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-Good evening, Sana. Kana told us a lot about her beautiful daughter who married an English nobleman of Korean origin.- said a Japanese noblewoman.

-Is it true that you have an about twenty years old daughter?- asked her husband.

-That's right.- Sana said.

-I have a son who is exactly her age. I want to introduce him to you.

-Wait, don't be so impatient. First I'll introduce you to my nephews, then we'll see which wedding to arrange.-said Kana, Sana's mother. -My granddaughters, come here.- The granddaughters and Minhyuk approached their grandmother. They bowed to the gentlemen in front of them. -Let me introduce Minhyuk, Jihyo, Nayeon, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and... Where is your sister?

Jihyo and Minhyuk looked at each other. -We don't know, grandmother.

-Go find her, please.- Sana said.

Nayeon frowned at the two older siblings. She went with them and Kana followed too. Stepping inside the house they heard noises from the kitchen. They walked there and saw Jeongyeon with her head on the table and a bottle of wine in front of her.

-My precious wine...- Kana said with a bitter taste in her mouth. -Why did your sister drink it?- she ​​asked angrily.

-We don't know, grandmother.- Jihyo said.

-Grandmother, the girl is very strange. She grew up in an orphanage...-Minhyuk explained.

-What a scandal!- Kana yelled. -Get out of here! I want her out of here! No one must see her! We'll tell the guests that she didn't feel well. Akai! Take her away!- she yelled, furious and embarrassed by that girl's behavior.

-Jeongyeon...- Nayeon sighed.

-Let's go, sister.- Minhyuk told her.

-Was it you, Minhyuk?- Nayeon asked, looking straight in his eyes.

-Not at all, Nayeon. Your sister was only curious to taste the fine wine of France.

-I don't believe it...

-As you wish. We'll go outside because it's bad manners to keep the guests waiting.- Jihyo said. -Grandmother will be sorry if we don't go.

-I'll come soon. Just give me a moment.- Nayeon said. Jihyo and Minhyuk walked out, leaving Akai holding Jeongyeon and Nayeon following them. Jeongyeon laughed and Akai tried to shut her up. She carried her into the guest room and laid her on the bed. -I think it was my siblings.- told Nayeon.

-I shouldn't tell you but... I think I heard your brother tell her that your grandmother wanted her to drink it and it would have been impolite for her to refuse.

Nayeon sighed. -Thank you, Akai.-The maid bowed and left her alone with Jeongyeon. -Jeongyeon, why do you still believe what my siblings say? Is it possible you are so naive.

-Nayeon...- said the red-cheeked girl, and then burst out laughing again.

Nayeon sighed. -Rest.

-Nayeon, you are so beautiful.- She laughed again.

-You're delirious. Rest.

Nayeon left the room and closed the door in the hope that her sister would recover soon. She then went to the garden reuniting with her family. Her father had also arrived.

-Nayeon, where is your sister?- Sana asked her.

Jihyo looked around and took advantage that no one was watching or hearing. -She drank all of grandmother's fine wine.

-Oh my. Why would she ever do that?- Sana asked without words.

-Jihyo, dear, let me introduce my son.- said the lady from earlier arriving with a young man.

-Nayeon, my doll, there is a young twenty years old man for you too. Come with me. I'll introduce him to you.

Nayeon's plan wasn't exactly to find someone but she had no choice. She was intended to an unhappy life with someone she didn't love and so was Jeongyeon. Momo had also married a man she didn't love.

-Good evening miss.- The boy bowed. -I'm Hiko Toyotomi.

-Hiko seems perfect for you.- her grandmother intervened. -His name means prince. He is a well educated and cultured boy. He can speak French.

Nayeon listened to her while pretending to be impressed. Nothing she hadn't already seen. There were a thousand boys in London like him. Jeongyeon was even more cultured than that Hiko. Honestly, she didn't like him much but she sure couldn't show it. Besides, she was almost betrothed to another.

She gave her best smile. -I'm Nayeon Im.

-I know you well. Your grandmother does nothing but talk about you and you are truly as beautiful as she describes you. Allow me to treat you a glass of my grandfather's best wine.

She wanted to do anything but spend the evening bored with that boy.

-Thank you Mr. Toyotomi but I don't drink very often.

-It is a pity. But beautiful lips like yours shouldn't be stained with alcohol. You are pure like water. Your Japanese name would probably be Kiyo.

Nayeon smiled hoping that that boy would disappear and she wouldn't be forced to marry that Hiko. She probably should have moved to Japan and she wasn't going to move away from her family.

-My daughter.- Tzuyu said approaching. -Mr. Toyotomi, could I speak to my daughter?

-Of course, Mr. Im.- He bowed and left them alone.

-I saved you, didn't I? It's not him I want by your side, Nayeon. You, unlike your sisters, can aim much higher. I'm not saying this out of preference, but because you have qualities that others don't have.

Nayeon smiled at her father's words. She was happy that she didn't have to marry Hiko and not have to pretend that she liked him.

-Thank you, father.

-Where is your sister Jeongyeon?

-She... She didn't feel well.

Tzuyu looked worried. -What's wrong with her?

-She has... Drunk a bottle of wine.

-Your grandmother's wine? Why would she ever do it?

-Father... Don't be angry with her. I'm sure someone told her.

Tzuyu knew the dynamics in his family well. He couldn't have spoken at the time because they were in public but he would have said something afterwards.


-Jihyo, Minhyuk.- the man said when his children were returning home.

The two stopped and turned at the same time. -Tell us, father.- Minhyuk said.

Mr. Im got up from the sofa and walked towards them. -Why wasn't your sister Jeongyeon at the party?

-She drank grandmother's fine wine, father.- Jihyo said.

-And how did she know where it was?

-I don't know, father.- Minhyuk said.

-You forced her, didn't you?

-Not at all, father.- denied Minhyuk.

-Don't lie to me!- he yelled as he slammed his fist on the coffee table.

Jihyo swallowed. Minhyuk decided to take responsibility for both of them. He took a step forward. -It was me, father.

-Jihyo, go to your room.

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