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-So you're telling me that you won't go home?- Minhyuk asked for at least the fifth time.

-That's exactly how it is.

-Oh Nayeon! Don't you think of Edward and Richard?

-I didn't think you cared much about Richard until a few seconds ago. And what do you want from Jeongyeon?You always treated her badly. You used to call her "Flea".

-I was just protecting her.

Nayeon burst out laughing. -Protecting, huh? Is that what it's called being slaves of your sisters now?

Minhyuk frowned. -Don't you dare!

-Calm down!- Carmine yelled. -There's a crowd of crazy people out there who want to kill us!

-Good... Because of you we will have to change country again.- Nayeon said turning to the other side.

-My fault!? Jeongyeon, don't you say anything?

-Please, Minhyuk, leave us alone.

-Never! Leave you alone for what!? Let you live whatever it is between you and go home empty handed?Without my sister, without my beloved, my beautiful Jeongyeon?

-If you don't want to go home empty-handed, take Carmine with you.-
Jeongyeon told him.

Minhyuk sighed. -My sister is undoubtedly beautiful and a woman of culture, but she is a woman. Why don't you think about it? I can offer you the life you will never have with her.- Minhyuk said taking Jeongyeon's hand.

-That's the problem: you would offer me something other than Nayeon. I want her and only her. I'm sorry Minhyuk for making you come here in vain, if I ever hinted that there could be more than just a sister-brother relationship between us, but my heart belongs to your sister.

-But...She's your cousin!- Minhyuk exclaimed.

-I know but that's fine with me.

-I don't think I'm feeling well...

-Here we go again... What kind of man are you!?- Carmine exclaimed.

-You shut up! Why don't you help me and seduce Nayeon instead of just standing there?

-Carmine, why don't you help us and seduce Minhyuk?- Nayeon asked with a grin.

-How disgusting! Are you crazy!?-
Minhyuk asked. -I just want to make you think... Two girls...

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Why don't you sue us from England?

The door was opened and a group of people entered the house without permission. They were all furious, as if the relationship between the girls touched them personally. Minhyuk stood in front of them in an attempt to protect them, while Carmine sneaked into Nayeon and Jeongyeon's room in an attempt to find a window to escape through.

-Calm down, gentlemen.- Minhyuk said.

-Let's get him He's like them!- a woman yelled.

-No! Are you crazy!? And "like them"?My wife just made it all up. She and Jeongyeon are sisters. They wanted to get rid of this guy Thomas. Luckily I came to take them away. Can't you see that my wife Nayeon is pregnant?- He moved away from the girl and showed them her belly. -I bet it's a boy. We will remove the disturbance, don't worry. We're not used to being with rough people like you.

-You called us rough!?- yelled a man.

Minhyuk gulped. -What I mean...

-We know what you mean. You'd better pack up all your things in five minutes and disappear with your wife, your sister and that little garden gnome you brought with you or I'll break your noble bones one by one.

-Do you hear that?- Minhyuk turned to Nayeon and Jeongyeon. -I solved everything with diplomacy. Now prepare your things. I'll wait for you outside.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon hated having to change country again but they were grateful to Minhyuk for covering them up. They went to their room and packed everything, while Carmine came in through the window.

-Are we leaving?- the boy asked.

-I don't know where to...- Nayeon said.

The two girls finished packing as quickly as possible and went outside, where Minhyuk was waiting for them. They went with him to the freight station, trying to get carried.

-Where will we go?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Let's go home.- Minhyuk said.

-No... We won't go home.- Jeongyeon said.

-Jeongyeon! You have joked enough. You were about to get killed by those people.

-Jeongyeon ...- Nayeon grabbed her wrist and looked into her eyes. -
We're not welcome here. We won't be anywhere. We are not welcome in this world. We tried.

-Nayeon... Do you want to give up right now?

-It's not just about me anymore...

-It's also about the baby, our baby. What will happen to all the promises we made? All the "I love you"s? All the "it's your son too"? All the "it's worth it"? This isn't just about you, it's about me too. This is what you keep forgetting! There are feelings involved! What do you think? That you're able to decide when to pretend not to love each other , when to feel jealous, when to admit our feelings and when to put an end to everything? Well, I'll give you some information: there are two people in relationships. You have been so nice to me but also so selfish and you never realized it.

-I don't want to talk about it now. I just want to go home.- Nayeon passed Jeongyeon and walked towards Carmine trying to figure out if they could get home somehow.

-Jeongyeon...- Minhyuk said placing his hand on the girl's shoulder.

-Minhyuk, don't touch me, you traitor.

There's no way I forgot to tell you the best thing that could have happened to me (it's been three weeks but oh well)

I can't even describe the series of emotions I felt- and still feel- when I managed to take them after less than ten minutesIt all started with 4000+ people in front of me (one computer 19k and the other one 22k, long live my phone)

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I can't even describe the series of emotions I felt- and still feel- when I managed to take them after less than ten minutes
It all started with 4000+ people in front of me (one computer 19k and the other one 22k, long live my phone)

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