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1764, Japan

It had now been four years since Jeongyeon had been taken in by the Im family and things hadn't exactly changed. Im family temporarily moved to Japan to be with Sana's mother. Momo had remained in London with her husband. Minhyuk, on the other hand, had not yet found a wife and for this reason Tzuyu accused him. Nayeon had been courted for a year by a twenty year old nobleman- the guy who had asked to marry her when she was twelve had now found another woman because he was tired of waiting for three years- and Mr. Im had given him the hand of his daughter, on the condition that Nayeon also accepts. She didn't think she had any other options.

-You'll see, grandmother will love you.- Sana said putting a bow in Jeongyeon's hair.

Everyone talked about Grandmother as if she were an angel. Jeongyeon was very curious to see her. But would that angel have been nice to someone like her? Jihyo and Minhyuk were still mean to her and were carrying the twins with them as well. Sana and Jeongyeon exited the room and wore the coat with Mina's help. They got into the carriage, where Nayeon and Dahyun were waiting for them- the others had already gone to their grandmother's- and left for their grandmother's house.

-I haven't seen my grandmother for years.- Nayeon began. -Who knows how she is.

Sana hadn't told them that her mother wasn't well. She preferred to remain silent. The journey continued with Nayeon telling everything she remembered about her about her grandmother and Jeongyeon listening in surprise. When they arrived, Sana led the way. She wore her most beautiful dress to be able to meet her mother.

-Mother.- Jihyo greeted her.

-Why didn't you come in, Jihyo?-Sana asked.

-Grandmother only wanted to talk to Minhyuk.

Sana already understood. Her mother wanted to convince Minhyuk to find himself a wife. It was his duty to get married. The woman went to the door and knocked. It was a young girl who opened them.

-Good evening Mrs. Im, take a seat.

Sana entered followed by her daughters. They sat on cushions around the table in Sana's mother's living room and the girl poured them some tea.

-Thank you.- Sana said, so her daughters followed.

The girl bowed and left them alone.

-Does grandma know she's there too?- Jihyo asked.

Sana put down her cup of tea. -It seems obvious to me that she knows it, Jihyo.

-Chaeyoung, do you remember your grandmother?- Dahyun asked.

-Actually not much. You?

-Me niether.

-Our grandmother is much older than how you met her.- Jihyo told them.

-But she is always a very elegant woman and she cares about class.-concluded Sana. -It is for this reason that you are impeccably dressed.

At that moment the door was opened and Minhyuk entered the hall. -Our grandmother wants to see you.

The girls got up and went to their grandmother's bedroom. She was a well-dressed lady, despite her advanced age, and with a beautiful smile. She seemed like an obnoxious person on the surface but maybe she wasn't like that with everyone.

-Dahyun, Chaeyoung, come! How you have grown, my granddaughters. How old are you?

The two girls, who had approached for a hug, responded in chorus. -Twelve.

-Twelve years... How quickly time passes, my daughter.- she said turning to Sana. -Jihyo, my granddaughter, how are you? Have you found a husband?

-Good evening grandmother. I haven't found a husband yet.

-And yet I learned that you have suitors.

Jihyo smiled. -That's right.

-And Momo got married. That girl is the only one who gave satisfaction to the poor grandmother.- Then she looked behind her at Jihyo. -Nayeon, my doll, have you found a husband? You are now sixteen years old.

Nayeon stepped forward and bowed. -Not yet grandmother. I don't leave the house much.

-Don't you go to mass?- asked her grandmother.

-We do but only in the company of Minhyuk. However, he is busy courting a young woman.

Grandma smiled. -Well. Minhyuk is growing up.- She then shifted her gaze to Jeongyeon. -Jeongyeon, come here.

Jeongyeon approached. -Good evening madam grandmother.- she made a bow.

The woman laughed. -Just grandmother. You are so beautiful. You're just like...- Sana glared at her and the lady fell silent. -...I had imagined you. I hear you are very intelligent and can read well.

-Jeongyeon can do everything. She is able to read, write, do arithmetic, she knows geography, ancient and contemporary history... She learned Japanese and Korean in such a short time...

The lady smiled. -You remind me so much of my other daughter.

-Mother...- Sana said hoping she wouldn't reveal something.

-Sana must have done a good job with you, my nieces, so Tzuyu. Where is he?

-He went to the city.- Sana said.

-Well. Some friends are coming tonight. I want to introduce them to you. Some of them even have children. Stay here. I want to talk to my daughter. Jihyo, Jeongyeon, help Akai.

All the girls left the room and were taken by the maid to another room. Jeongyeon and Jihyo then went with Akai, the maid, to the kitchen. Minhyuk followed them because he seemed interested in the beautiful maid.

-Here your grandmother keeps her fruit reserves. She told me she would like you to wash it and share it with your siblings.

-Why should I be a servant?- Jihyo asked.

Minhyuk, leaning against a door, laughed. -I love being a man.

Akai bowed and left to go and tidy up the garden for that evening's meeting. Jihyo soaked the fruit and waited for the bowl to fill. Minhyuk opened a cabinet and a grin appeared on his face.

-Minhyuk, what are you doing? Isn't that our grandmother's wine reserve?- Jihyo asked.

-She still keeps it.- said the boy. -I want to taste some.

-We cannot. This wine comes directly from France. It's worth many mon.

(Mon: money used before the yen, which was introduced in 1871 by the Meiji government).

-Don't worry, Jihyo. Keep doing your women's work.

-I don't do any woman's work. Jeongyeon should do them. She is used to living as a servant. I am a princess.- Jihyo gave the bowl to Jeongyeon. -Cut it.

-How? I never did it.

-Are you asking me? Do I look like the type of person who has done something like this in my life? I have never employed my hands in such poor deeds. It doesn't have to be difficult. You must have learned something from watching Mina.

Jeongyeon didn't know how. She had lived for twelve years in an orphanage and another four with a maid who cooked for her. What was she supposed to do?

You guys don't understand my plans to find out where my new classroom is
I'm the FBI
I know I have to go to first A (classroom)
Then I took a notice of three hundred notices ago in September
The first A was on the first floor
I've seen all the classrooms that are on the first floor
I asked my friend (who is from A but in fifth grade) to tell me all the classes that are currently on the first floor and if she remembers where the first A was at the time and, again, if she knows who is there now instead of first A
So I found out the place where this class, the second D, is located, which is the current place of the first A and I found out where I have to go
Then they think that being an introvert/shy/insecure is a weakness/flaw

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