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Nayeon didn't want to know about Jeongyeon. She was done. Nayeon had risked everything and she hadn't even deigned to show herself. What was what they had? Just a lie?

-Nayeon, I see you thoughtful. Did you have a fight with your sister?- Edward asked.

-Don't tell me about her. I can't even give you a child... I'm a failure.

-We will be able to have an heir, don't worry.

Yes, an heir. That was the man's only thought. Nayeon wanted so much to hate him but she couldn't. He was her husband. On the other hand she could hate Jeongyeon because she was nobody.

-I would like to go to rest now.

-Go ahead.


It had now been two weeks and Jeongyeon no longer went looking for Nayeon. She knew she was angry and she wouldn't bother her if that was what she wanted.

-Jeongyeon, I was thinking of returning the courtesy and inviting your sister and Edward here.

-I don't think that's the case. Nayeon and I are not on good terms.

-What happened?

-I wronged her but I was forced to.

-What is it about? Tell me.

Jeongyeon sighed. -We were supposed to meet on the Thames for a walk and I didn't show myself. I just found out we're cousins ​​and...

-This news has particularly struck you. May I ask why?

Jeongyeon shrugged. -Suddenly I feel strange. As if nothing makes sense.

-She will always be your sister. But now you are really related.

-That's the problem.

-Why ever?

Jeongyeon had tears in her eyes. -Because I'm sick. I hate myself so much for this.

Richard looked concerned. -Sick? What do you have?

-You... You don't understand.

-Jeongyeon, I need to know. I am your husband.

-My husband... Yes... I didn't even want a husband. And now here I am, making gestures at night that I regret every morning just to give you a male heir. And we'll do those gestures until we have one. We will also have millions of daughters until we can have a boy. This is what I represent for you: a machine that produces heirs. And then? When I'm too old and ugly, you'll cheat on me with another woman. It is not so?

Richard looked down. He had feelings for Jeongyeon because she looked so much like his mother but he couldn't say it had never crossed his mind some liking for some other woman.

-I love you, Jeongyeon.

-I do not. I'm terribly sorry Richard.

-I understand. But you will learn to love me.

-I can't do it because I love someone else.

-Who?- he asked as angry as sad.

-I can't tell you.

-You can. You must. I have a right to know. I will personally go to him and kill him with my own hands. You are my wife!- he yelled.

-Stop it. It's not for a man that I'm like that.

-No? You are confusing me. Why are you so sad lately? Did they bother you? Who has caused so much pain in you? I will personally go to that bastard and take his head off!

-Well! Go kill your sister-in-law!

Richard stood thinking for a few seconds. -Did Mrs. Momo cause you any harm?

-It wasn't her.

-Miss Jihyo?

-At all.

-Dahyuh or Chaeyoung?- Jeongyeon shook her head. -Nayeon? Just because she's your cousin?

-I hate her!  Sheis making me suffer so much! What will you do? Are you going to kill a gentlewoman? A gentleman's woman?

-I really can't... But I could talk to her husband if you told me what you have.


-Jeongyeon, I can help you.

-Start by disappearing.

Richard sighed and got up from the sofa. -I don't understand what's happening to you.

The man walked away and left Jeongyeon alone to cry.


-Thank you Edward.- Richard said entering.

-Let's take a seat. Irene, bring the gentleman some tea.- The two went to the sofa and sat down facing each other. -What brings you here?

-My wife. I haven't seen her smile in weeks.

-They must have quarreled. You know how they are made. They always do.

-This time it seems more serious. She told me she doesn't love me, she hates Nayeon... I don't know what happened but I'm worried.

-Do you want to talk to Nayeon? Only she can give us answers.

-Do you think it's the best thing to do?

-We won't know how to help her otherwise.

Edward got up and went upstairs. After resistance from Nayeon, Edward forced her down. The girl entered and greeted Richard with little enthusiasm.

-How is your wife?

-That's exactly why I'm here. She doesn't eat, she doesn't smile, she's like she's been dead for a week.-Richard said worried.

-Nayeon's been weird lately too.- Edward said.

-I'm not weird.

-You are thoughtful.

-Did something happen between you?- Richard asked.

-A lot of things have happened. For example, we got married. I have a life with my husband and I am very happy. Tell her, please.

-As you wish. Can't you help me?

-I'm sorry but I don't know how.

Richard sighed. -I think she is like this because of what she discovered. You know... The news that you are cousins ​​has shocked her.

-Cousins?- Nayeon asked confused.

-Aren't they sisters?- Edward asked equally confused.

-Didn't... Didn't she tell you that?- Richard asked, his eyes widening. -She had come to tell you ...

-I... I didn't want to see her. But... How can we be cousins? What are you saying?

-Your parents told her.

-Unless...- Nayeon's eyes widened. -Those eyes... Could it be that... Jeongyeon is my mother's sister's daughter!?

-Nayeon, are you okay?- Edward asked her, seeing her almost blanch.

-I am fine. I'm just... Surprised. Yes, I'm surprised. Don't you have cousins that got married between themselves, Edward?

-Yes, why are you asking me? Does Jeongyeon love your brother?

-Tell me no. She told me about a man.- Richard said almost blanching.

-No, it's not him she loves. In fact, she despises him. I was just remembering my family members.

-You are strange, darling.- Edward told her.

-I don't feel very well. Forgive me. Richard... I'll talk to Jeongyeon. Tomorrow leave her alone for an hour. I wish her maid weren't there either.

-Thank you.

-I thank you for this... Precious information.

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