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Finally Minhyuk got married and went to live in the new house with his new wife. Soon it would be Jihyo's turn and then Nayeon's. As for Jeongyeon, she met a man at Minhyuk's wedding. Mr. Im spoke so highly of them and would have loved to relate to that family. Mr. Im had given her love and hospitality, she could not fail to do him such a favor, so she decided to accept the courtships of that boy. Richard he was called. Richard and Edward had met a couple of times and a beautiful friendship had developed between the two.

-You know what would be nice, Jeongyeon?- Nayeon asked her as she put on the corsage.

-What?- Jeongyeon asked doing the same, not taking her eyes off Nayeon's perfect body.

-If we got married together. The same day.

Jeongyeon smiled bitterly. Getting married... It wasn't what he swanted. It wasn't Richard who she wanted.

-It would be nice, yes.

-We should talk to Edward and Richard about it.

-Edward... You've been talking a lot about him lately. Have you finally managed to love him?

Nayeon sighed and turned to Jeongyeon. -I have no other option. I must learn to love him and so must you with Richard.

-What if I never love him?

-You will live your whole life with him, sooner or later you will fall in love.

-I don't want to live apart from you.-Jeongyeon admitted.

-Unfortunately, that's what the future holds for us.- Nayeon said wearing her dress. -How am I?

-You look lovely as always.-Jeongyeon said as she adjusted her shoulder pads.

-Will you help me set up here?-Nayeon asked pointing to her breasts.

Jeongyeon felt on fire for some strange reason. She wasn't sure why but she had always imagined touching her breasts. At that moment her wish was coming true and she was a bundle of nerves. The girl approached Nayeon and lifted her breasts, making them more visible. It was strange because she had never seen Jihyo or Momo do this to their sister. But she had, her dream had come true, so why didn't she seem satisfied? Why did she seem to want more?

Nayeon closed her eyes at that gentle touch. -I hope Edward's touch is like yours.- she whispered.

-He... Will he touch you?- Jeongyeon asked, suddenly stiffening.

Nayeon looked in the mirror. -Richard will do it with you too. We'll have to have children...

-I hate all of this.

-Me too, Jeongyeon, believe me.


-Nayeon, you are beautiful.- Edward said helping her to get off the carriage.

-Thank you.

-Jeongyeon, you are lovely too.-Richard interjected.

Richard was a very good boy, very different from other nobles. For Jeongyeon, he was a pleasant company but she didn't feel anything for him. It was weird because the only person she felt something strong with was Nayeon.

-Thank you, Richard.- Jeongyeon said smiling politely.

The four guys walked inside, where their respective parents were already waiting for them. It was going to be a family lunch to talk about the wedding and Mr. Im had preferred to talk about both once.

-Good morning Mr. Morris, good morning Mr. Jackson.- Nayeon and Jeongyeon greeted in chorus with a reverence.

-Good morning to you ladies, please take a seat.- told them Mr. Morris, Edward's father.

-I must congratulate you on having such beautiful daughters.- said Richard's father, Mr. Jackson.

-Thank you gentlemen. I am delighted that your sons will marry my girls.

-About that.- Mr. Morris said. -I think a wedding full of guests would be nice.

-I, on the other hand, have thought of a more intimate ceremony.- said Mr. Jackson bringing the glass of wine to his mouth.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other. They immediately understood that their idea of ​​getting married together would not have been possible. Edward was certainly more outgoing than Richard and hence the different wedding choices.

-What do you think, Miss Jeongyeon?- asked Mr. Jackson.

-I too would like an intimate ceremony.- the girl confessed.

-You, Nayeon?- Edward asked looking into her eyes.

-Whatever you want will be fine with me.- The truth was that Nayeon didn't want to get married, although Edward was the best option, so she was indifferent to the type of ceremony. Might as well let Mr. Morris decide.

-It seems perfect to me.- said Mr. Morris.

-Father, wait. Nayeon, if you have any ideas, tell them.- Edward told her.

Certainly he was the best of the options because, for some strange reason, he valued her opinion.

-Really, Edward, I have no ideas. I never imagined my wedding.

-Every woman dreams of her wedding day since she was a child .-the boy said taking her hands.

-Not me.- Nayeon answered smiling at him.

-Then it's decided. Mr. Im?- asked Mr. Morris.

-If my daughter agrees, we could celebrate it this fall.

-It seems perfect to me.- said Mr. Morris.

-You, Jeongyeon, when would you like to celebrate it?- Richard asked.

-In winter.- answered the girl.

-May it be in winter.- said Mr. Jackson. -I propose a toast to these young couples and to the union of our families.- he said raising his goblet.

Everyone raised their goblet except Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Nayeon had a real dislike for wine and Jeongyeon was traumatized by what happened at her grandmother's. Or maybe that was just the apparent reason they weren't toasting. Jeongyeon put her hand on Nayeon's leg and crossed their fingers, squeezing her hand tightly.

-My wife will be very happy to accompany you to choose your dress.- said Mr. Morris.

-How I would like to say the same about my mother...- Richard said.

In fact, his mother had passed away when the boy was four years old due to tuberculosis. Richard missed his mother and, for some reason, he saw Jeongyeon as his adored mother. They were both kind, cultured, well mannered, and had the same elegant smile. Maybe Richard didn't love Jeongyeon, just the feeling she gave him. After all, how many nobles really loved each other?

I officially deleted all the books I was writing (like 5)
So... After this book who knows what will happen
I'm actually trying to write one but I don't know if I'll succeed or delete it, as usual

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