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-Do you seriously think my sister is here!?- Minhyuk yelled furiously.

-Calm down. They told me that. It doesn't cost us anything to check.-Carmine answered.

-I'm convinced they're not here. It's impossible.

Carmine rolled his eyes and started walking.


-Jeongyeon? Jeongyeon! Where are you? Honey...- Nayeon got up and went to the kitchen. -Jeongyeon... She must be at the well...

The girl took the pitcher of water and poured herself a glass.

-Good morning.

Nayeon turned almost startled. -You scared me.

-Forgive me. Were you looking for me?

-You weren't in bed with me.

-I was in the bathroom.

-Since tonight?

-I went again.

-I woke up last night too and you weren't in bed with me. Where were you tonight?

Jeongyeon arched an eyebrow. -I was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

-Are you sure? I didn't hear any noise.

-I tried to be silent. Why don't you believe me?

-Yesterday we went to sleep early. Didn't Thomas ask you out?

-Oh Nayeon! You really don't think...

-You didn't go out with him, did you?

-Absolutely not! Why would I do it when I have you?

Nayeon put her hands to her belly. -Because you want a child. I was the one who suggested having him with Thomas but at least have the dignity to tell me!

-I haven't been with Thomas!

- Oh no? Let's ask him directly.

-Go ahead.- Nayeon went to her room and put on her first dress she could find. She stormed out of the room and went towards the entrance. -I come with you. I won't leave you alone.

-No, stay here. I don't want you to signal him to lie.

-I won't because I haven't been with him.

Nayeon opened the door and then slammed it hard. She walked to the well area because that was where Thomas lived.

-Good morning miss.- greeted Rose. -What manners! She didn't even greet me!

Nayeon kept walking quickly and reached Thomas's door. She knocked trying to keep calm.

-One moment!- the man shouted from inside.

-Jeongyeon is only sixteen years old. This pervert is twenty-six. Isn't he ashamed?

There were noises from inside and then Thomas opened the door.

-Miss Nayeon, what a pleasant surprise!

-Good morning Thomas. Jeongyeon told me about what happened between you last night.

-Oh... It's strange that she told you about it.

-She's a liar! You really were together!

-I don't understand...


The girl turned away with tears in her eyes. -Minhyuk!



-What's happening? Where is Jeongyeon?- Minhyuk asked as he approached her and glared at the man. -You didn't leave to be with this one, did you?- he asked, pointing his thumb at Thomas.

-"This"? Who do you think you are?

-A nobleman, unlike you.- Minhyuk said.

-Nayeon, why are you crying?

-This man... He... He has been with Jeongyeon...

-What!? In what sense!?

Minhyuk clenched his fists.

Thomas grinned. -Oh. Is she by any chance your betrothed?

-Shut up! How dare you!?

-It's not my fault, nobleman, if he preferred a humble country man to you.

-Carmine, take Nayeon home.

-Oh God! They're fighting!- Rose yelled. -Help Thomas!

Nayeon turned around but Carmine turned her face forward. -Are you pregnant?

Nayeon nodded.

-Who is the father?

-It's a long story. Now I just want to go home.

They walked to Nayeon and Jeongyeon's house in silence. The girl opened the door and Jeongyeon rushed in front of her.


-Jeongyeon, how are you?

-I think she's doing very well now that she's expecting a child with Thomas. If it worked.

Nayeon passed her and went to the kitchen.

-I'm not expecting any children. I haven't seen Thomas since last night. Didn't he tell you?

-He told me you were together last night. Now Minhyuk is beating him.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Let him do what he wants. I don't care about Thomas.- She then arched an eyebrow. -What is Minhyuk doing here?

-I'm wondering that too.

-He has come to look for you. You could have told me you have a brother and a betrothed like that.

-Betrothed!?- Nayeon asked confused.

-Isn't he Miss Jeongyeon's betrothed?

-Oh...No...- Jeongyeon said as she sat next to Nayeon. -Nayeon, believe me, I haven't been with him.

-Why are you so interested in it?-Carmine asked.

-Because he is not the right man for her.- Nayeon answered coldly.

-Let's go together to ask him. He lied to you. And he lied more when he saw Minhyuk. He probably said something about our non-existent relationship.

-Did he make it all up?- Carmine asked.

-It's a long story.

-And I have a long break from work.

Family reunions or couple breakups?

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