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Jeongyeon and Nayeon hadn't met for two weeks. They didn't say anything but they both thought that if they saw each other again it would be the end. That morning they woke up completely naked next to each other, they dressed in silence, back to back, they greeted each other with a hug in front of Irene and Jeongyeon went home.

Jeongyeon looked at herself in the mirror with the white dress on. The dress of Sana's sister, Chaeyoung, who passed away a few years before. Mina was adjusting her dress around her, smoothing the veil of her skirt.

-Will your sister Nayeon be there?-Mina asked. -I hear she left for Cambridge with Mr. Morris.

Jeongyeon turned to Mina. -When?

-Two days ago. So I heard your mother say.

Jeongyeon nodded. -It does not matter. It's not her I have to marry.

-You are charming.

-Flea!- said Jihyo opening the door wide. -Finally you're leaving.

-You haven't got married yet and you're twenty years old.- Mina told her.

-I'll get married soon.- Jihyo said adjusting her skirt. -I don't understand how Mr. Richard can like someone like you.

-Do you want him?- Jeongyeon asked half jokingly, half seriously.

-You can keep him.- Jihyo said turning and walking out.

-Don't think about your sister.- Mina told her. -She is only jealous of the attentions of your father, of your mother and of your beauty.

-Thank you, Mina.

Jeongyeon kept looking at herself in the mirror as if she was looking for something through her reflection but the more she looked, the worse it got because she realized what she really wanted and that she couldn't have it.

-Your mother is waiting for you downstairs. Shall we go?

-Give me a minute.

Mina nodded and left the room, closing the door. Jeongyeon looked at herself in the mirror once more. She had her hair tied in a chignon, the dress tight at the waist and with a bell-shaped skirt, typical of the eighteenth century and a modest neckline, nothing excessive. Her cheeks were painted red and her eyes and lips were light pink. She moved away from the big mirror and went towards the dressing table. She opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper.

"Jeongyeon, we haven't talked for days. I was sorry that you didn't feel well and couldn't be at my wedding-even if you showed up at the end- but, believe me, it doesn't hurt me more than the fact that it wasn't you down the aisle with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm just sick and so are you. It's something we have to get out of, and marrying Edward is the only solution for me. Still, when he kisses me, I can only think of your pale lips. When he touches me I want it to be your soft and silky hands. Forgive me for this letter but perhaps the only way to make you reappear in my life after my wedding is to tell you what you want to hear. I love you,

-your beloved Nayeon Morris."

That was the letter Nayeon had written about a week after her wedding and Jeongyeon had pretended she had never read it. But then things had precipitated and she and Nayeon had committed the greatest sin: they had made love and they were two women, one of them married, and they were sisters. But, actually, Jeongyeon was starting to not care about all that. Suddenly she no longer believed in the Bible because it was all false to her. She was convinced that she loved Nayeon and she didn't care about other people's opinion. The girl put the letter down and walked out of her room, going downstairs, where Jimin was waiting to lead her to the carriage. Sana, Jihyo and Tzuyu were waiting for her. Jihyo rolled her eyes when she saw her.

-Nice dress, Flea. Where did you get it? At the flea market?

-This was your aunt's.- Sana said.

-Jeongyeon, what's wrong? Aren't you happy?- Tzuyu asked her.

-Why are you crying? That poor guy should be doing it.- Jihyo said.

Jeongyeon touched her cheek and felt it wet. She didn't even realize she was crying. -I will miss you. You... You raised me.

-Jeongyeon, we will always be your family.- Sana told her putting her hand on her shoulder.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon said.

They continued their journey in silence. Jeongyeon looked out and understood how Nayeon had felt on her wedding day. When they arrived, Jimin helped her down and immediately Momo and her husband and Minhyuk and her wife approached.

-Flea, welcome among us adults. Jihyo, aren't you married yet?- Momo asked with a certain tone of judgement.

-Jeongyeon...- Minhyuk started getting closer. -Congratulations.- He hugged her. Jeongyeon stood still. -I can't believe you rejected me and now you're going to marry that poor guy.- he whispered to her. He pulled away then smiling at her.

-Momo, Minhyuk, Jihyo, take your seats.- Tzuyu said. -Jeongyeon, the ceremony will start soon.- The Im family went into the church, while Jeongyeon stayed outside with Tzuyu. -What's happening to you?

-Nothing, father.

-Jeongyeon, lately I see you so unhappy. Is it about the wedding?

Jeongyeon sighed. -It's not about not loving Richard, I wouldn't complain if it were that. It's about...

-Do you love someone else?

Jeongyeon sighed. -It wouldn't matter. We cannot be together.

-Why can't you? Does he belong to a lower class?

No. she's married, she's her sister, she's a woman...

-It's... It's late. Let's go inside.

-Jeongyeon... Everything is ready but I don't care. I just want your happiness. Who is it?

-Nobody important.

-It is for you or you wouldn't be like this.

-It's... It's about... It's...

-Nayeon!- Edward yelled as his wife ran towards the church. -Wait for me!

Jeongyeon turned around and saw her sister running towards her. She had a dress similar to hers but lilac. Nayeon rushed into Jeongyeon's arms and hugged her tightly. How much the body of each other they had missed.

-You look even more beautiful with your hair tied back.- she whispered to her.

-Weren't you in Cambridge?- Jeongyeon asked.

-I wouldn't have missed this day for anything in the world.- Nayeon told her. -I would never have forgiven myself. Are you ready?

Jeongyeon looked at Tzuyu. -I'm ready.

Poll for a POSSIBLE future story: Professor Nayeon or Professor Jeongyeon?

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