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-Home sweet home!- Frank exclaimed looking at the horizon.

The land was so close and Nayeon and Jeongyeon began to realize it was all for real. They were two women, two sixteen-year-old girls, unmarried, who shared a clandestine love and would live together. Who knows what would have happened...

-Our beginning is getting closer and closer.- Jeongyeon whispered to Nayeon, both of them keeping their eyes fixed on the port that now seemed so real, because it was.

-Go and get your bags, it won't take long now.- Frank said.

Jeongyeon nodded. -Shall we go?- She held out her hand.

Nayeon smiled and grabbed it. -Let's go.

They went downstairs and went to their cabin. They took the two suitcases- they looked like briefcases- and went up again to see the ship land in the port of Columbia, in the country that twenty years later would become South Carolina.

-Ladies, we have arrived at our destination. It was a pleasure to share the trip with you.- Frank told them. -You can head that way to get down. I hope you have a good stay here in America.

-Thank you, Mr. Frank.- Nayeon said.

-I will miss you. Miss Nayeon, are you sure you have a man?- Frank asked her.

-She's sure of it. He is my brother.- Jeongyeon said frowning.

-But aren't you her sister?- Carmine asked confused.

-What she meant is that he's so kind to us that he feels like a brother to Jeongyeon.- Nayeon explained with a smile.

Carmine was too focused on that beautiful smile to understand anything but he nodded. -Then it's a goodbye. I hope we will meet again. Goodbye picciotta.- Frank slapped him on the back of the neck and Nayeon chuckled. -Goodbye Miss Nayeon, goodbye Miss Jeongyeon.

-Goodbye, Carmine.- Jeongyeon greeted.

-Goodbye mister Carmine.

The two girls made their way to the gangway that had been set up for disembarking passengers and left the ship forever. It was a strange feeling to feel solid ground underfoot after several days on a ship.

-I can't walk well. I think I feel dizzy.- Nayeon said holding her head.

-Nayeon, are you okay?- Jeongyeon asked in alarm.

-Yes, we can go. We have to look for a house.

-What are you doing? We can stop and—

-No, I can do it. If I don't make it, I'll tell you.

-Please, let's stop for a moment. It could get worse. There's a bench over there. Sit down.- Jeongyeon started walking towards it and always turned behind her to see if Nayeon was following her. -Good morning sir, can my friend come? She doesn't feel well.- Jeongyeon asked a man.

-Certainly. What does she have?

-Severe dizziness.

Nayeon sat down and smiled to thank the man.

-Have you been on the ship?

-That's right.

-Don't worry. It's normal. She's not used to dry land. From your speech I take it that you are the colonizers.

Yet they had escaped from the colonizing Earth.

-That's right, sir.- Jeongyeon replied.

-What are two lonely ladies doing at this time of day?

-We're here to look for a relative.

Nayeon was just listening to the conversation and she was holding her belly as she also felt the urge to vomit. It was like seasickness but on land, landsickness.

-Jeongyeon... I think...

-Do you have stomach problems?-Jeongyeon asked.

-Oh... Come, I'll take you to my house.

He wasn't a gentleman at all. He was dressed in dirty and torn clothes and Jeongyeon didn't know whether to trust him or not.

-Don't worry.

-I have a doctor friend. I can call him. We can go to him if you wish but he is far away. I live here.- He pointed to a house right on the port.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Thank you. Let's go.

-Can you walk?- asked the man, who was behaving like a father.


The man took Nayeon and lifted her up. -Don't worry, I'm much older than you and I have no bad intentions. I have a daughter who is your age. I'm not doing anything I wouldn't do with her.

Jeongyeon felt a little more serene hearing those words, while Nayeon didn't care, she just wanted to rest. They arrived at the house and the man opened the door, immediately meeting his wife.


-This girl needs assistance. I'll go get Henry.

John set Nayeon down on their small couch and hurried out of the house.

-I apologize for my humble home.-said the woman. -And because I'm not very cultured. I can't speak as well as you.

-Don't worry. Sorry for the inconvenience.- Jeongyeon said.

-No, no trouble miss. I hope your friend recovers.

What the lady knew is that she should have used formal language.

-Mother, do we have guests?- asked a girl appearing from the stairs.

She was very pretty, she had two big brown eyes, white skin but her face was stained. Despite her filth, you could see her beautiful smile.

-Lily, we are helping this young lady who is not feeling well.

-Oh. I am very sorry. Is there anything I can do?

-Take a basin of water and a cloth.

Lily nodded and ran off. The lady smiled. -Forgive her. Lily is eager to help.

-Don't worry. She's a good girl.

-She must not be younger than you. How old are you, if I may ask?

-Sixteen each, madam.- Jeongyeon replied.

-Lily is fifteen. Why are two beautiful young girls like you here alone? Are you from here?

-No, we're from London. We came here to see a relative of ours.

-I understand. Aren't you married yet?

The lady was a little indiscreet, characteristic of many women in the area.

Jeongyeon sighed. -We are.

The lady took a good look at her. -You don't look happy. Don't tell me you ran away from your husbands!

She seemed almost thrilled to say that.

-Mom! I took the bowl.

-Well done Lily. Put it next to the young lady.

-Here you are. May I ask your names?- Lily asked smiling, looking at Jeongyeon with her big eyes.

-I am Jeongyeon.

-Jeongyeon... A beautiful name, just like your dress. Are you a noble? You look like it. You are as beautiful as a noble.- Nayeon suddenly didn't like that Lily much. She probably wasn't interested in Jeongyeon because she... Shewas a girl. But why all those compliments? -And you?- she asked looking at Nayeon.

-I ...- Nayeon didn't have time to finish the sentence that her stomach made a strange noise and she started to vomit.

-Oh ...- It was the only thing Lily could say looking at her shoes now dirty with her vomit.

Hey, thank you so much for always supporting me. In short... You don't have to do it since I'm simply the one who publishes the 2yeon books, yet you are always there and this touches me every time <3

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