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-Jeongyeon, dear, Edward invited us to dinner with them tonight.

-To dinner!? Does Nayeon know about it?

-She is his wife... I think she knows. Why does it worry you so much? Did you fight?

-Not at all. I just wanted to know if she knew. I think it's strange that Edward is inviting us and not Nayeon.

-I understand. As her husband, he has the right to do so.

-You are right. I'm going to get ready.


-Irene! My gold earrings!?

-Nayeon, calm down, it's a dinner with your sister and your brother-in-law.- Edward told her. -How are you feeling?

-Good, why?

-Do you notice anything unusual? Nausea? Pain?


-Why don't you get pregnant!? What's your problem!? I should have known earlier that I have a wife who doesn't work. I would not have married you if I had known.

-I wouldn't have married you either.- Nayeon said softly.


-Nothing. Irene, my earrings?

-Here, Mrs. Morris.- said the maid pointing to the mirror.

-I'm going down to welcome the guests. Nayeon, hurry up.

Nayeon sighed as Edward left. -Irene, have you never married?

-To make me be treated like this? I prefer to serve you.

Nayeon smiled. -You are right.

-May I ask you a question?

-Sure, just ask.

-You and your sister... You are very close, aren't you?

-That's right.- Nayeon said a bit perplexed.

-I don't have a sister but... Do you help each other with everything?

-Yes... Family is important.

-I know but... I didn't think we could help each other even for... Certain things.- said the woman with red cheeks.

Nayeon looked at her surprised and a little worried. -Don't tell anyone.

-I won't do that. Your secret is safe with me.

-Irene, you really don't have to tell anyone. You know that man and woman—

-I know. I don't understand what you and your sister did but it was just to help her, wasn't it?

-That's right. Now let's go.- Nayeon walked out of the room rather worried and went downstairs, where Jeongyeon and Richard were waiting for her at the door. As soon as she saw her sister, Nayeon smiled. -Jeongyeon...

-Nayeon, how are you?

-I have to give you the book I told you about last time.- she said going down the stairs.

-It is true. I just came with that thought.

Jeongyeon didn't actually understand what she was talking about but decided to play along.
Nayeon came in front of her and kept smiling.

-Good evening.- she said shyly in front of Jeongyeon's beautiful brown eyes.

-Good evening.- her sister answered smiling at her as if hypnotized.

-Good evening Richard.

-Good evening Nayeon. You are beautiful as always.

-Never as your wi... Jeongyeon.

-My wife, yes.- Richard said confused as to why Nayeon didn't continue.

-Shall we go get the book?- Nayeon asked.


Nayeon held out her hand and Jeongyeon shook it, following her to the studio. Once there, Nayeon closed the door and put her arms behind her neck. -You are beautiful.-she whispered to her.

-The book?- Jeongyeon asked.

Nayeon chuckled, then pressed her lips against Jeongyeon's. The girl's eyes widened and she pulled away abruptly. -Richard and Edward...

-Edward doesn't even love me. He cheats on me with an innkeeper.- she said trying to throw herself on her but Jeongyeon ducked away.

-They could find us. What will become of us?

Nayeon cared little for the consequences. She was tired of that life where she was just "the daughter of", "the wife of". Why was she always tied to one man? With Jeongyeon, however, everything was different. To Jeongyeon she was just Nayeon, her Nayeon. She lunged at her lips again and this time Jeongyeon reciprocated. The older quickly stuck her tongue in and moved her hands along the sides of the younger one, who held her hands still to avoid doing things they might regret. It was Jeongyeon who held up resistance and broke away.

-Let's go to them.

-I will not resist seeing you with another.

-Me neither.- Jeongyeon said leaning her forehead against hers. -But... Do we have a solution?

-There would be one... But... It's risky...


-Let's run away.

-You're crazy.- Jeongyeon said, turning around and then walking out of the studio.

No, that wasn't Nayeon. Nayeon was the one who rejected her, the one who avoided touching her hand or making eye contact with her, the one who only wanted her to shut up and who had defined them sick. Jeongyeon made her way to the dining room and sat next to Richard.

-The book?- Richard asked.

-I thought better of it.- Jeongyeon said, feigning her best smile.

-Jeongyeon, the book.- Nayeon said returning and placing it next to her.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon told her as her sister sat down in front of her, next to Edward.

-Richard and I were talking about what happened at the market. Have you heard? Some thieves have robbed a lady.

-Do not tell me. How terrible.- Nayeon said.

-We have invited you here to offer you our most sincere apologies.- Edward admitted.

Nayeon looked down. -I am infinitely sorry for having made a fool of myself in front of your family.

-Nayeon, don't do that.- Jeongyeon said. -You've already apologized to me. It should be enough.

-No, Jeongyeon, Nayeon has to do it.- Edward told her.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows. -I know you are husband and I respect it but I don't want you to tell her what to do and what not just out of respect. Your sincere apologies which were extended to me were accepted by both myself and my husband. That may be enough.

Richard took Jeongyeon's hand. -Dear, Edward is her husband, he has every right to tell her what to do.

-Yes, it's so...- Jeongyeon said bitterly.

-Irene, bring the first meal.- Edward said.

-Do you know what is more terrible than robbing a woman? Stealing one from another person.- Jeongyeon said.

-You are right. Stealing a woman from another man is horrible.- Richard said.

-Especially if the woman in question doesn't like the new man.

-In any case it is wrong.- Edward intervened.

-Why are you talking about it? Did you hear anything?- Richard asked.

-A few months ago. It's not recent news. You know what else is nasty? Marry someone just for her title and to make her family happy and then cheat on that person with the plebs.-Jeongyeon said switching between Edward and Nayeon's gaze.

-Irene! Do you want to bring the first course!?- Edward yelled furiously.

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