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Two months had passed since Nayeon and Jeongyeon had settled in what is now Ohio and the belly of the eldest had grown more and more. Although they were very discreet, some locals thought they were weird. They didn't understand why they lived together if they were two women. A lady had accused them of serving the devil.

-Either they are concubines of the Devil or they are together, again because of the Devil.

-Rose, please! I met one of the two... Jeongyeon... I think. She seems like a delightful person.

-That's how they do to deceive you! This is what happens when we host the inferior races.

-Rose is right.- her husband intervened. -Those two Asians don't seem fine.

-They're Londoners.- Mary said. -Now shut up because they are getting closer.

Rose faked her best smile. -Good morning, where are two beautiful ladies like you going?

-Washing clothes at the well.-Jeongyeon replied.

-Your friend is with you too.- said Mary.

-She is my sister.- Jeongyeon said smiling. -Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to wash our clothes.

-Go ahead.- Mary told them. -You see?

-Is it possible that I was wrong?

-After all, they look alike.- Paul said.

-Asians are all the same.

-I hate those people. They always want to know our facts.- Nayeon said following Jeongyeon.

-Don't think about it. I shut them up for a while.

-What will we do after when the belly will be more evident?

-It already is.

-Are you telling me I'm fat?

Jeongyeon laughed. -They say pregnant women get angry easily.

-It's their husbands' job not to make them angry!- Suddenly Jeongyeon's cheerful face changed to a serious one. Nayeon looked down. -Forgive me, I—

-No, it's not your fault. It's me who still can't accept that you are not my wife and never will be.

-But I'm with you. Is this not enough for you?

-Of course that's enough for me. All I need is your love. Just...- She stopped in front of the well and took some water from the bucket. -I would love to scream to the world that you are mine.

-You know we can't. But it's enough for me that our child and I know that.

Jeongyeon smiled at her. -I'm a little sorry for Edward. He will never know that his long-awaited heir is about to be born.

-Maybe it's a girl. Surely he wouldn't be happy about it.

-I will be happy to have a little Nayeon. A little less if she will look like Edward.

-Surely she won't be like him.

-Forgive me, sometimes I think too much.

-No, absolutely no. It is normal. I understand you.- She placed her hand on Jeongyeon's which was on the bucket. -I too often think of Richard. The fact that he put his respectable dirty hands on your body, the fact that even for a moment he believed you had feelings for him. This thought made me live badly for days, believe me. But now I'm here with you and you are here with me. Nothing could be better. Alright?

-I just wish we could love each other like all men and women do.

-I would like to too but unfortunately it's not possible. The only thing we can do is swear eternal love to each other. Swear to never leave each other and to love our daughter equally. And I know how much the fact that she's not your daughter hurts you but...


Jeongyeon poured water into the wooden basin and bent down to wash the clothes.

-But... There is a solution to everything.

-What solution?

-You too could have a child of your own.

Jeongyeon raised her head and looked at her lover confused. -How?

-How I got mine.

Nayeon put her hands on her belly and looked down.

-This would mean that I—

-I know. But this thought has been haunting you ever since you discovered it. I know you will love my child with all of yourself but you will regret not having a child of your own for the rest of your life.

-Nayeon, I want a child who is both mine and yours.

-But unfortunately you can't.

-So you want me to be with another man?

-Of course not! I don't want it! Just the thought makes my stomach turn! But I want you to have your own child too, one who looks like you. There's that man... That... Thomas. He always looks at you, never misses an opportunity to talk to you... He seems to really like you.

-And what do you want me to do? To spend the night with him and then leave him as if nothing had happened?

-Maybe it's good for him. I don't think he particularly cares about women. 
He has had three wives and every night he has a different girl at his house.

-What if the first night doesn't work out? Should I do it multiple times?

Nayeon looked down and stroked her belly. -Then stop saying that you love my child but you hate his father! It's not his fault that he can't be your son!

Jeongyeon sighed. -I'm sorry... It's not what you think. I love our son. He is also my son, I am convinced of it. I will love him with all my heart when he will be born and I already love him now. I'm just so stressed out about this whole thing. I hate having to hide, running away, letting you go, playing with Richard's feelings... I'll never be able to forgive myself for all this horrible behavior.

-I understand you. But did we have another solution?

-I hate you. I hate you because you have bewitched my heart. I hate you because my love for you is stronger than any sense of guilt and morality.

Nayeon smiled. -I love you too.

-But I hate you.- Jeongyeon couldn't help but smile looking at her beloved's sunlit face. -Let's go. Thomas is approaching us.

Today I was faster than usual with the update
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