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Jeongyeon was in her room. She had just placed the book Nayeon had given her on the dressing table and was removing her earrings, when something caught her attention. "Secret Diary of a Bunny". That wasn't a book, it was Nayeon's secret diary. She remembered how Jeongyeon used to tease her when they were little. She put her hand on the hardcover and tapped it with her forefinger. She decided to open it because there had to be a reason why she had given it to her.

"If you have opened this diary it is because you are probably looking for something about you. I would never risk writing how I feel about you but if you want to know what I would have written, present yourself this Sunday at the port at sunset. Don't ask questions. Don't meet me before that time.

-your beloved Nayeon."

Not beloved sister, beloved Nayeon. Nayeon was for real. But what was Jeongyeon supposed to do? Abandoning the people who had given her a home? She decided to put the diary in the drawer and think about it later.


-Mr. Im, Mrs. Im, what a pleasant surprise!- exclaimed Richard.

-Hello dear. Where is Jeongyeon?- Sana asked.

-In our room. Come, take a seat.

Meanwhile, the maid went to get Jeongyeon. The girl hadn't expected a visit from her parents and she hoped they hadn't found out anything. She came downstairs and greeted the two with a reverence.

-Jeongyeon, take a seat. Richard, do you mind leaving us alone?- Tzuyu asked.

-Of course, Mr. Im.- The boy got up and went out.

Jeongyeon sat facing the two. Tzuyu was holding Sana's hand and from there the girl understood that it wasn't a casual visit.

-Jeongyeon, we are here to reveal something to you. We... We know your mother's identity.

Jeongyeon's eyes widened. -My... My mother?

Sana nodded. -Yes, Jeongyeon. Your mother is my poor sister Roseanne. She died years ago.

-Your sister... The woman who wore my wedding dress?

-Exactly.- Sana said squeezing her husband's hand even tighter.

-We couldn't tell you. You were too young. That would have been too big a surprise. There were too many things happening in your life. You are now a married woman.

-Me and... So Nayeon and I are cousins?- Jeongyeon asked turning pale.

-You will always be sisters. Nothing will change.- Tzuyu said.

Yeah, nothing. They were about to run away together to live their impossible love and suddenly it had become even more impossible. That was divine punishment for even thinking about going to the port that Sunday. What was she up to? They were cousins. She couldn't.

-Thank you for informing me.-Jeongyeon said. -Why... Didn't I grow up with her?

Sana and Tzuyu looked at each other. -She ... She was married and she had you with another man.

-I understand. So she preferred to abandon me because that's how it works: what people say is more important than the people themselves.

-Jeongyeon, don't be disrespectful to your mother.- Tzuyu said.

-Forgive me. It was not my intention.

-You're just surprised. We understand that.- Sana said smiling at her.


Nayeon had managed to go to the port by telling Edward that she would go to Jeongyeon. Jimin had accompanied her and sworn not to say anything, Nayeon being the only one nice to him. The sun had now set and the ship was about to leave. The cold wind moved her hair and Nayeon looked in every direction but there was no sign of Jeongyeon.

-Miss, we have to leave.- the captain told her.

Nayeon sighed. -My husband didn't show up. Something must have happened to him. Thanks for waiting, Captain.

-No problem. Goodbye.

-Jimin, let's go home.

Nayeon was sad and disappointed. Why did Jeongyeon choose her life over her? Had she been scared? Yet she was the first to show her feelings. The girl was furious and she swore never to talk her sister again. Yes, because that was just her sister. Jeongyeon didn't really care about Nayeon. She had only used her because she was sick and had passed her sickness to her. That had happened. From that day Nayeon would change.


-Darling, why do you keep watching the sun go down?- Richard asked her.

-Is she already far away?- Jeongyeon wondered.


-The fire star. I wonder if she's off land this time of year.

-I haven't studied astronomy enough to answer you.- Richard said laughing. -You are so thoughtful today. Is it because of the revelation they made to you?

-I still have to recover.

-Does your sister, correct me, does your cousin already know about it?

Jeongyeon shook her head. -Don't mention it in front of her. I want to be the one to tell her myself.

At least she would have an excuse to see her one last time. The girl got up and went outside. She got into the carriage and was immediately taken to the Morris home. There it was Irene who opened the door.

-Mrs. Morris has just returned. Did you forget something?

-I came to tell her something of the utmost importance that I haven't been able to tell her these days.

-Mrs. Morris asked me not to let you in.

-I understand, but it's important to me that she knows.

-I can tell her.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Then tell her that her cousin has stopped by and has the extreme urgency to talk to her.

-I will tell her. Good evening.

Irene closed the door and went to the Morris' room. She knocked and Nayeon went to open it.

-Irene, tell me.

-Mrs Johnson is here. She told me to inform you that your cousin has passed and she has the extreme urgency to speak to you.

-Cousin? I have no cousins.

-I don't know. She was the only one at the door, and it didn't seem to me that there was anyone in the carriage.

-Thank you, Irene.

When the maid left, Nayeon began to wonder what she meant. Had she made up an excuse just to see her? Poor deluded. Nayeon would not forgive her.

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