244 19 17

1764, London

After visiting his grandmother, Minhyuk had received an exemplary punishment, being forced by his father into a purely self-interest marriage. The girl in question was considered the ugliest of the London nobility and for this reason Minhyuk had never considered her. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon withdrew into herself and barely exchanged words with Nayeon. She felt so embarrassed and guilty about her grandmother. She had asked her forgiveness and the woman, having come to know her truth, told her not to worry, and she scolded Minhyuk.

-Ladies, I have a task for you for the next time.- said the teacher closing his briefcase. -I want you to write a letter to the most important person to you.

-The most important person?-Jeongyeon asked.

Nayeon turned to her.

-Exactly, Miss Jeongyeon.- The teacher stood up and the girls did the same. -Goodbye.

-Goodbye, teacher.- the sisters said in unison.

When the man came out and closed the door, Nayeon went to lie down on the bed, while Jeongyeon stood in her chair staring at the table.

-Jeongyeon, you haven't spoken for a week and a few days now. Know that I believe you. I know it was Minhyuk and Jihyo.

Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon. -And yet I keep making mistakes.

-Jeongyeon, you are not wrong. In the end it always turns out who the bad guy is.

Jeongyeon smiled bitterly and turned her head back to the table. -The most important person to me... Nayeon, who is the most important person to someone?

-Probably their mother.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I have neither mother nor father.

Nayeon knew it was useless to say she had Sana. She preferred to remain silent. Jeongyeon continued to watch the table. She should have written someone a letter in twenty-four hours. Nayeon walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Jeongyeon shuddered at the touch.

-I'll leave you alone.

Nayeon left the room and Jeongyeon was left alone with a pen and paper. She had never written a letter to anyone. Nayeon, on the other hand, had done it several times, especially to her grandmother.


Jeongyeon was in town with Mina. She needed to get out of the house and clear her head. She hated living in there, where it seemed like it was always her fault.

-Mina, who is the most important person for you?

-My brother, miss.

-And what would you tell him?

-I don't know... I haven't seen him for years. My brother is married and lives far away. Why are you asking me this? Come, they need some tomatoes.- she said entering a shop.

-We have to write a letter to someone important.- Mina, meanwhile, was talking to the shopkeeper to get some tomatoes. -But I... I don't have anyone important. How do I know if someone is important to me?

Mina looked at her. -You have to consider how you feel with that person. Some bread too, thank you.

-How do I understand how I feel?

-You have to consider if you are happy with that person, if you often think of them, if they do good deeds for you... Mr. Im, for example, could be an important person for me.

-Who is like this with me?- Jeongyeon wondered. Momo hated her so much that when she got married she was happy not to have to see her again and she had disowned her in front of her husband's family. Jihyo had replaced her perfectly. Minhyuk was an ambiguous character: sometimes he had conversations with her considering her a human being, other times he laughed at her, especially in front of Jihyo. Indeed, only in front of his sisters. Tzuyu... He was always nice to her. He was her father, she could think of him as such, he fit Mina's description. Jeongyeon smiled.


-Good morning ladies.

-Good morning teacher.

-Sit down.- The girls sat down. -Have you written your letters?

-Yes, teacher.

Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon and smiled. She was happy that she had found someone to write to. She was curious to know what she had written. She was sure that the letter was dedicated to her father.

-Miss Nayeon, do you want to start?

-Definitely, sir.- Nayeon unfolded the folded paper. -Dear Jeongyeon, it has been exactly four years since you appeared in my life. In these years you have become very important to me. I love spending my nights reading with you and my mornings studying together. I love hearing your stories and seeing the passion in your eyes when you repeat maths to me. I hate it when you cry and don't talk because of my brothers. I would like to take all the pain away from you but unfortunately I can't. What I can do is always give you my support. Greetings, your Nayeon.

Jeongyeon just smiled all the time. That letter meant a lot to her. She didn't expect to be the most important person to Nayeon.

-Touching letter, miss. Miss Jeongyeon, do you want to read yours?

Jeongyeon swallowed. She didn't know if her letter could match Nayeon's. She opened hers and took a deep breath. -Dear Nayeon...- The girl in question was very surprised, much more than Jeongyeon was. -...I had never had a father or mother or relatives. I had always lived in an orphanage and watched children come and go while I stayed there. I had a glimmer of hope when your father brought me into your home but it was quickly demolished. And yet, you have always been kind to me. I don't understand why. You tell me that you love me, that you love spending your time with me. I too love spending my time with you. I love to read books until late. I love sleeping with you in the bed next to mine. I love waking up and seeing you first thing in the morning. You are so beautiful, Nayeon. Whoever marries you will be lucky. Still, I wish you would not get married and stay with me.—

-That's enough.- the teacher said, cutting her off abruptly. Jeongyeon and Nayeon didn't understand what was wrong. -I want you to analyze this sonnet.- the man said putting his book in front of them.

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