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Minhyuk took Jeongyeon by the arm and carried her out of the church, getting into the carriage. Jimin was inside with Jihyo. He struck the horse and the carriage moved away from the church. Jeongyeon kept silent and hoped nothing would happen to her. Maybe Minhyuk would just abandon her in the middle of nowhere. Something about her wished he would.

-Don't be nervous.- the boy told her placing a hand on her leg. Jeongyeon stiffened. -We're just going to visit some friends.

-Why do I have to come too?-Jeongyeon asked, her voice trembling.

Minhyuk removed his hand and put it back on the strap. -They want to meet you. None of them has a wife and our father wants you to find someone.- the boy explained calmly.

-Not even Jihyo—

-Jihyo is betrothed to my betrothed's cousin.- Minhyuk explained. -And Nayeon is our father's favorite. She will probably marry that gentleman who is courting her. He is smart, handsome and rich. All qualities I have, yet a horrible woman was destined for me.

Jeongyeon kept silent. She didn't want to continue that conversation. Minhyuk didn't seem willing to continue the conversation, he simply led the horse towards his friend's house.

-We have arrived.- Minhyuk communicated. -Get off, quick.

Jeongyeon did as she was told, and Minhyuk handed the carriage over to the Thomas house coachman. The boy hugged his sister's waist and walked towards his friend's house. It was impossible not to recognize it: the only house among all those buildings. Minhyuk knocked on the door and immediately a maid opened.

-Good morning Mr. Im.- the woman greeted him. -Come with me.

Minhyuk followed, and Jeongyeon was forced inside. She looked around. That house was nothing compared to Mr. Im's but it was definitely better than anything Jeongyeon could have afforded four years ago. The maid knocked and opened a door.

-Minhyuk, come!- Louis invited him. -Who is she?

-Is she your sister?- asked another boy, Charles.

-She is. Isn't she lovely?- Minhyuk asked as he stroked her hair.

-Aren't you betrothed to another woman?- Louis asked.

Jeongyeon didn't like where that speech was going. She took a deep breath and looked straight at the window.

-I am, we'll get married in May, but that doesn't mean I don't want to have fun before the wedding.

-Go ahead in the guest room. You already know where it is.- Louis told him with a smirk.

Minhyuk smirked back and walked out of the room, leading Jeongyeon outside with him. They went together to another room and Minhyuk locked the door.

-What are we doing here, Minhyuk?-Jeongyeon asked confused and scared.

Minhyuk approached her and pushed her onto the bed. Jeongyeon fell onto her back. The boy put his hands under Jeongyeon's skirt and stroked her legs, climbing up to her knees and looking into her eyes.

-Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?- he asked in a whisper.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon said with her eyes fixed on the boy's but with terror reflected in them.

-Don't listen to my sisters. They are just jealous of your beauty. Jeongyeon, now it's just you and me. No one will ever know what's going to happen, okay?

Jeongyeon froze as Minhyuk's hands moved up to her bare intimacy, wearing nothing but her petticoat. Jeongyeon was breathing heavily. She didn't understand what was happening but she didn't like it. The door was flung open and Minhyuk collected himself.

-Minhyuk.- said Charles. -Your sister didn't seem at ease with you.

Minhyuk turned to him. -Charles, mind your own business.

-Minhyuk, I don't allow you to violate your sister or cheat on your future bride. Jeongyeon, come with me, I'll take you home.- Jeongyeon stood up immediately but Minhyuk pushed her back onto the bed. Charles frowned. -Leave her be.

-Otherwise what will happen to me?

Charles approached Minhyuk and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. -Don't make me do it.

Minhyuk pushed him away, so Charles punched Minhyuk in the face.

-How dare you!?- Minhyuk yelled holding his cheek.

The maid, hearing a noise, immediately ran over. When she saw Jeongyeon on her bed with tears in her eyes she called her and Jeongyeon ran to her as the two boys continued to fight.

-I want to Nayeon...- the girl said with a trembling voice. -Take me to Nayeon.- she almost begged.

The maid knew Nayeon Im, so she asked the coachman of the Thomas house to take the young woman back to the Im house. Jeongyeon did not move the entire path. She could only cry. When Sana asked her why she wasn't at church, Jeongyeon didn't answer and went to her room. Sana was worried about what might have happened to her because she had never seen the girl so upset. When she opened the door, she saw Nayeon lying in her bed and beside her Mina and a boy, that boy who did nothing but stand around her and woo her. He had insisted on staying next to Nayeon and Mr. Im had agreed on the condition that Mina stayed with them.

-Jeongyeon...- Nayeon said looking at her. -What happened to you?

Jeongyeon didn't answer and went straight to her bed.

-Please, Mina, take Edward to the door.

-Nayeon, please recover soon. Take care of yourself.- Edward said taking her hands. The boy stood up and placed his lips on Nayeon's.

-I certainly will. Thank you for worrying about me.

Edward smiled at her. -I always will. Goodbye Miss Jeongyeon.

Mina and Edward left the room and Nayeon looked at her sister. -What happened?

-Minhyuk...- Jeongyeon said looking straight ahead but she seemed to be staring into space. -He... He touched me...

-Minhyuk... What did he do?- Nayeon asked surprised and worried. A shiver ran through her body.

-I was so scared, Nayeon.- Jeongyeon confessed as she turned to her with tears in her eyes. -I was just praying that... He would stop.

Nayeon got up from her bed and sat next to Jeongyeon. She wrapped her arms around her sister's body and held her close to her. -It's all over. I promise it will never happen again. I will stay beside you forever.

-You cannot. You must get married.

-Yes... I must...

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