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Several days passed and Nayeon and Jeongyeon would spend their last day on the ship.

-The view is beautiful.- Nayeon said looking out over the ship.

-Never as much as you.- Jeongyeon whispered to her.

-Finally we arrived in America. We will start a new life together.

-But we'll have to keep hiding.

-We'll just be two friends who live together.

-Without any man?- Jeongyeon asked, turning to Nayeon. -Sooner or later they will suspect. Rumors are flying around, particularly in isolated towns with few people.

-We'll have to be careful.

-I don't care that people know and yell at us, I just don't want them to hurt us.

-I understand you but... What can we do?

-Nothing and that's fine.- Jeongyeon took Nayeon's left hand and squeezed it between hers. -Your hand is cold, let me warm it. Give me the other one too.

Nayeon smiled unknowingly and felt her heart pounding. She didn't think she could ever feel something like this for the most mundane gesture.


-Good morning miss, I should speak to Mr. Im.

-Mr. Im has left, Mr. Johnson.

Richard arched an eyebrow. -He has left?

-Mrs. Im has been desperate since she left him.- she whispered to him.

-I am sorry. Take me to Mrs. Im.- The maid made him sit down and Richard immediately saw Minhyuk's wife crying on the sofa. -Mrs. Im.

-Richard.- she said turning her gaze. -Do you have news of my husband?

-Actually I had come here to know something about him. Do you know where he went to?

-I have no idea. He's like mad. He had some papers, a book burned, he packed his suitcase and disappeared. It's now... Two days since he's gone. Tell me, did I perhaps do something? 
Does he have another?

-I don't think that's the problem. You know... His sisters are missing. I think he went looking for them.

-But where?

-I don't know...


-Mr Im, thank you. Have you heard from Nayeon?- Edward asked sitting down on the couch.

-I didn't find them in Sussex. I asked several people but none of them seemed to have seen them.

-Where could they have gone and why?- asked the confused and worried boy.

He didn't love Nayeon but that didn't mean he wasn't worried about her disappearance and not just because he had a responsibility for her.

-I have no idea. I'm looking for evidence but can't find anything. Do you have something at your house? I searched everywhere but... She left nothing. It would seem a real escape.

-But why would they have run away together?- Tzuyu wondered perplexed. -I know the news must have destabilized Jeongyeon but why run away and why did Nayeon follow her?

-I don't know the answer to that question, sir.

-Me neither.


-Picciotta!- Carmine exclaimed approaching the two girls. -How are you?

-Fine thanks. You, mister Carmine?

Carmine spat into the sea. -I hadn't taken aim so well in ages.

-And you call this "mister"?-Jeongyeon asked.

Carmine turned back to them. -I am fine thank you. We're almost there. America... Nice place, in some ways.

-Have you been to America, mister Carmine?

-Some day. I don't know if it's a place for two respectable young ladies like you.

-We will adapt.- Jeongyeon replied.

-Carmine, leave the ladies alone.-Frank said placing a hand on his shoulder. -Tomorrow, when you wake up, you will be in America. At first you will regret the sea.- he joked.

-I'm so excited that I want to go to sleep immediately so I can wake up earlier.- Nayeon said.

-Then let's go.

-Do you sleep together?- Carmine asked confused.

-Leave them alone.- Frank told him giving him a slap on the back of the neck.

-We sleep together. We are two friends and we are women, we can do it.- Nayeon answered.

-They're right.- Frank said. -Let's go back to work.

-Forgive me. Sweet dreams.- Carmine said following Frank.

Jeongyeon chuckled. -Maybe I'll miss them.

-Oh yes? I thought you hated them.

-Only when they talk to you.-Jeongyeon told her taking her hand. They went downstairs and went to their cabin. Luckily there weren't many people and no one noticed their crossed fingers, or maybe they just thought it was best friend behavior. After all, they were two women. It wouldn't have occurred to anyone that there was something going on between them because they weren't used to those things. Jeongyeon took off her dress, leaving her petticoat and lay down on the bed, waiting for Nayeon to do the same. The older one slowly removed her dress under Jeongyeon's watchful gaze, who swallowed. -I forget what it feels like to dig my fingers into your flesh. Let me remind.

Nayeon turned to her. She loved having that effect on that girl but they had to be careful. -Here on the ship?

Jeongyeon closed her eyes. -One day... I can wait one day.

Nayeon also removed her bodice and lay down next to Jeongyeon, brushing a strand of hair from her face that covered her still closed eyes. -Open your beautiful eyes that I fell in love with.- Jeongyeon did it and smiled at the sight of Nayeon's face so close to hers. The oldest caressed her lips with her forefinger and giggled. She pressed her lips against those of the younger one and both immersed themselves in that desperate but loving kiss. -Now let's go to sleep.- Nayeon whispered keeping her lips stuck to Jeongyeon's.

-One last kiss goodnight?

Nayeon pressed her lips against Jeongyeon's again and they bonded once more, and two, and three. They just couldn't get enough of each other's lips.

-Good night.- Jeongyeon whispered.

-Goodnight.- Nayeon said smiling.

They closed their eyes and Jeongyeon hugged the waist of Nayeon, who she had turned away from.



-A last kiss?

I'm back
And it was a rollercoaster of emotions
Some super negative and some super positive
But... I ended a five year friendship, so I'm feeling like sh*t
I hope to be able to recover and update during the Easter holidays

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