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Nayeon explained everything to Carmine except that she and Jeongyeon were having a relationship, and the boy didn't seem too upset.

-The fact is still that now Minhyuk wants to marry Jeongyeon.- Carmine stated.

-I don't love him. My heart belongs to someone else.- Jeongyeon said.

-Yes, to Thomas.

-Not to him.

-Why didn't you tell me then? You just had to be honest. I'm not mad that you were with him, I was the one who proposed it. But... I hate that you lied to me.

-I didn't lie to you! Let's go. I will prove it to you.

Jeongyeon stood up and held out her hand to Nayeon. The girl accepted it and got up. They went out together. They walked slowly, even though Jeongyeon had the urge to confront Thomas. They arrived in front of the house and saw Minhyuk lying on the ground and a woman treating him.

-And this one was supposed to defend you?- asked Carmine.

Jeongyeon passed him and knocked on Thomas's door. The boy opened. -You again!? Jeongyeon... Forgive me.

-Why did you lie!? Why did you say those things to Nayeon!?

-She told me that you told her what we did tonight. I was confused but then I thought you wanted to pretend a relationship and so I helped you. Then that incompetent came along and I enriched the story.

-You see? Nothing happened!

-If you want it to happen—

-No, I already told you.- Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon. -Nayeon, the only one I've been with is Richard. I swear.

-Jeongyeon...- Minhyuk said trying to stand up. -How are you?

-Better than you, I see.

-Oh Jeongyeon... You are more beautiful every day.

-Minhyuk, please.- Nayeon said annoyed. -Why are you here?

-To bring home what is mine. Nayeon, you have to come back.

-Why? To give Edward his stupid heir? You know what? I'm pregnant and I'm sure it's a girl! One of those creatures he would hate and ignore!

-No, Nayeon, you have to do it for our father who has always loved you. And Jeongyeon... You also have to come back. You have to do this for my mother. You are the only memory he has of her sister. And you have to do it for me. We will start an affair. I promise you. Richard won't find out anything.

-Minhyuk, you are married.- Jeongyeon said.

-I don't care about her.

-You shouldn't say that. She is your wife. And we are cousins.

-Minhyuk, she is our cousin.

-Shut up, Nayeon.

-Don't talk to her like that!- Jeongyeon shouted.

-Even the nobleman was rejected.-Thomas said with a grin at the door.

-Do you want to be beaten again!?

-You seem to want it.

-Minhyuk, Jeongyeon and I can't go back.

-Why ever?

-Because... We are not normal.

-Nayeon ...- Jeongyeon said touching her arm to make her stop.

-She and I love each other.

Silence fell. None of the other three said anything.

-I knew it! They are creatures of the devil!- yelled Rose, who was listening to everything secretly.

Minhyuk gulped. -Obviously you love each other. You are sisters, cousins, friends...

-Exactly.- Jeongyeon said.

-No, I love her as her lover.

Minhyuk chuckled. -Why invent such a nonsense to keep me from being with Jeongyeon?

Nayeon frowned at her. -You don't even have to look at Jeongyeon. Neither you nor Thomas.

-What's wrong with her?- Thomas asked confused.

-Nayeon! Stop this nonsense!- Minhyuk yelled.

Nayeon took Jeongyeon by the wrist, turned her around and pressed her lips to hers. Jeongyeon didn't quite know what to do but she couldn't let Nayeon be the hated one, so he closed her eyes and kissed her back.

-That sucks... Who am I in love with?-Thomas asked closing the door.

-Wow...- Carmine said.

Minhyuk passed out.


Minhyuk opened his eyes. -What's this noise?

-It's the fellow villagers outside the door. They want to hurt us.- Nayeon said.

-It's normal! What were you thinking!?Such a ridiculous excuse!- Minhyuk exclaimed.

-It's not an excuse.- Jeongyeon said. -She and I also made love.

-Oh God... I need a glass of water. Carmine, please. How...

-I helped her practice with Richard.

-Oh! So you helped her!

-But then we did it again.- concluded Nayeon.

-No you did not.

-Do you want us to demonstrate this too!?- Jeongyeon asked sarcastically.

-Yes!- Carmine screamed from the kitchen.

-Nayeon... You... Our father... Jeongyeon... The two of us...

-No "two of us". It's me and Nayeon.

-What... How is this possible? Yet we went to Church every Sunday.

-Minhyuk, don't be like the others.-Nayeon asked putting her hands on her brother's.

-Don't touch me! You are contagious!

-Maybe he falls in love with Carmine.-Jeongyeon said softly.

Carmine arrived with a glass of water. -I'm surprised and it's strange but I don't hate you.

Nayeon smiled. -Thank you, Carmine.

-No problem, Picciotta.

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