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Jeongyeon was in her bed. Her eyes were open and she was looking at the ceiling as the moonlight illuminated the room.


The girl turned to her. -Tell me.

-Why did Patroclus and Achilles love each other? Aren't they two boys?

-I have no answer to this. It was common in ancient times for men to be with men and women to be with women. Yet for us it is strange.

-Why isn't it like this anymore?

-I think it's not normal. Why are you asking me?

-The moon is beautiful.- Nayeon turned to the window and smiled. She loved the moon. -And you, illuminated by the moon, are even more beautiful.

-Thank you, Jeongyeon. I loved your letter.

-And I loved yours.

Nayeon turned back to her. -Why did you ask me that question before?

Jeongyeon kept looking up. -Curiosity.- Nayeon nodded, then turned away and closed her eyes. -What would you say if I were in love with a woman?

-Jeongyeon, don't say it. You would disgust me.

-Then I'll disgust you if that is the case.

Nayeon's eyes widened. -You still have the effects of grandmother's wine. Sleep.

-Goodnight Nayeon.

-Good night.


When Jeongyeon opened her eyes, the sunlight was still very weak. As soon as it lit up the room. The girl sat down and looked at her sister smiling. Nayeon was very beautiful when she slept. She was just as beautiful when she was awake and smiling at her. She was beautiful when she attended events. Jeongyeon just wanted to stay there and appreciate her sister but she preferred to go get ready to go to mass or surely she would be the last and they would leave her alone. She got up and went to the bathroom to wash. Jihyo surely wouldn't go and bother her because she was always the last one to get up. Minhyuk, on the other hand, was quite an early riser. Jeongyeon washed and put on her church dress. When she came out of the bathroom she jumped because Minhyuk, who was already ready, appeared in front of her.

-Good morning Jeongyeon, why are you already awake?

-I wanted to get ready for mass.

-Your sisters won't wake up before eight. Come with me. Mina will cook us breakfast.

Minhyuk started down the stairs and Jeongyeon followed. She really didn't understand why he acted normal around her when they were alone but was a real bastard when they were around others. Maybe he was afraid of disappointing his sisters?

-Good morning Mina.- Minhyuk greeted her.

Mina had already been active for at least two hours. -Good morning gentlemen. I'll make you breakfast right away.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon said.

The two sat facing each other and did not converse. Jeongyeon looked at the door hoping Mina would arrive early with breakfast. When she saw her she was relieved that at least the silence would be justified. The two siblings began to eat and the only noise that could be heard was that of the spoon against the bowl.

-Do you want to go to mass?- asked Minhyuk.


-You know, we could do much more.

Jeongyeon arched an eyebrow. -What do you mean?

-We're accompanying Nayeon and Jihyo to mass and the two of us are going to some friends of mine. I've never really attended church, I'd rather be with these gentlemen.- Jeongyeon shook her head. It was probably a way to make her be scolded again and she didn't want to leave Nayeon. -Too bad that's just what we'll do.

Jeongyeon sighed. She had no choice, as always. Why didn't she pluck up some courage and tell Mr. Im what Minhyuk told her? Why was it so hard for her?

-Minhyuk, haven't you met your wife yet?

-Why are you asking me? Can't wait for me to go?

Jeongyeon shook her head. -At all.

-We haven't had a chance to meet yet but we will soon.- Minhyuk slammed his fist on the table. -And it is your fault that I have to marry that woman. Have you seen her? She is as ugly as the plague.

-I'm sorry.- Jeongyeon said bowing her head.

-Oh yes, you are sorry. You are just a filthy Flea!

From that change of tone, Jeongyeon sensed that Jihyo had arrived. In fact, when she turned around she saw her sister.

-Good morning Jihyo.

-Good morning Flea. Did you sleep well?

-Yes, thank you—

-She would sleep well even on stones. Remember that she comes from an orphanage.- Minhyuk commented viciously.

Jeongyeon looked into her bowl and spent her whole breakfast like that. When everyone was done, Nayeon also joined them.

-Have you finished yet?

-Why don't you do like the starving one and join us first?- Jihyo asked her.

-It must have been a tormented night.- Minhyuk told her. -Did you sleep well?

-Not much.- Nayeon admitted.

-It must have been the presence of Flea.- Jihyo commented.

-How are you feeling? You don't have a good face.- Minhyuk told her.

-Not very well.- Nayeon replied once again.

Minhyuk stood up and walked beside her. He placed a hand on her forehead. -You're hot, Nayeon! You cannot come to mass.

-Please Minhyuk, it's the only time I can have contact with other people!

-I'm sorry but you have to stay at home. We'll just go to mass.

-I... I can stay with you.- Jeongyeon said.

After the conversation the night before, Nayeon felt strange being around her sister. -Don't worry. Go to mass.

Jeongyeon really wanted to avoid going with Minhyuk. She knew it wasn't going to end well.

-Mina! Prepare something for Nayeon. I think she has a fever.- Minhyuk said. -You two, come with me. Just us will go to mass.

Jeongyeon stood up and looked worriedly at Nayeon, but she didn't even look at her. Jeongyeon and Jihyo said goodbye to their sister and went outside. They got into the carriage and went to the church.

-Miss, how are you feeling?- Mina asked her.

-Strange... And it's not for the fever.

-What's going on?- the maid asked, sitting next to her.

-It's about Jeongyeon... Yesterday she said such kind words to me and... I can't stop thinking about them. I can't stop thinking about her. It's never happened to me before. Yet even Minhyuk often says many kind words to me.

-Maybe because you expect them from Minhyuk because he is your brother, while Jeongyeon is very reserved.

-I don't know, Mina. I don't know what to think...

-Surely it can be everything but love.- Mina said smiling and then stood up.

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