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-I propose a toast for Jeongyeon and Richard.- Tzuyu said raising his goblet.

All smiling like porcelain dolls raised their glasses. Jeongyeon kept looking at her husband and pretending to be in love with her. She tried to avoid meeting Nayeon's gaze or she wouldn't be able to resist and she would burst into tears.

-Nayeon, aren't you exaggerating?-Momo asked her.

-Who are you to tell me what to do?- Nayeon asked as she drank from her goblet. -I propose another toast!- she exclaimed.

-Nayeon... Your sister is right. Stop, please.- Edward told her.

-My sister got married. We have to celebrate!- Nayeon exclaimed. -A toast to Jeongyeon! I wish you many healthy and beautiful sons like you!

-Edward, take her away.- Tzuyu told him.

-But father...

-Nayeon, you drank too much. I don't know what's wrong with you, you've never done this before.

-I just want to celebrate my sister.

-You are embarrassing her in front of everyone.- her father told her severely.

-What things... Are you really related to her?- Richard's aunt asked Jeongyeon.

-Mrs. Morris is not always like this. Something must have occurred.-Richard said.

-It's scandalous!- exclaimed the other aunt.

-Jeongyeon...- Nayeon called her. The girl was forced to turn and look into her eyes. Nayeon had tears threatening to come out. -You... Are you ashamed of me?

The way she said that broke Jeongyeon's heart even more and she didn't think it was possible.

-No, of course not. I could never. You are the reason I am so cultured and well educated. It was you who taught me etiquette. It was you who always believed in me when no one else did. I could never be embarrassed by you.

Edward put a hand on his wife's shoulder. -Nayeon, let's go home. -Congratulations Richard and Jeongyeon. All the best.

-No! I want to stay with Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon, tell me you want me here!

Jeongyeon looked around. She saw the disappointed face of Tzuyu, the scandalized one of Richard's relatives, the worried one of Sana and the angry one of Edward.

-Nayeon, go away.

The girl felt the world fall on her. Jeongyeon, the love of her life, was sending her away.  -Why... Jeongyeon? Don't you want me?

Jeongyeon hugged her. -I want to prevent you from making yourself more ridiculous. You'll thank me.- she whispered.

Nayeon, having drunk heavily, did not understand. She thought that Jeongyeon had seriously kicked her out. Disappointed and embarrassed, she turned to Edward. -Let's go.

-Forgive me.- Edward said putting a hand behind Nayeon's shoulders and leading her towards their carriage.

Tzuyu watched his daughter walk away. There was something strange about her and he began to put two and two together, coming to a conclusion.


It had been a week since Nayeon hadn't gone out. She was too embarrassed about how she had acted during the marriage.

-Mrs. Morris, your sister is here.- Irene said.

-Momo?- Nayeon asked. -Jihyo?

-No, your sister Jeongyeon.

-Don't let her in.

-As you wish.

Irene returned to the door. -I'm sorry but Mrs. Morris is not at home.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Why are you ignoring me, Nayeon? Shouldn't you be the one to come to me to congratulate me on my wedding? Or maybe to apologize to me and Richard?

-Apologize to Richard? Never. He should apologize for stealing from me...- she suspended the words in mid-air. Both Irene and Edward were in the house, she had to shut up.

Jeongyeon passed Irene and entered the Morris house, going towards the tea room, where she found Nayeon sitting on the sofa.

-Irene, could you leave us alone?-Jeongyeon asked.

-Sure, Mrs. Johnson. Congratulations again on your wedding.

Jeongyeon smiled at her kindly. -Thank you.- Irene went out and closed the door. Jeongyeon sat next to Nayeon and took her hands. -Look at me.- Nayeon looked up still embarrassed by what had happened. -Richard and I... We did it.- Nayeon pushed her hands away but Jeongyeon took them back. -And I... All I did was think about you.- she whispered. -I was thinking about how I wish every inch of my body was tracked by you. I wanted your beautiful cherry red lips to touch mine. I wanted— The door was heard to open and Jeongyeon stopped short.

-Jeongyeon, how are you?- Edward asked. He then looked at the girl's hands clasped in his wife's. -What's wrong? Nayeon feeling sick?

-Jeongyeon was checking my pulse. She also has some knowledge of medicine.- Nayeon said pulling her hands away from Jeongyeon's.

-Nayeon, your father is here.

-Our father?- Jeongyeon asked as confused as Nayeon.

-Nayeon, Jeongyeon, what a pleasant surprise. How are you finding yourself in your new home?

-Very well, father.

-I'll leave you alone.- Edward said.

-I think I have to go too.- Jeongyeon said. -It was a pleasure to see you again. Goodbye father.

-Goodbye Jeongyeon. Go home, don't make your husband feel bad.

When Jeongyeon was out, Tzuyu sat down in front of her daughter and watched her. -Why did you behave that way at the wedding.

Nayeon looked down. -I don't know.

-You've never acted like this. You have never drunk. Is there perhaps something wrong with your marriage?

-No, there isn't.

-Then I think I understand.- He was too calm to really understand. Nayeon thought. -It's about that man, isn't it?


-The one you told me about on your wedding day. Nayeon, I want you to be honest with me.

-It's not exactly like that...

-Have you seen him again?

-No. I just thought about him.

-You shouldn't think of another. You have your husband!


-Your sister also told me about a man.

Nayeon was surprised. -Really? What did she tell you?

-Your own exact words. Nayeon... Is it the same man? Did he fool you both?

-I don't know... I...

-You and your sister stay away from other men. Don't make mistakes.

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