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-I... I called her.- Richard admitted. -I'll wait for you on that bench.

Richard walked away and left the two sisters alone.

-What are you doing here?-Jeongyeon asked, turning back to look at the river.

-Richard came to visit me and he was worried. He says he hasn't seen you smile since I—

-You don't need to say that.

-I miss you.- Nayeon admitted.

-How is Edward?- Jeongyeon asked, changing the subject.

-Are you really interested in how Edward is?

Jeongyeon kept looking into the river. -It's just a courtesy question, like your concern.

-Not at all, Jeongyeon. I'm really worried about you. I... I don't want to lose you.

-You've already lost me.

Nayeon turned sharply on her. -No! I did not!

-Then I lost you.

-You would have lost me if I loved Edward but it is not to him that I belong.

Jeongyeon felt her cheeks burn. She slowly shifted her gaze to her stepsister. -Nayeon, what are you saying?

Nayeon also blushed. -I... When... When will you get married?

-This winter.

-I know but... You still haven't sent me any invitations.

-It is still early. We haven't decided much yet...

-Our mother told me that you have decided on the date.

Jeongyeon sighed. -If you know, why are you asking me?

-Because I want you to invite me but obviously you don't want me at your ceremony.

-Maybe it's because I want you the reason why I don't invite you.- Jeongyeon said looking straight into her eyes with her cold irises.

-What you're saying doesn't make sense.

-Maybe it's because it's you I want there instead of—

-Shhh.- Nayeon placed a hand on her shoulder. -Don't say it. Anything you say could ruin what we have forever.

Jeongyeon nodded. -You are right.

That touch. That touch she hadn't felt in days. That hand so soft, so warm that rested on her cold shoulder barely covered by that puff sleeve.

-I have to go. Edward is waiting for me. I sincerely hope you change your mind. For nothing in the world I would like to miss your wedding.- She smiled at her.

-Do you have a carriage?

-It's right there.- she said turning to Edward's coachman. -I hope we can meet again.

-Goodbye Nayeon.

-Goodbye Jeongyeon. Ah and... You look beautiful when you smile, do it more often.- Jeongyeon blushed and Nayeon walked away but after three steps she stopped and turned around. -But don't do it too often when I'm not with you.

Jeongyeon's heart started beating again after a month. She suddenly no longer cared about Edward, about Richard, about her wedding. Having Nayeon by her side made her strong despite many obstacles, despite her mistakes. The girl walked towards Richard still smiling.

-I like it when you smile.

Jeongyeon didn't care what Richard told her. When Nayeon said it, however, her heart started to live again.

-Do you want to continue walking?

-I'll take you home.- Richard told her. -How are the preparations for the wedding going?

-It's still early but I already have a dress. My mother wants me to wear a dress that belonged to her sister. She cares so much and I can't say no to her.

-What about the guests?

-My father only invited his closest friends.

-I'm so excited about what's going to happen. I will make you the happiest woman in the world.

It was impossible. No man was going to make her happy.


Jeongyeon and Nayeon had started talking to each other again, though not alone. Nayeon showed up at her house and talked to Sana, Jihyo and Jeongyeon. Another time Jeongyeon had gone to Nayeon's house with Richard and the four of them had talked together like two old couples of friends. Their gazes met but always turned away. It had been another month now and Jeongyeon had invited her sister and Edward to her wedding.

-Mrs. Morris, your sister.- said Irene, the maid.

Nayeon got up from the sofa and saw Jeongyeon slowly enter.

-Jeongyeon, I wasn't expecting you.

-Nayeon, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm seized by a fear.

-Afraid of getting married?- Nayeon asked, her gaze alternating between Jeongyeon and Irene.

The maid bowed and left them alone.

-You know that that it is not fear but refusal. I'm worried about something else.

-What? Tell me.

-Where is Edward?

-He's in Cambridge. Don't you remember?

-For what? A pilgrimage?

Nayeon smiled at Jeongyeon's joke. -He went to visit an old aunt.

Or maybe he was with the innkeeper. Nayeon didn't know and didn't care as long as no one came to find out.

-Good... I... As you know I'm getting married in less than a week.

-It's already been a month...-Nayeon said almost nostalgic.

Richard had decided to anticipate the wedding because "as long as the two of them were there, the rest didn't matter". And "the dress is there, the guests are there, the priest is there and we are here. We are ready".

-I... I... You... You and Edward... The first night...

Nayeon smiled at how adorable Jeongyeon looked when she was embarrassed. -I understand... Yes, it happened. Not just the first night. Still, I'm not pregnant yet.

-Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

-What did you want to ask me?

-How is it?

-Oh...- Nayeon sat down and Jeongyeon did the same in front of her. -Painful. At first it really hurt. Edward is not a gentleman when he does these things.- she admitted. -But then I got used to it.

-Do you like it?

-I'd like it if...- she sighed. She had to shut up and not ruin their relationship with one of her nonsensical thoughts.

-You'd it like if?- Jeongyeon asked, thinking she meant Edward.

-If it wasn't him, that's it.

Jeongyeon looked down. She was wrong to ask or maybe she was right because she liked that feeling.

I didn't ask you: did you stream ready to be? Favourite song?

Super variable opinions, I understand
For me at the moment wallflower and crazy stupid love

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