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-Should we call security?- Nayeon asked worried.

-There is no security here. You have seen it.

-What should we do? He's been knocking on the door for days.

-Let him knock.

-No, Jeongyeon, I'm afraid he might do something to you.

-What do you want to do? Run away again?

Nayeon bit her lower lip. -I have another life to protect. This isn't just about you and me.

-I know, you're right but I'll be there to protect you.

-It is not enough.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I'm going to talk to Thomas and ask him to stop bothering us.

-No, Jeongyeon. What if he hurt you?

-It won't happen, don't worry.

-How can I?

Jeongyeon got up from the bed and walked towards the door. She adjusted her nightgown and opened it.

-Jeongyeon! What a pleasant sight! You decided to open me up!

-Thomas, listen—

-Tonight, a nice walk on the prairie?What do you say?

"I say no."

-Thanks for the invitation but I'm forced to decline.

-Oh. For what reason?

-I'm not interested in having a relationship at the moment, sorry.

-Oh. It wouldn't necessarily be a relationship.- Jeongyeon arched an eyebrow. -You can also visit my bed directly.

-Never in my life.

-Jeongyeon, you are so young. Mrs Anne has heard that you would like a child. If you want, I can give you one. Even ten.

-You talk about children as if they were objects.

-I'm the only one who can help you now. There are only women and old men in this village. Think about it. I'll wait for you on the prairie when the sun goes down.

-No, thank you.- Jeongyeon slammed the door in his face and went back to the bedroom.

-What did he want?- Nayeon asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

-Nothing. He just invited me for a walk and I declined.

-And what did he do?

-I slammed the door in his face. Are we going to eat now? You and the baby need strength.

-I would love to take care of you as you take care of me.



-I don't trust you very much.

-Well, then go find them yourself.

Minhyuk sighed. -Carmine, don't be the difficult type. Are you really convinced that the doctor saw them?

-Tell me, do you see everyday two Londoners who travel together and with Korean features?

-Okay... But if we don't find them, you'll pay for the return journey.

-Stingy.- Carmine commented in a low voice.



-Momo, how are you?


-After making your sister Jeongyeon run away, you're okay?

-She's not my sister.

-Right, she's your cousin.

Momo raised an eyebrow. -What do you mean?

-Jeongyeon is the daughter of your mother's late sister.

-The count's daughter?

-She is another man's daughter.

-It's not my fault that my mother's sister lifted her skirt too much.

-You are disrespectful!- Tzuyu yelled. -You don't deserve everything you have. You are rich but poor in values. That's why your mother and I have decided to take away your material values ​​as well.

-You cannot!

-We can. As I have given you support, so I will take it away from you.


-This is our decision.


-The sun went down faster than usual today.- Jeongyeon commented.

-Yes? I didn't notice it.

-Isn't it time to go to sleep?-Jeongyeon asked.

-Isn't it early?

-I'm quite tired and you're pregnant, you need to rest.

-Okay, let's go but only if we dedicate some time to ourselves.- Jeongyeon nodded. The two got up from the table and went to their bed. Nayeon lay down and spread her arms. Jeongyeon smiled and hugged Nayeon standing next to her. The oldest took the opportunity to bring their bodies closer- as far as her belly would allow. -It's cold.- Nayeon whispered.

-Are you cold? Do you want me to warm you up?- Nayeon nodded shyly. Jeongyeon rubbed her hand over her and down Nayeon's back. -How is it being pregnant? Does it hurt that much?

-It's not so bad. The thought of carrying a life inside me soothes all pain.

-I can't wait for him to be born. Won't he feel lonely?

-No. There will be the two of us. Me and you.

-Won't he want to have a little brother to play with?

-He can't...

They remained silent. Jeongyeon kept stroking Nayeon's back, until she finally closed her eyes. Jeongyeon took off the blanket and sat up.

-Where are you going?


-You are getting up.

-I'm just going to the bathroom, my dear.

Nayeon nodded and went back to rest. When she woke up the next day, the bed was still empty.

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