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The doctor removed the stethoscope from his ears. -She needs hot soup and some medicine. Here, I'll write them to you.

-This one will cost us other expenses!- Sana screamed in exasperation.

-Nothing we can't afford, my dear.- Mr. Im, Tzuyu reminded her. -Mina, please, take the doctor to the door and ask for the name of the medicines.

-Right away, Mr. Im.- She bowed and then escorted the doctor out of Nayeon's room.

-Nayeon, do you mind sharing your room with Jeongyeon?

-Not at all father.- said the girl shaking her head and with a certain sparkle in her eyes.

-Come on, dear. Let Jeongyeon rest.- Tzuyu said placing a hand around Sana's shoulders.

-I really don't understand how you thought about adopting another one! Six children are not enough!? Now even a dirty one...- By now they were too far away to be able to hear Sana's moan.

Nayeon walked over to Jeongyeon's bed and looked at her. -Finally someone to share a room with!- she exclaimed. -Momo and Jihyo share it because they are the eldest, Dahyun and Chaeyoung because they are the youngest and I can't be with Minhyuk because he is a man. But now I have you.- She smiled at her showing her incisors that looked so much like those of a rabbit.

Jeongyeon instinctively smiled. -You're funny.- She chuckled.

-Oh... Why?- Nayeon asked.

-You look like a rabbit.

Nayeon smiled. -Rabbits are cute.

Jeongyeon nodded. -My stomach hurts so much.

-Why did you eat the soap?- Nayeon asked.

-Momo told me to do it.

Nayeon shook her head. -Don't think about my siblings. They... They're like that.

-I promise I'll leave when I'm fine.

-Don't go, please. This way I won't have anyone to spend my days with.

-But... Your mother and your siblings—

-Don't mind them. My father loves you. He is special. He has love for everyone. He's the only one who understands me. And the maid is also very good. Her name is Mina and she secretly gives us biscuits.

-Do you think she will be good to me too?

-Certain! Now rest. I'm going to make you soup!

Jeongyeon smiled at that girl's kindness. -Thank you.- she whispered.

Nayeon smiled back. -Thank you for becoming my friend.

The girl then turned and ran away to go to Mina and prepare soup with her for her new sister. Jeongyeon meanwhile closed her eyes and let herself go into the arms of Morpheus. She suddenly felt calm. When she opened her eyes again she was struck by the light coming from the window next to her bed. It was already morning. She sat up and saw that to her right, just below the window, Nayeon was still sleeping. She turned to the left and saw the soup on the bedside table. She smiled and took it to drink some.

-You are awake! Good morning!-Nayeon greeted her sitting down. -Happy Monday, little sister! I was thinking... Am I older or are you?When were you born?

-They told me the...- Jeongyeon tried to remember it. No one had ever reminded her over the years. They didn't celebrate birthdays at the orphanage. Jeongyeon didn't even know that parties were held for such events. She probably didn't even know what parties were. -...First of november one thousand seven hundred and forty eight.

-I am of the twenty-second of September one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight. I'm two months older than you.

-Two months?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Yes. September, then October and then November. Are you ready for your first arithmetic lesson this morning?


-They teach you to count there. Come with me, let's go to breakfast and get ready. The teacher will arrive soon.-Jeongyeon was not understanding anything but trusted Nayeon. She followed her and found herself in front of the bathroom. She had learned not to eat soap. They entered the bathroom and Nayeon began to remove her clothes giving her back. -Take off your clothes too. We have to take a shower.


-Do you see that thing over there?-Nayeon asked. -That's a shower. How did you use to wash yourself?

-With a large wooden box full of water.

-Oh...Here we have this.- Nayeon took off the robe she had slept in and left with the petticoat. Sana wholeheartedly cared about her style and she thought the petticoat was a touch of class even when sleeping. -We have to change these clothes.

-Nayeon!- Momo yelled. -Are you with Flea?

Nayeon frowned. -Her name is Jeongyeon.

-Are you thinking of taking a shower with her? I forbid it. She will be the last to do it.- Momo opened the bathroom door and glared at Jeongyeon. -You, out.

Jeongyeon lowered her head and walked out of the bathroom disconsolate.

-Momo! Why are you acting like this!?

-Nayeon! People like her should be treated like this! She is an animal of the road! Now make room for me, let's take a shower.

Jeongyeon had to wait for Jihyo, the twins, and finally Minhyuk to take a shower. Eventually she could do it too. It felt strange to use that thing and she hoped she wouldn't cause any trouble. Nayeon had quickly shown her how to use it, then she was taken away by Minhyuk. When she was done, she put on her clothes that Mina had gotten for her and then went downstairs with her, who was waiting for her outside the bathroom. She arrived in the dining room, where the Im siblings were eating with their parents.

-Jeongyeon, take a seat next to Nayeon.- Tzuyu told her.

Jeongyeon did as she was told and started eating what was in front of her.

-Look at her! Looks like she hasn't eaten in years!- Minhyuk yelled.

-Shhh. Maybe it really is so.- Jihyo said maliciously.

Jeongyeon felt worse and worse around those people. She didn't understand why everyone was mean to her.

-Jeongyeon, are you ready for your first lesson?- Mr. Im asked her smiling at her.

-Do we have to spend money also to educate her?- Sana asked.

-Sure darling.

-She will not take lessons with Nayeon. Our daughter is so smart. At most, she will follow the lessons with the twins.- Sana said.

-Always if she can keep up. Tell me, Jeongyeon, how much is one plus one?- Momo asked her with a grin.

The girl kept her gaze down. She didn't have the faintest idea.

-Tell me, Momo, what is the square root of the logarithm to the base ten of ten?- Tzuyu asked.


-It's one.- Tzuyu said immediately.

Momo clutched her dress in anger. She was the most beautiful and intelligent of the family, as well as the eldest child. She didn't deserve to be humiliated by her father. Luckily she remained her mother's favourite. Instead, it seemed her father had a soft spot for Nayeon.

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