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Sana, with Jimin's help, got out of the carriage, so did Nayeon and finally Jeongyeon. Sana went to a shop with a golden door. She pushed the door with her white gloves and entered.

-Madam Im, how nice to see you.-greeted the owner. -How can I help you?

-Mrs. Taylor, this is Jeongyeon, my daughter.

The lady blinked twice. -What a lovely girl.

-We are looking for a dress for her. I know that some new fabrics have arrived.

-I have a perfect dress for her. I'll show you.

Mrs. Taylor walked towards the back of the shop and the three followed. They saw a yellow dress with a large bell-bottom skirt that reached the floor.

-It looks perfect to me. Jeongyeon, why don't you wear it?

Jeongyeon wasn't convinced at all but she didn't want to disappoint Sana. She nodded.


Jeongyeon had never been to a party. She'd had tea with Sana and Nayeon but it wasn't the same. There were many more people there. There were some noble girls there and they had nothing to do with that party. Mina had made her make up and Nayeon had told her that she was beautiful but she knew that Nayeon was always nice to her. Who knows why... Why be nice to someone like her?

-Don't be afraid.- Nayeon told her taking her hand. -Let's go.

Jeongyeon held Nayeon's hand and walked with her to the garden where several girls were chatting with each other.

-Nayeon! How are you?- a girl asked.

-Fine, thanks for the concern. I would like to introduce you to my sister Jeongyeon.

-Your sister?- asked another girl.

-My adoptive sister.- Nayeon explained. She then turned her gaze to a girl. -Good evening Anne, happy birthday.

-Thank you, Nayeon. You are very beautiful tonight.

Nayeon smiled at her. -Thank you. You are splendid. This dress looks like it was made just for you.

-In fact it's so. Which didn't happen for the girl next to you. Who is she?- Anne asked looking up and down at Jeongyeon.

-She is my sister Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon curtsied. -Happy birthday Miss Anne.

-Your sister? I don't want her here.

Nayeon frowned. -Why?

-I don't like her. Victoria, doesn't she have a hideous dress?- Anne asked her best friend.

-I honestly think it's very beautiful indeed.- Anne glared at Victoria. -For a plebeian, clearly.

The five girls in the garden laughed in chorus, while Nayeon stared at them speechless and Jeongyeon kept her gaze down.

-We brought you a present.- Nayeon said feigning her best smile.

Anne took Nayeon's gift but refused to take it from Jeongyeon.

-Nayeon, do you really hang out with this girl? You know that races shouldn't be mixed. She has Chinese characters.

-Koreans.- Nayeon corrected her. -And my father also has Korean characters, just like me, Anne.

-Your father and you were born here, you are purely English, unlike your mother who is Japanese. Maybe that's why my mother isn't inviting her to have tea anymore.- Anne laughed bringing her hand on her mouth. -Someone like her cannot be considered purely English.

-Thanks for inviting me. Jeongyeon and I are getting out of your hair.

-You can stay, it's Jeongyeon who has to go elsewhere.

-I prefer to stay with my sister, thanks for the invitation. Goodbye. Happy birthday.

Nayeon turned around and started walking away holding Jeongyeon's hand tightly.

-Did you hear her?- Victoria asked.

-I won't hang out with people like that anymore. Have you seen who Nayeon is hanging out with now?- asked another girl.

-I'm sorry.- Nayeon said once they got out to the gate. -Now we'll have to wait here. Jimin won't be back until six.

-Thank you.- Jeongyeon whispered.

-For what?- Nayeon asked surprised at her looking into her eyes.

-For defending me.

-Jeongyeon, don't listen to Anne. Her family is intolerant of us non-Europeans. She only invited me because our father is a good friend of hers. She never liked me, to tell the truth.

-How can she not love a person like you?- Jeongyeon asked. -Then she must be crazy.

Nayeon chuckled. -There are many people who don't like me. Including my sisters, sometimes.

-Do you think that sooner or later your sisters will like me?

-I think so. They're not mean, they're just... Like Anne. They frequented English noblewomen so much that they are now like them. Even our mother behaves like noblewomen out of habit now. Her true nature was very different when my father met her. You know... Forced marriages... My mother didn't want to marry my father. But her parents thought it would be useful for them because my father came from a wealthy noble family and my mother too, but she was Japanese, she was new to the country. The Minatozaki family had to establish itself and so they decided to join the Im.- Nayeon had suddenly become sad when she told what had happened. She knew the same fate would await her too. There was already a twenty year old man who had made it clear that he didn't want Momo, the eldest, but Nayeon because she graced him more. Tzuyu had agreed on the condition that the wedding would take place when Nayeon was fifteen.


Sana was looking at the portrait of her and her sister. Tzuyu stood next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sana turned to him and smiled at him.

-I noticed that you have changed towards Jeongyeon. I'm happy.

-I couldn't do otherwise since I found out that she is Chaeyoung's daughter.

Sana's sister Chaeyoung, who had changed her name to Roseanne to marry a British man, had died a few years earlier. She died the very day she Sana discovered she was pregnant. For this reason she gave her sister's name to one of her twins. Tzuyu had found out that Roseanne had had a daughter with another man when she was already married and she had abandoned her. For this reason he had gone all the way to Sussex to adopt her. Due to their family's reputation, no one was to know that Jeongyeon was actually Roseanne's illegitimate daughter. Because of this Sana and Tzuyu would have kept the secret, not even telling their daughters. In the end, it didn't matter who the mother was. By now Jeongyeon had a family, that's what mattered to her.

Now you understand the sudden change of Sana
And here things get complicated

I hope to be able to update tonight too but tomorrow I have a oral test (which I don't even understand if it will be tomorrow or not)

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