she was not feeling well.

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