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-Thanks again.

-Be careful.- the lady told them as Nayeon and Jeongyeon left their house.

-Nayeon, can you walk?

-Yes, don't worry.- The girl smiled at her.

-Where will we go?- Jeongyeon asked.

-I think it is convenient to move to the innermost area of ​​the region.

-Should we go to the station?

-We should.

We are in the midst of the first industrial revolution. Transportation had improved and appeared to be safer as well. They applied for the nearest station and found themselves following a nice lady. They arrived in front of the train and greeted her.

-Are you ready?- Jeongyeon asked.

Nayeon rested her head against Jeongyeon's chest. -I've always been ready.

Some people glared at them but they definitely didn't expect the two to actually be together.

-Sit down.- Jeongyeon said. -Let's look for a place.

They moved around the car looking for a seat but found none.

-Ladies, would you like to sit down?- asked a respectable man.

-It can be only her to sit. She is pregnant.

-She's pregnant? Please sit down.

-Thank you.- Nayeon said.

Jeongyeon stood beside her throughout the journey. It was still strange to her that Nayeon was pregnant and she was carrying Edward's child but she couldn't help it. She could only love the child with all her being because they were part of Nayeon.

-Excuse me, sir, where is this train going to?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Didn't you see it?- he asked confused. -Columbus.

-Thank you.

-It would have been more considerable to have taken a cabin with a bed, especially for the young lady.

-I suppose so.

-I have to get off in some station. It is possible that some cabins there will become free.

-Thank you for the information.

Nayeon, meanwhile, was spending the journey looking out the window. She saw mountains and stations following one another. The gentleman then got off the train and Jeongyeon sat next to her.

-Are you fine?

Nayeon turned and smiled at her. -I'm always fine when I'm with you.- she whispered to her.

Jeongyeon took her hand and held it. They stayed like this for the whole trip. Who needs a soft bed when you have the person who makes your heart soft next to you?


-I've been seeing a lot of Britons around here lately.

-Only lately?

The two men laughed.

-Excuse me.

-Oh. Here's another one. Tell us.

-Did you see two girls—

-Only two? Back there is a tavern full of girls.

-That's not what I mean. I am looking for my sister and my wife.

-And you ask us where are they?

The two men burst out laughing again. Minhyuk clenched his fists tightly but tried to stay calm.

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