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-Good evening Seulgi, I came to check something. Did you find anything in Jeongyeon's room?

-I haven't been in since she disappeared.

-Where is Mr. Johnson?

-He is looking for his wife.

-Give me permission to check.

-I'm sorry but I cannot. You must wait for Mr. Johnson.

-I'll wait for him. Do you have any idea when he will be back?

-No, sir.

-Then I'll have to make myself comfortable.


Nayeon was sleeping and Jeongyeon watched. She had her eyes closed and a lovely frown. Jeongyeon couldn't help but smile but, as always, her guilt feelings stopped her from giving her a simple kiss on the head. Would she ever get over that feeling? Would they be able to be together like that?

-Good morning.- Nayeon opened her eyes and looked her lover into her eyes.

-Good morning ...- Her beloved was smiling at her. Beloved ... She was her cousin. How could she call her "beloved"? Only lower-class people were in a relationship with their cousins. Where was Nayeon taking her?On a bad road. Jeongyeon belonged to that class, not her beautiful Nayeon. Nayeon was a noble. What had she done? -How much... How much is left for America, cousin?

Nayeon felt a shiver. -I hate it when you point out the blood relationship between us.

-But that's what we are. We're cousins ​​and we can't change that. We acted on impulse and didn't—

Two pink lips settled on Jeongyeon's dry and damaged ones- the girl was biting them from the stress. Had that been the impulse again or just love? Jeongyeon closed her eyes and reciprocated, forgetting for a moment what she was saying. When Nayeon pulled away, Jeongyeon saw the smile of the beautiful girl in front of her but she was... Her cousin.

-Nayeon, we can't change who we are.

-But we can ignore it.- Nayeon said caressing her cheek.

-I... I was wrong to say yes.

-But you did it for a reason. And the reason is that you love me.

-But I shouldn't.

Nayeon frowned. -Good.- she said standing up. -It was a mistake to say yes, right? You can stay here and cry on a pillow. I'll go to mister Carmine. I bet he'll treat me like a gentleman, unlike you right now.

No, Jeongyeon didn't care, just her stomach burned, she clenched her fists, her forehead furrowed, her teeth gnashed. But no, she didn't care.

Nayeon was a little angry but mostly disappointed. She went to the wharf and saw a couple of sailors and the Italian was among them.

-Mister Carmine.

The boy turned around. He had a toothpick in his mouth. He spat it into the sea and Nayeon looked at him with a disgusted face. -Picciotta.

(In Sicily's dialect- Sicily is a region in Italy- it means "young girl")


-Forgive me. Miss, how are you?

-Not very well. My friend and I had an argument.

-I'm to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you, miss?

-Do you know in how many days we will arrive in America?

Carmine turned towards the sea and looked at the horizon. He sniffed at her. -What can I tell you... Seven days?

-Thank you.

-You're welcom. So what are you going to do this morning?

-I don't know. There are not many activities to do here on the ship.

-I have an activity for you.

Nayeon smiled at Carmine's kindness. She loved to be treated as she deserved.


-Picciotta, do you want to move that box further to the right?

-Like that, mister Carmine?

-Exact. Good.

-Carmine, it's not a job for women, especially for a young lady like her.-another sailor told him. -Forgive him.

-I had found help. If we're three we can finish earlier.- Carmine complained.

Carmine's proposed activity wasn't exactly what Nayeon expected but as she had nothing to do and didn't want to go back to Jeongyeon, she decided to accept.

-What's your name, miss?- asked the other sailor.

-Nayeon Im.

-Nayeon... You have a beautiful name, just like you, miss. Do you have a husband?

-I'm engaged.

-Where is your man?

-He's not here with me.

-How can he leave a woman like you alone?

-I'm not alone, sir, I'm with a dear friend of mine.

-Forgive me, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Frank. Forgive Carmine. Your delicate hands shouldn't even try to do such a job. Would you like something to drink, miss?

-I would like some water.

-Picciotta, we are immersed in the ocean. You have as much as you want.

-Carmine... Forgive him. He's new.

Nayeon smiled. -There is no problem.

-Come with me. I'm taking you to the dining car.

-Thank you. Goodbye mister Carmine.

-Goodbye, miss.- he said taking off his hat, probably the only polite thing he knew how to do but Nayeon didn't blame him for it.

They went to the door and Frank made Nayeon go first and then he went down the stairs. They headed towards that small restaurant consisting of a few tables. There the various social classes mixed, yet remained detached, each at their own table.

-Some water for the young lady.-Frank asked. The only waitress inside the ship nodded and went into the small kitchen. She then returned with a pitcher of water and a glass. - Please, sit down.

-Thank you.

Frank poured water for Nayeon and sat down across from her. -I should be working at this hour but a break to talk to a beautiful lady is allowed, right? Don't worry, I respect your betrothed. I'm not here to do anything but talk. I don't know if you ladies are used to talking to men other than your father or husband.

-Actually I exchanged a few words with my brother-in-law but we were always in company. I had never noticed it but we are really forbidden to talk to men alone.

-I hope it's not a problem for you and your betrothed.

Nayeon thought of Jeongyeon. -He probably won't like it much.

-I am sorry. I'm getting off the trouble.- Frank said getting up.

-Don't worry. He's not here and I'm not being unfaithful to him, I'm just talking to someone who's been nice to me.

Frank smiled and sat down. 

Frank is a celebrity, for the uninitiated
Basically this guy Frank used to text me saying he was engaged to Ariana (Grande) but I was his girlfriend too
And it's a very long story hahaha
He made edits with him and put a picture of Ariana
Very realistic photos I must say
(He was actually a paedophile but at 15 I didn't pay too much attention to it)
How many things could I tell you...Like the reason why I don't eat chicken breast
Let's leave this to the next chapter

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