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-So it's decided... You will get married.- Jeongyeon said on the edge of her bed looking down at her feet.

-You too.- Nayeon said.

In those words it was as if something was missing. It was as if they had so much to complain about but also nothing.

-And we won't see each other so often anymore.

-Don't say that.- Nayeon said turning to her. -We'll see each other every Sunday.

-And yet it won't be enough for me.

Nayeon sighed. -Less than thirty days until my wedding and it still doesn't feel real. Edward seems to love me so much but... I don't love him.

-Don't marry him.

Nayeon smiled. -Do the same with Richard.

Jeongyeon looked down. -We cannot.

-Mrs. Morris will be here shortly. She wants us to go shopping for my wedding dress together. Do you want to come?

-I don't know if I could look at you in a wedding dress.- Jeongyeon admitted.

Jeongyeon was strange. She had always been but for a few months now she had become stranger. Maybe she was just more affectionate than usual and that made her different. Yet despite her strangeness, her comments about how beautiful she was, her insults about Edward and their weddings, Nayeon didn't feel uncomfortable. Indeed, Nayeon felt happy.

-Please, come.- Nayeon asked her.

How could she resist that look so sweet and pleading? Those eyelashes that slowly fluttered? Those cheekbones that rose together with her full lips? Was it normal to think about that?

-Nayeon, is it normal to not be able to stop thinking about a person who is not my betrothed?

-Who are you referring to?

-Answer my question.

-We don't decide who to marry, so it's normal, but it shouldn't happen.-Jeongyeon nodded. -Who is the man you think of?

-It's... I...

Someone knocked and Jeongyeon felt relieved.

-You were saved but I want to know it later.- Nayeon whispered. -Come in.

Mina opened the door. -Mrs. Sana and Mrs. Morris are waiting for you.

-We're coming.- Nayeon turned to Jeongyeon. -You will come, won't you?

Jeongyeon smiled and nodded. The two girls left the room and went downstairs. Outside the two ladies were already waiting for them, exchanging a few words.

-Good morning Mrs. Morris.- Nayeon greeted making a curtsey.

-Good morning.- Jeongyeon also greeted.

-Good morning ladies. I'm so excited. I've always dreamed of having a daughter with whom to choose the wedding dress and I can finally do it.

Nayeon smiled.

-Jimin, let's go to the city.- Sana said as the two girls got into the carriage.

-Miss Jeongyeon, when are you getting married?- asked Ms. Morris.

-In winter, ma'am.

-I am happy that you will marry Richard, he is a true gentleman. I had the pleasure of meeting his family at a few meetings.

-He's really a pleasant company.-Jeongyeon said sincerely.

Nayeon looked at her sister, who was standing in front of her, with some annoyance. She had always told her that she didn't love Richard, yet she didn't seem to dislike his company.

-We will also have to choose a dress for you, Jeongyeon.- Sana said.

-Now it's Nayeon's time. There will be time for me.

Mrs. Morris smiled. She liked Jeongyeon very much and almost preferred her as her daughter in law but she had to admit that Nayeon was also very beautiful and well educated. She pity that she didn't have another child. They were silent until Jimin stopped in front of a clothing store. The boy helped the women down and then walked away.

-Good morning Mrs. Morris, what can I help you with?

-Today I came to choose a dress for my daughter in law.

The woman smiled. -I heard that your son is getting married. Who is your daughter in law?

-It's her.- she said placing her hands on Nayeon's shoulders. -I want her to look like a princess.

-And she will be. We will make a custom one. How would you like it?

-I'd like a dress with a big skirt.

-And an important neckline.- Mrs. Morris intervened. -I am convinced that my son will like it.- She laughed.

Jeongyeon clenched her fists. -Nayeon, if you don't want to—

-No, I'm about to get married now, I'm old enough. I would like to have the lace embroidered skirt.

-Do you have other requests?

-Puffed sleeves.

-Even my daughters and I would like to have some clothes made for us. Momo and Jihyo will come later.

-What dress do you want?

-Jeongyeon, what dress do you want?

-A dress...

-Black.- Nayeon said. She remembered having promised her four years before buying her that dress.

-Nayeon, the black dress is worn durings funerals.- her mother scolded.

Well. Part of that wedding was going to be Jeongyeon's funeral, she just didn't know it yet. She ignored all of this. She didn't have the faintest idea.

-A pink dress. It will look great on her.

Nayeon watched her sister as the two women chose their outfits. There were so many things they wanted to say to each other and they could tell from their looks but they didn't know exactly what to say. What else could they say besides the fact that they didn't want to get married?

-What about the shoes?- Sana asked. -You need beautiful shoes.

-I thought of everything. We should also give her a flawless makeup. Let me handle it.

Sana smiled. -As you wish.

-I love Nayeon as if she were my own daughter and will welcome her into my home with open arms.

-Nayeon is lucky to have you as her mother in law. Jeongyeon, on the other hand, doesn't have a mother in law.

She was used to having no one. She had no mother or father. She had no sisters. She had no friends. The only thing she had was about to lose it. Her heart was crumbling as the shop lady added details to the wedding dress she was making. Every detail was like a stab in Jeongyeon's heart. Patroclus and Achilles: cousins, bound by a deep friendship, lovers.  same-sex lovers. The Iliad had led Jeongyeon to believe that hers was not mere affection, it was not pure admiration. But how could she confess that to Nayeon? She had never seen a woman with a woman. She had never seen a man with a man. Maybe... It wasn't considered normal. Also, Nayeon was to marry a man of her equal and the two of them were stepsisters.

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