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-Thank you, miss. You know... I thought being just a humble sailor you wouldn't want to talk to me.

-I know many nobles don't want to mix classes but I'm not like that. My father always made us mix with different classes. Since I was little I grew up with five different half-siblings but, sadly, they all ran off stealing something. The sixth one, however, was so grateful, because for her kindness is not taken for granted. She is the only one I have properly considered my sister.

-Forgive me for the question, have you considered? Did something happen to her?

Nayeon's eyes widened and she shook her head. -No, no, I still consider her as such. I was talking about when our father adopted her.

Nayeon's mind wandered as she was talking about Jeongyeon and she was thinking about what she was doing in their cabin alone.

-Do you want anything else?

-No, thank you.

-I'm sorry but I have to get back to work. If you might like to talk, both you and your friend, I'm often on the pier with Carmine.

-Thank you.

-I'll take you to your cabin.

Nayeon seemed to think it over, but ultimately she saw nothing wrong with it. She got up and went to a door that led to the corridor where the staterooms were. Nayeon arrived in front of her booth and knocked. -Jeongyeon, it's me.

-You can come in.

-This is my cabin. Thank you, Mr. Frank.

-I thank you for the noble company. I'll see you soon.

Nayeon smiled at him. -Goodbye.

She waited for Frank to leave and then went inside. Jeongyeon was sitting on the bed and reading a book. She closed it and put it beside her.

-Who was there with you? Carmine, that one who is everything but mister?

-It wasn't Mr. Carmine.

-Now you talk to the men.

-What do you want to do? Keep me locked up in a tower all my life?

-Who was there with you?- she asked again.

-His name is Frank, he was very nice to me.

-Yet you are much smarter than me. No man is kind without wanting something in return.

-My father was kind to you.

-Exactly, but he was my father and... He probably had to since I'm your mother's niece.

-Repeat it again and I'll go back to London.

Jeongyeon sighed. -That's not what I want but...

Nayeon sat next to her. -Jeongyeon, I understand, too much news to process.- She took her hands. -Your mother's identity, the fact that you have always lived with your family, the fact that you love a woman, the fact that that woman is your... Consanguineous. I know it's hard and believe me, it's hard for me too. But you ran away with me. Your love is stronger than any obstacle. Our love is stronger than everything and everyone. But, if you're not ready, we'll go back to London. We'll say we went to visit your mother's grave in Japan. Yes, they will punish us, they will scold us, but everything will go back to normality.

-Normality? I hate normality. And I hate that you call that normal, yet it is. Normality is being married to two men we don't love.

-Tell me, what do you want to do? I will do whatever you want. If you can't handle the weight of it all—

-Kiss me.- Nayeon looked at her in surprise. She seemed full of doubts until moments before and then she made such a request. -Even against my will, because it's not me who opposes it, but my rational part. Make me forget about the existence of that rational part, make me forget about what we all call "normality", make me remember why I'm here with you, ehy I love you.

Nayeon smiled, her tears threatening to spill. She cupped Jeongyeon's cheeks and pressed her lips to the other's pink one. Their lips embraced and they danced a Chopin waltz together. Tongues gently caressed and the two smiled as this happened.


Minhyuk had returned to the Johnson house and finally found Richard.

-Mr. Johnson, allow me to check in your room.

-As you wish, Mr. Minhyuk. If this will help us find my Jeongyeon, then let's do it.

Minhyuk watched him for a while. -She is not yours. She belongs only to my father.

Richard was confused. -I married her.

-But it doesn't mean you have her heart.

-What do you want, Mr. Im?

-Take me to your room.

Richard started to go upstairs but decided that he would stay in the room just to be safe. He didn't like Minhyuk very much, yet his best friend's sister had married him and considered him a decent boy. Minhyuk immediately went to the dressing table and looked around. He opened a box and found the key of the drawer. He also opened the latter and saw various things inside.

-Here.- Minhyuk said handing Richard some papers. -A book? Why does she keep it here?

-Oh... She borrowed this from your sister.

Minhyuk looked at Richard and then at the book. He opened it and began to read. -It's Nayeon's handwriting.

-Did your sister write it?- Richard asked confused. -Maybe she was ashamed and wanted Jeongyeon's opinion and that's why my wife hid it.

-"If you have opened this diary it is because you are probably looking for something about yourself." Why would he look for anything about her? "I would never risk writing how I feel about you but if you want to know what I would have written, show up this Sunday at the port at sunset. Ask no questions. We won't meet before then.

-your beloved Nayeon."

-What does this mean?

-That they went to the port. They are far away.

-I don't understand, Mr. Minhyuk. What is your sister talking about? What she feels? Why can't she risk writing what she feels?

-Maybe she hates Mr. Morris.-Minhyuk suspected putting the diary on the mirror. -What do the letters say?

Minhyuk and Richard's ship is supreme

The story of the chicken breast
I attract particular people
I was 14 and a guy from my city texted me
At one point he asked me "can I ask you something?"
me: "sure"
when i opened instagram i saw two messages
the last one was "what do you think of it?"
I opened the chat and... before "what do you think?" there was a picture
I think you understood what picture it was
his... thing
I was scandalized and I blocked him and felt like crying
I didn't ask him, why did he send it to me?
then he changed his username and included the word "chicken"
I, in the most total crisis, really in a desperate attempt, said "maybe it was chicken breast"
then I showed it to my friends and no, it wasn't chicken breast
I haven't eaten chicken breast since then
It's been four years now...

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