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-Ladies, the doctor is here. John told them.

-Good morning, how are you feeling?

-I don't think she's fine. She had a severe headache and has just vomited.- Jeongyeon replied.

-Let me see.- The doctor stood next to Nayeon and began to give her a quick visit to understand what it was her problem. He then touched her belly. -Miss, are you married?

-No...- Nayeon answered.

-Mh... Have you had relationships with men recently?


-Henry, I don't think that's something to ask to a young lady.- John intervened.

-Forgive me, I suspected you might be pregnant but I guess you're not.-Henry stood up. AShe just needs to rest and something against vomiting.

-We'll take care of her.- said the lady smiling.

-Henry, I'll walk you to the door. I wanted to discuss that fact with you.- John left the room with Henry, leaving his wife and daughter alone with those two English.

-Honey, she's resting.- the lady said to Nayeon. -Miss Jeongyeon, allow us to host you tonight.

-I don't want to bother you.

-At all. Just... We don't have a room for you.

-There's problem. I can stay on the chair.

-A young noble lady like you?

-Yes, don't worry.

-Lily, look for a sheet for the lady. I'll go prepare something for her friend.

-Thank you very much.- Jeongyeon said.

The lady smiled and left the room, leaving the two girls alone.

-Jeongyeon... Don't go.- Nayeon whispered to her.

-I won't go ...- She sat down on the chair and looked at her. She was so pale, her eyes half closed and not shining as usual, her lips dry. -How are you feeling?

-A bit strange... That ship must have really hurt me.

Jeongyeon took her hand and sighed. -It's not the ship, is it?

Nayeon squeezed her hand tightly. -I do not know...

Lily arrived but, seeing the two talking, she decided not to go in right away, thinking it was something serious.

-You are about to have another man's child and I have taken you away from him. It's wrong. I separated this child from his father.

-It is not so. They wouldn't have been happy with him. Edward would raise them severely, making them study and denying them affection. I too would have been denied being their mother because Irene would have taken care of them.

-I certainly don't want this for you and for the creature you are carrying.

-Isn't it perfect? We cannot have children.

-Yes, it's beautiful but... Another man's child...

Nayeon sighed. -It could not be done otherwise. I think it was fate. Think about it: I've never been pregnant and now that I'm with you, that can't give me a child, I am. It can only be a sign of fate.

-Or maybe it was God who, from up there, sent us this child because He doesn't consider us as abnormal as everyone else would.

Lily wasn't understanding much of this conversation. She was very confused. She looked like those two girls were hiding something but she wasn't sure about what. She entered the room as if nothing had happened.

-I brought you a sheet.

Jeongyeon smiled at her. -Thank you, Miss Lily.

-Miss? Nobody calls me that. I'm used to being called "thief" or "rat" or just my first name.

-Why should they call you that?

-They think I don't have enough money to live on and when I get a new dress, which isn't often, they say I stole it. I would love to be like you: beautiful and respected.

-Believe me, these things happen to nobles too. I was used to be called "Flea".

-Oh? Why ever?

-I come from an orphanage. I was adopted by my mother's sister.

-Oh I see. You have been very lucky.

-I have met some exceptional people. Are you not of marriageable age?

Lily shook her head. -I know that the richest families marry off their children at this age but I'm not like that. I will marry a handsome man when I want.

Jeongyeon smiled. -You have to do exactly that.

-Never let someone decide for you.-Nayeon said, introducing herself for the first time in that conversation.

-You two... Are you very close friends?- the girl asked, her gaze alternating between Jeongyeon and Nayeon.

Jeongyeon looked at Nayeon. -Yes, I would say so...

-And you will take care of the young vomiting lady's son...?

-Am I Vomiting!?- Nayeon exclaimed.

Jeongyeon burst out laughing. -I suppose so.

-Jeongyeon! You let me call me "Vomiting"!? Me!?

Jeongyeon continued to laugh.

-Forgive me, I don't know your name. You were going to tell me earlier but you started throwing up.

-Nayeon Im, my name is Nayeon.

-Miss Nayeon. Are they English names?- she asked confused.

-Korean.- answered Jeongyeon.

-Miss Nayeon, are you married?

-I've already answered before: I'm not.- the girl said a bit annoyed by the presence of the other.

-Are you sure? So how is it possible that you are pregnant?

-Jeongyeon, if you don't let her finish—

-You see Lily... Sometimes even unmarried people can be.- Jeongyeon told her very calmly.

-Even among you nobles?- asked the surprised girl.

-Even between us.- Jeongyeon said.

-And why did you run away from Edward? Is he the father of the child? Did he force you?

-Jeongyeon! She listened to our conversation.

-Miss Lily, it's not something to do.- Jeongyeon said.

-I ask for forgiveness. But... Why doesn't God consider you abnormal like the others? Why are you abnormal?

-Because... We ran away. No noble escapes. We didn't want to get married. Please don't tell anyone.

Lily nodded. -You can trust me.

-Miss, I brought you a dish that should make you feel better.- said the lady entering the room and the conversation between Lily and the two English ended there.

-Thank you.- Nayeon said sitting up.

Hey... A lot has really happened
Talking about us
I hate being away from wattpad but sadly I don't know how to continue the book
I'll try to do a few chapters at the moment
Let's say it's an experiment because usually I have all the chapters ready but this time I deleted all the books and so I'm a bit messed up haha
How are y'all doing?

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