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Richard had asked the maid to accompany him shopping and Jeongyeon was left alone in her room reading a book. While reading, she immersed herself in other people's stories and had no time to think about her problems. Romeo and Juliet: that was true love, a love between a man and a woman. Yet even their story did not end well. Deep in her thoughts, she was awakened by a noise from downstairs. She went to check and noticed that someone was knocking on the door. When she went to open it, she found Nayeon in front of her.


The girl entered and closed the door behind her. -Jeongyeon, I know everything.

-Well. So you know why I didn't show up at the port.

-I don't understand.

Jeongyeon arched an eyebrow. -What do you know?

-That you are Roseanne's daughter.

-So you know why I didn't go to the port.- she said again.

-I don't understand.- Nayeon repeated.

-There is a blood relationship between us!- Jeongyeon shouted in exasperation.

-Not just blood.

The landlady sighed. -What comes to your mind? Were you not aware of the situation?

Nayeon squeezed her hands and looked into her eyes. -I can't live without you.

Jeongyeon felt her heart racing. She said nothing. Nayeon stroked her cheek and smiled at her. She pulled away from her and untied the knot in the back of her dress.

-What are you—

-Calm down. You weren't like that that night.

The younger one blushed. -I... We... We are cousins. We cannot.

-Edward's cousins ​​are married to each other and they have one child. Why can't we love?

-It's all so wrong.- Jeongyeon said turning away.

Nayeon dropped her dress to the floor and walked in front of her. -You didn't care until a few days ago.

-What are you doing? If Richard comes—

-We have an hour.- she whispered to her.

-Get dressed.- she said and turned around again.

-We were stepsisters, two women, married, yet you didn't care. Why is this extra problem stopping you?

Nayeon placed herself on the other side again and by now she had also taken off her petticoat, leaving only the bodice on.

-What do you want from me?

-From you? Nothing. From Mr. Johnson his wife.- she said dropping also her bodice to the ground.

-If I give you what you want, will you promise me that you won't bother me again?

Nayeon chuckled as she brought her hand to her mouth. -As you wish. But it will be you who will beg me to come back to you if we make love.

Jeongyeon turned around and picked up Nayeon's clothes off the ground. They had less than an hour to do what her cousin wanted and so she would disappear forever from her life. It cost her nothing. It was goodbye.

Jeongyeon took the girl by her hand and led her to the stairs. We'll have to be quick. Richard mustn't suspect anything.

-He has never understood anything. Calm down.

Jeongyeon stormed into her room and closed the door. She took Nayeon by her hips and pressed her lips against those of the eldest, who wrapped her arms around her neck. Theirs was a kiss full of passion, where tongues still met, as if they had missed each other. Nayeon's tongue hated Edward's, and Jeongyeon's thought there was no comparison between the girl's and Richard's. When Jeongyeon pulled away in need of air and put her forehead against hers, Nayeon smiled.

-You don't want me, do you?- she asked with a small smirk. Jeongyeon didn't answer. Still panting from the kiss, she sat Nayeon on the bed and began to untie the bow with some haste. -I'll do it.- her cousin told her.

Nayeon stood up and Jeongyeon turned away. The older one slid her soft hands down her back and then up her arms, slowly pulling her sleeves off. Jeongyeon didn't understand why so slow, she didn't want to waste time. Nayeon, on the other hand, wanted to enjoy the moment. When the girl slid her dress to the floor she smiled at the sight of the other's bare bottom. She kissed her neck and Jeongyeon shivered. Nayeon smiled satisfied and proceeded to take off her petticoat as well. There was only the bodice separating their bodies. Nayeon's nipples were hard against that bodice which, little by little, she loosened until it fell forcefully to the ground. Jeongyeon felt Nayeon's nipples against her bare skin and had to do everything not to cry at the thought of losing that woman.

Jeongyeon turned over and Nayeon stroked her cheek again. They stood there looking at each other for a few seconds but Jeongyeon knew they didn't have all the time. She accompanied Nayeon with her arms until she lay down and then she got on top of her. With her tongue she teased a nipple, while her hand went down to the intimacy of the girl under her. Richard sometimes enjoyed putting his fingers in, so Jeongyeon thought to try it with her beloved. She poked in two fingers and Nayeon screamed in ecstasy. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon was continuing to work up as well, licking and sucking her right nipple, until Nayeon felt even more pleasure.

-More more...

Jeongyeon loved having that power. That power she could never have with Richard because he was a man. It was him who was in charge. That thick liquid came out once again from Nayeon's intimacy and with it a powerful scream from the girl with now red cheeks and sweaty forehead.

-I want to do it again.- Jeongyeon whispered to her.

-Wait your turn. Don't be greedy.-Nayeon whispered back, making them switch positions. Jeongyeon gladly let that girl stand under her. Nayeon immediately proceeded to stroke the labia of Jeongyeon, who was impatient and waiting for her felt like torture. She just wanted Nayeon to touch her. -Say you'll leave with me and I'll put my fingers inside you.- Jeongyeon looked at her puzzled. What was it that she had to say? Leave? Still with that idea? Nayeon smirked and stopped touching her. Jeongyeon felt so frustrated in just one second. She sat up with Nayeon still on her lap and tried to put Nayeon's hand on her breast but she stopped her. -Nothing if you don't first promise me that you will leave with me.

-Nayeon... We can't.

-We have the option, it's you who don't want to.

-Where do you want to go?

-I have everything under control. Just tell me you'll come with me.

Jeongyeon's nipples were getting harder and harder, her intimacy more and more wet. -I will come... With you.

Nayeon smiled satisfied and made her lay back. She put her fingers into the intimacy of the youngest and began to make those movements that Jeongyeon had made before to her. Meanwhile, her lips kissed every inch of her skin, moving up from her abdomen to the hollow of her breasts. She grabbed one of them with her hand and massaged a red, erect nipple with her thumb, while her mouth sucked on the other.

-Nayeon! You... I...

Nayeon parted from the girl's breast and looked at her with mischief and love mixed as her fingers moved quickly.

-Say it: I'm better than Richard, right?

-You are better than Richard.- Jeongyeon gasped. -And me...

-You are certainly better than Edward.

Perhaps because of the intensity with which her fingers moved, perhaps because of that sentence, Jeongyeon reached her orgasm and Nayeon lay down next to her, taking her cheeks and kissing her lips gently.



-Richard, I just finished talking to her.- said the girl in front of the door.

Richard entered. -So?

-Don't worry. You will never see her again... Sad.- Having said that, Nayeon left the Johnson house.

Shall we let Mina die again this time?

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