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Jeongyeon had been living in the Im house for a week. Her siblings always treated her badly, except for Nayeon and the twins who sometimes followed the older ones without realizing that those behaviors were wrong. And... Their mother also behaved that way. The girl continued to take arithmetic lessons and she also started reading. She was truly a prodigy and her teachers could only be satisfied.

-Jeongyeon.- Sana said. -I discovered that you have learned to read.

-It was time. Only stupid people can't read at twelve years old.- Minhyuk commented.

-I learned to read when I was three years old.- Momo boasted.

-You can't speak Japanese, your language of origin.- Jihyo told her with a grin.

-Neither do you.

-I wasn't born in Japan... I only have a Japanese mother, unlike you.

-Shut up girls!- Sana yelled. She then turned her gaze to Jeongyeon. -I'm proud of you.- Momo was nothing but speechless, same thing goes for Jihyo and Minhyuk. Was it their mother? -We need educated girls. Maybe you will find a rich husband.- Mrs. Im smiled. For her, Jeongyeon was only an economic resource, like the rest of her children.

Jeongyeon was happy to receive those words. She gave her a toothless smile.

-She will never find a man.- Momo commented.

-Shouldn't you find a husband?- Sana asked Momo.


-You are nineteen! At your age I already had three children!

-Calm down, please, and finish your meal.- Tzuyu said to his wife and his daughter.

-Jeongyeon, why couldn't you read?-Dahyun asked.

-Nobody ever taught me that.

-And why? Didn't your mother teach you that?

-Honey, Jeongyeon has no mother.-Tzuyu explained.

-And she will never have one. Our mother will never join such a beggar.- Jihyo commented.

-Lunch is over. Momo, Minhyuk, Jihyo, go to your room.

-But... Father...- tried to say Momo.


The three guys glared at Jeongyeon. -Ever since she's been in this house, she's done nothing but cause damage.- Jihyo commented.

-Nayeon, an invitation has arrived for you.- Sana told her.

-For me?

-It's from Anne. She's inviting you to her birthday party.

-Can Jeongyeon come with me?

Sana seemed to think about it. -Only if she learns to behave.

-I'll teach her!

Jeongyeon didn't understand. What was she supposed to learn?


-Aren't books made to read?- Jeongyeon asked confused. -Why is it on my head?

-This way you will learn faster. Information passes through the brain.


Nayeon chuckled. -It's a joke. You must try to keep your posture straight and walk without dropping the book.

Jeongyeon put one foot in front of the other but by the third step the book already fell. She picked it up and put it back on her head to try again. She went on for half an hour until she succeeded. At that point she tried again and again and it arrived three hours later that she was perfectly able to walk without dropping the book. Nayeon, meanwhile, had finished the book of the Iliad she was reading.

-Well done! You have been very good!

Jeongyeon smiled. No one had told her she was good at anything. -It's because I had the best teacher.

-Now I'll have to teach you etiquette.


-It's French. It's good manners.

-Am I not doing well?

Nayeon chuckled as she brought her hand to her mouth. -They are rules to be respected in front of others.

Jeongyeon thought the Ims were really strange. They cared about etiquette but treated her badly. What kind of rules were they?

-How many are they?

-Don't worry, you don't have to recite them by heart like a Shakespeare poem. You just have to remember them. Do you want to start?

Jeongyeon nodded even though she didn't know what she was up to. Nayeon began explaining to her a series of do's and don'ts and, not knowing how to write yet, she could only rely on her memory. Some of them didn't make sense to her but she would respect them so as not to embarrass Nayeon. Embarrassment... What if her presence would embarrass her?

Mina knocked on the door and then opened it. -Ladies, dinner is served.

-Thanks Mina, we'll go downstairs immediately.- Nayeon said.

The two girls went downstairs and reunited with the rest of the family. Everyone was in a bad mood as always since Jeongyeon was here.

-What did you do today?- Tzuyu asked.

-I taught her etiquette.

-Should we do a simulation? Arranging tea?- Sana asked excitedly.

It was strange for Jeongyeon to see her like this. She was usually always grumpy or sour.

-What do you think, Jeongyeon? Would you like to do it?- Mr. Im asked her smiling at her.

Jeongyeon couldn't say no to that host family, so she nodded.

-We'll have fun, you'll see. We'll also have to find you a nice dress for the party. Tomorrow we will go shopping.

-Mother, are you talking seriously?-Momo asked without words.

-Momo, you should learn to be silent.- Sana told her.

That sudden change in Sana surprised her daughters a lot but not her husband who knew her wife well after twenty years with her. Sana was just wary. Tzuyu had often brought someone found in the street to their home and in the end they had always taken advantage of him. But Jeongyeon was innocent, she was intelligent, and though she was not his daughter and she looked nothing like his daughters, who had noble blood, she could be said to be beautiful.

-Are you really going to take Flea shopping!?- Jihyo asked, as angry as her sister.

-Jeongyeon is your sister. She doesn't deserve to be treated differently.- Sana said making it clear with her tone of voice that the discussion ended there.

-Have you ever shopped, Jeongyeon?- Dahyun asked innocently.

-What questions do you do? She lived abandoned in an orphanage.-Jihyo said with a grin.

-You will see, Jeongyeon, it will be pleasant. We will choose a dress... What is your favorite color?- Nayeon asked her.


-Then we will choose a black dress.

It was all so strange for Jeongyeon. She wasn't used to wearing such beautiful and gorgeous clothes. It was already absurd for her to wear one with a straight skirt around the house and various lace ornaments, imagine a dress like the one she would buy. She had seen portraits of Sana in a party dress and realized that this was not her kind of style. At the orphanage she had always worn only one brown dress, torn and stained. She wasn't used to it and she didn't know if she would like to look like a huge flake. And most of all, she didn't know if such a dress would look as good on her as on Nayeon or Sana or Momo or Jihyo.

forgive any mistake, today i'm not feeling the best

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