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-Father. You have finally come to see your poor son doomed to spend his life with that horrible crea—

-Minhyuk, do you know where Jeongyeon is?

Minhyuk raised an eyebrow. -Why are you asking me?

-She seems to have disappeared.

The guy seemed shaken by the news. -Her idiot husband—

-He is here. We are looking for her. Thanks for your help.

-I'm coming to look for her too.


-Momo, do you really know nothing?- Sana asked her.

-I knew we shouldn't mix with certain people. Isn't it strange that both she and Nayeon are missing?

-What are you insinuating?

-Jeongyeon is leading my sister astray. Who knows where they will be... In some orphanage doing charity?

Sana's eyes widened. -In Sussex... Perhaps there was someone Jeongyeon particularly cared about.


-What a beautiful day.- Nayeon said looking out over the ship, resting her elbows on the pier.

-And what a beautiful sight.-commented a sailor.

Nayeon immediately covered her neckline with her hands. -How vulgar.

-Actually I belong to the vulgar.- the boy said with a smile. -I'm sorry. Why is a beautiful woman like you alone on this ship?

Nayeon turned to him and removed her hands from his neckline. -I'm not alone and only "you"?

The sailor took off his hat. -You are right, miss. You respectable women are addressed with "miss". Are you with your husband, miss?

-My friend.

-Are you married, miss?

-I'm engaged.

-What a bummer. Lucky him.

It wasn't a he at all but who cared? She was happy. And Nayeon considered herself lucky to have what everyone called "him."

-How rude. I didn't introduce myself. Nice to meet you, Carmine.

-Carmine? You are not British.

-Exactly, I'm Italian. Allow—

-Nayeon.- Jeongyeon's voice made her spin. -What are you doing?

-Your friend?- asked the sailor. -As beautiful as you, miss.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon said coldly, standing next to Nayeon.

-Why are you traveling to America, misses?

-We are going to visit distant relatives.- Nayeon explained smiling at him.

-Let me offer you something to eat, misses.

Nayeon turned to Jeongyeon. -You want—

-I've already eaten, thanks.

Nayeon turned to Carmine. -Thank you but at the moment we are full.

-When you need me you can find me here, miss.

-Thank you. We will take it into consideration.- Jeongyeon said.

The girl turned and went towards the booths. Nayeon smiled at Carmine and then followed the younger one.

-How are you? Are you still seasick?

-You make me seasick when... Nothing.

Nayeon smiled. -When?

-Nothing, Nayeon.

-Say it. When?

-When you talk to other men.

Nayeon's heart was pounding. She wanted to be of Jeongyeon and only of her but she liked that jealousy and that sense of protection of the eldest.

-Don't worry, I don't like other men.

Jeongyeon relaxed her facial muscles but couldn't say or do anything there in public. -Another nine days or so and we'll be in a new house.

-I'm sorry I left my parents and siblings... But I had to.

Jeongyeon took her hand and looked around her. -Now I'm here for you. I will be your mother, father and sister.

-You only have to do one thing. You have to be my husband.

Jeongyeon smiled. Her heart was pounding like the first time she realized she had feelings for Nayeon. -And I will. I promise.


-Momo, be honest.

-No, Minhyuk, no! I didn't see her! I haven't seen them! Why all this interest? I can partially understand that for Nayeon. But for Flea!?

-Don't call her that!

Momo grinned. -Did you spend so much time with that woman who looks like the plague, your wife, that now even Flea looks charming? What's up? You like her?

-Imagine the scandal if they were to find out that our sisters ran away?

-They may have been kidnapped. In that case it wouldn't be a scandal.-Momo said taking her cup of tea.

-You don't care, right?

-You guessed right.

-Was it you?

Momo laughed. -How could I?

-Momo I swear if it was you—

-What, Minhyuk? Now I'm married. You'll have to deal with my husband. As much as I wish it had been me, it wasn't. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go visit my in-laws with my husband. Go back to your wife and have a few children to make up for the loss of our sister and Flea.

-Our father went to Sussex.

-I supposed it. It was me who gave this idea to our mother.

-Then you care.

-Maybe partly for Nayeon but certainly not for Flea.

Minhyuk clenched his fists. -You are so evil.

-You were too. What happened? Has love made you soft?

-I don't love that woman.

-I'm not referring to your wife.-Minhyuk arched an eyebrow and clenched his fists more tightly. Momo grinned. AI'm talking about Flea.

-I don't love Flea.

-Mr. Charles told me an episode. The reason you came home with a scar on your face that time is not because you were robbed.

-That doesn't mean anything. Don't listen to Charles.

-I would think it was just for carnal pleasures but it's not like that.The way you suddenly started treating her like a human being, the way you no longer looked down on her, the way you are almost caring more about her than your favorite sister.

Minhyuk stood up. -Goodbye.

The guy went to the door and then to the entrance. He didn't even wait for the maid and immediately left angry. He got into his carriage and told the coachman to go home. He was just confused. He didn't understand why they ran away. Maybe they weren't happy with their marriage? Yet it didn't seem like Nayeon's behavior at all. There had to be something more.

-Jin, let's go to Jeongyeon's house.

This time it's true: I haven't finished writing this book and I don't know if I'll leave it hanging for a while
If that happens, I apologize
I'll make it up to you

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