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-"Jeongyeon, we haven't talked for days."- Richard began to read. -"I was sorry that you didn't feel well and you couldn't be at my wedding- even if you showed up at the end- but, believe me, it doesn't hurt me more than the fact that you weren't at the altar with me."- The boy raised an eyebrow and so did Minhyuk. -"Don't get me wrong, I'm just sick and so are you. It's something we have to get out of and marrying Edward is the only solution for me. Still, when he kisses me all I can think of is your pale lips. When he touches me I want that it was your soft and silky hands." What... What...

-Give it to me!- Minhyuk said angrily snatching the letter from his hand. -"Forgive me for this letter but perhaps the only way to make you reappear in my life after my wedding is to tell you what you want to hear. I love you,

-your beloved Nayeon Morris."

-It's not normal. Why would she like to feel her lips.... And hands... And... And...

-Shut up!- Minhyuk yelled. -Or do you want to feel my hands on you too? But I will be less delicate.

-I don't understand...

-Me neither... In short... I don't think that... Yet she calls herself sick, and so does Jeongyeon. It's... It's not normal. Your wife must have infected my sister.

-What are you saying!?

-Didn't you read what she wrote!? These things are done only between men and women.

-Who tells you that it was Jeongyeon who infected Nayeon and not vice versa? Or maybe they are both sick since they come from the same family. Maybe you are too.

Minhyuk slapped him on the cheek. -Don't you dare! I love women and only women! How disgusting. Men disgust me.

-Also your sisters, apparently. I didn't have to marry Jeongyeon. What have I done!?

-Shut up! What else is there?

Richard looked at the other letter he was holding. -"Dear Nayeon, I had never had a father or mother or relatives. I had always lived in an orphanage and saw children come and go while I stayed there. When your father took me to your home I had a glimmer of hope but it was quickly demolished. Yet, you have always been kind to me. I don't understand why. You tell me that you love me, that you love spending your time with me. I love spending my time with you too. I love reading books up to late. I love sleeping with you in the bed next to mine. I love waking up and seeing you first thing in the morning." Are you listening, Minhyuk?

-I'm listening.- the boy said seriously.

-"You are so beautiful, Nayeon. Whoever marries you will be lucky. Still, I wish you wouldn't marry and stay with me. I would like to continue to see your sunlit face, your smile that brightens my days, listen to your sweet words that are the only reason I keep staying here.—"

-So she stayed just for Nayeon?- Minhyuk asked. -This letter means nothing.

-Add it to the previous ones. "I feel an immense affection towards you, which goes far beyond what I feel for my friend from the orphanage and what I feel for our father or our mother or Mina. Nayeon, you have read a lot and surely you know the human body more me. What's this thing I feel called? Friendship? Yet I feel it's not friendship. But how can I tell? I've never had friends, only once, and it wasn't that strong.

Your beloved Jeongyeon." What do you think, Minhyuk?

-I think we have to make these letters disappear. We have to burn them.

-Are you crazy!?- Richard asked.

-My mother will get a touch and my father... I don't even know how he will react. He will go after them, punish them, beat them... So Edward with Nayeon.

-So do I with with both.- Richard said. -How could she do this to me? She doesn't love me and hasn't told me about the devil in her. How could she do this to me!? Tell me, Minhyuk, is the disease contagious?

-Shut up.- Minhyuk snatched the letter from his hand and put both into Nayeon's diary. -Don't say a word to a living soul or I'll be forced to hurt you.

Minhyuk gave him one last glare and walked away.


Nayeon and Jeongyeon were in the narrow cabin bed and were exchanging a few kisses, when the smaller girl's stomach rumbled. Nayeon pulled away and looked into her eyes.

-You haven't eaten yesterday.

-I just feed on your kisses. I'd rather be with you and forget about the real world.

-Now stop with this nonsense. You have to eat. Do it for me.

-The truth is that you are hungry too.

-Who? Me?- Nayeon asked pretending to be shocked by that accusation. -Let's go to the restaurant?

-Okay, let's go.

Jeongyeon stood up and reached out her hand to make Nayeon stand up. The two girls dressed quickly and then left the booth. They went towards the door that connected the corridor and the restaurant and found themselves surrounded by many people sitting at the tables.

-Hello, can we sit down?- Jeongyeon asked a young lady.

-Sure, sit there as well.- she said pointing to a table.

The two girls sat down and looked at the piece of paper in front of them to see what they were going to eat.

-Miss was pretty.- Nayeon began.

-Nayeon, don't start.

-She was beautiful, she is not your cousin...

-Now I am the one asking you not to remember what we are.

-So you wouldn't replace me despite everything?

-Nayeon, I gave up everything, we gave up everything. It's worth it and I would never let you go.- she whispered, so as not to let the others hear.

-Miss, good morning.

Nayeon turned right and saw Frank. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. That was probably the boy who had accompanied her to her room the day before.

-Good morning Mr. Frank, how are you?

-Fine, thank you. Is this your friend?

-Yes. This is Im Jeongyeon.

-Nice to meet you, I'm Frank Mclean.- said Frank.

-Nice to meet you.

-I'll let you enjoy your meal. Goodbye.


Jeongyeon didn't even greet him.

-You have a new friend.

-Exactly, man.

-We too started out as friends.

-How was it? Nayeon, don't start? You are behaving the same way.

-Yes but... I don't like that Frank.

-As you wish. But you don't have to worry. He's just a nice man.

-Exactly. No man is nice unless he's looking for something.

Remember the letter that was stopped by the teacher? Here you have the final part

My richyuk🥺

I will leave for six days for the trip of the last year, for this reason I will not update during this period

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