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-Twelve dollars a month. I can't offer you anything better.- said a man alternating his gaze between Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

-Agree. We'll take it.- Nayeon said giving the man the money.

-Good stay.

-Have a nice day.- Jeongyeon told him. The girls entered the house, which was full of dust. Nayeon started coughing. -Love, sit down, I'll take care of it.

Nayeon smiled. -What did you call me?

Jeongyeon blushed. -L... Love.

Nayeon took Jeongyeon's cheeks and their lips met. The eldest was crying from her emotion and Jeongyeon held her close.

-I want to clean with you. I want to do everything with you!

-But you're pregnant.

-It doesn't matter, love.- Nayeon could have said that name all her life. She liked it. She was Jeongyeon's love and Jeongyeon was hers. -I'm going to our bedroom. Tonight we have to housewa... We can't.- Her emotion faded into thin air.

Jeongyeon took her shoulders. -It doesn't matter. We will when the baby is born.

-Are you sure? And now that I'm getting fat... Won't you find another?

Jeongyeon chuckled. -As if I could really find a woman.

-So would you find another one if you could?

-There are millions of women, yet you are the only one I would choose.

-Because I am the only abnormal one?

-Because you're the only one I love.

Nayeon smiled and turned away. -I'm going to clean the bedroom.

-I'm going to the kitchen.


-Mr. Joseph, who were those women?- asked a lady of the village.

-Two Londoners.

-And what are they doing here?

-I have no idea.

-You had to ask! Mercy... Why do they live together?

-This seemed strange to me too.

The lady made the sign of the cross. -Lord, help us.


-Now this place looks less like a spider's nest and more like a room.- Nayeon said satisfied. -Jeongyeon! I did it! You?

She went into the kitchen and again saw the other girl doing her best to get a stain on the table. -Don't try too hard. You never have.

-It doesn't matter. I don't like this dirty environment.

-You are right.

Nayeon pulled up a chair and sat down.

-What are you doing?

-I'm watching you.

-Don't do it.


-Because then I can't focus on my work.

-As you wish. Then I'll wait for you in the room. You know... To housewarm.

-We can't!- Jeongyeon shouted after the girl was gone.


-Now also Minhyuk is missing!?-Tzuyu yelled furiously. -What's wrong with these guys? Yet we gave them everything.

Sana put a hand on her husband's shoulder. -Not with everyone it happens what happened to us.

Tzuyu turned to her. -And that gives them the right to leave? They have abandoned you, dear.

Sana sighed. -Try to understand... You punished Minhyuk by making him marry that woman he doesn't love.

-He only likes bad girls.

-And Nayeon married Edward but she told you she loved someone else. Same thing for Jeongyeon.

-They could have refused earlier.

-And disappoint you? You know Nayeon would never let you down, and Jeongyeon is so grateful that she would never refuse.

-If she's so grateful, why did she run away then!?

-Being grateful does not mean being happy. And they weren't.

Tzuyu sighed. -What should I do? My daughters have abandoned us and who knows where Minhyuk has gone to. Maybe he went looking for them...Maybe he went to find a new wife.

-I believe in my son. He's not entirely a bad boy.

-Unlike Momo.

-And Jihyo.- Sana sighed. -There's a reason why the only good one is Nayeon. Hers are different geniuses.

-Sana, don't start.

-How can I? Every time I look at her... I see her again.

-We were young. We had just gotten married and...

-It doesn't matter, Tzuyu. I have already forgiven you for your past mistakes. What I hate is that that lovely person is not my daughter. And what I hate even more is that the only one who is not my daughter loves Jeongyeon, while my biological daughters treated my sister's daughter, their cousin, badly for years.

-I understand. And they will be punished for it. Especially Momo. She deserves exemplary punishment.

-Don't hurt her.

-I would never do that. I'm still thinking about what to do. And Jihyo... She doesn't talk much since they left. You say she regretted?

-I absolutely have to talk to Jihyo.


They lay in bed next to each other. Jeongyeon had stayed late cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, and by the time she got into bed, Nayeon was asleep.

The youngest stroked the belly of the other. -I hate that you're not my child but you sure as hell couldn't be both my child and Nayeon's. I promise you that I will love you with all my heart, as I love your mother.

-It's your child too.- Nayeon told her placing her hand on Jeongyeon's on her stomach.

Jeongyeon smiled at her. -It is.

-What have you done so far?

-I cleaned. I'm sorry to have woken you up.

-Don't worry. It was a sweet awakening.

-Now go back to sleep. You have to take care of yourself, especially now that you're pregnant. You must not only heal yourself but also another life that is growing within you.

-I know and I promise I'll take care of both of you.

-I will too, Nayeon. Now really sleep.

-Fine. Good night.

-Good night.

They exchanged a last kiss and closed their eyes, away from prying eyes and too many people. At least for a while.

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