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London, 1765

Everything was back to normal and by "normal" I mean the one so called by society. After embarking on a ship for London, despite Jeongyeon's various attempts and Nayeon's cries, the eldest had decided to go home and the other had surrendered to her wishes, promising herself never to speak to Nayeon again. Minhyuk had tried to convince Jeongyeon to be with him but she refused and went back to Richard. Nayeon and Jeongyeon had lied saying that the youngest wanted to visit her mother's grave. Sana and Tzuyu hadn't been too harsh, understanding Jeongyeon.

-Jeongyeon, aren't you going to see Nayeon's child?

-Oh?- Jeongyeon asked looking up from the book.

-She gave birth... Didn't you know?

-She didn't even tell me...

Richard sat next to Jeongyeon. -I don't understand what happened between you. Why don't you want to tell me about it?

-Because nothing happened between us. And perhaps that is precisely the problem. Maybe there was nothing.

-You're mysterious as always.-Richard laughed. -I met Edward and I saw their daughter.

-Oh... Is it a girl?

-Yes and she looks completely like your cousin.

-What is her name?


-I bet it's a girl.- Nayeon said as she cleaned their room.

-Me too. She will probably want revenge because her father doesn't want her.

-Don't say that.- Nayeon said placing her hands on her belly. -She hears you.- she whispered.

Jeongyeon smiled. -I'm sorry, you're right.

-And then... Who needs a father when she will have two mothers who will love her with all of their own?

-Exactly.- Jeongyeon said. -I will love her with all my heart, just as I love you.

-What should we call her?

-Mh... How about Charlotte?

-Charlotte? It's ugly. Isn't it more noble and prettier Eleonor?

-Why ask if you already have an idea in mind?- Jeongyeon asked laughing.

Nayeon shrugged. -So Eleanor. Is it decided?

-You have decided. I want her name to be Charlotte.

-What a boring name!

-Eleanor is boring!

-No! Charlotte is!- Nayeon said approaching Jeongyeon. -And so are you.

-Oh yes?- Jeongyeon asked putting her hands behind the neck of the girl in front of her.


-No, Charlotte.

Jeongyeon placed her lips on the other's and they suddenly forgot their conflicts about the baby's name. They hadn't even considered that it could be a boy. When they parted they looked into each other's eyes with heavy breathing.


Jeongyeon looked out the window as Richard was describing his day.

-Don't you want to go and see her?

Jeongyeon turned to her husband. -I should have been present at the time of her birth. She doesn't need me.

-I don't know what happened between you but I hope you can solve this problem as soon as possible. It's been months now that you haven't spoken to each other.

-It wasn't my decision.

-Strange because Nayeon told me the same.

-As always... She is always innocent. It's the others who make mistakes.

-Don't talk about her like that just because you're angry. In Edward's house I also saw your cousin Minhyuk. He was asking about you. He said to give you this message: he knows how hurt you are but you made a promise to that little girl and you have to keep it; not for Nayeon but for the little girl. I don't know what promise he's talking about but I agree with him.

Jeongyeon looked down. -I don't want to see her.

-Put your pride aside. I know you're hurt but at least take a look at that little girl.


Jeongyeon stopped in front of that big door. She didn't want to but a part of her had brought her there. She sighed and knocked. Immediately the maid opened them. She was surprised to see her there.

-Is Mr. Edward at home?

-He's not, I'm sorry. I'll go call the lady.

-No need.- Jeongyeon said smiling. -I just came to see the baby. Goodbye.

The maid looked puzzled as Jeongyeon walked away. Who knows what had happened between those two who had always been so close to each other. Irene closed the door and returned to the living room, where the Im gentlemen were still talking to their daughter.

-Why did you tell me!? Couldn't you leave me in the illusion?- Nayeon asked.

-Nayeon, dear, we thought you should know, but I will always be your mother.

-But who is my real mother?

-It does not matter.

-Yes it does matter! I left everything because I thought I was your daughter.

Sana and Tzuyu looked at her confused. -What did you abandon?

-Miss Im, mother, father... I don't love Edward.- she said looking seriously into their eyes.

-Still with this story? Nayeon, you have to forget that man.

Nayeon chuckled. -I wish it was a man.

-What do you mean?- Tzuyu asked more and more confused.

-I loved, love and always will love a woman but we couldn't be together. Being with me only caused her problems. I had to protect her, so I left her.

Tzuyu jumped up, knocking his chair to the floor. -What are you saying!?

-Tzuyu...- Sana said, stopping him by the wrist.

The man was shaking, he was seriously angry. -What are you saying, Nayeon!? Don't you dare repeat it!

-Thought you were the only one hiding a secret? A scandal? What will people say when they learn that the great Tzuyu Im, respected by all, has cheated on his devoted wife?

-Are you threatening me?

-I just want you to leave me alone or I'll tell the whole story.

-Who is this woman, Nayeon?- Sana asked worried.


Little Charlotte smiled in her mother's arms. It was as if that name sounded like a sweet melody to the little girl's ears.

-Are you crazy!? Not only you are sick, but actually incest!?

-Incest? We are not sisters, we are not cousins.

-It's as if you were.

-Father, I want protection from you.

-Forget it.

-I want to live here in peace, leave Edward and live with Jeongyeon.

-Oh you are crazy. Why did you come back?

-I told you: they would have hurt us. I had to protect my little girl and Jeongyeon. They would be safe here. But here... We couldn't be together and the fact that we were cousins... It affected us a lot, even though we tried to ignore it. But now I have important news in hand and I will not let this opportunity slip away.

-You are just like Momo.- Tzuyu said frowning.

-No, I blackmail out of love, Momo did it out of hate.

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