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Jeongyeon opened her eyes and the bed next to her was still empty. Nothing was just a bad dream. It was all real. It had been a month since she had spoken to Nayeon. Her beloved sister was somewhere with another man, she had to stop thinking about her and start looking after Richard, the man she was supposed to marry and who was supposed to make her forget about Nayeon. Maybe Nayeon had managed to forget about her thanks to Edward. She didn't know if she would be happy or unhappy.


-Nayeon, can I talk to you?- Edward asked dressed in a jacket and tie.

-Tell me.

-We've been together for over a month now and you still aren't pregnant.

Nayeon lowered her head. -I am sorry.

-This is not the problem. We will try again. I want to tell you about something else.

-Tell me.

-Do you love me?

Nayeon kept her gaze down. How could she look a man she didn't love in his eyes and tell him she loved him? She could have done it if only she didn't love someone else. She loved... Love... Because the further she stayed away from Jeongyeon, the more she became convinced that she was really love. Though she hated and blamed herself, when she thought what she felt for Jeongyeon was love her heart felt alive.

-Of course, you are my husband.

-Exactly, I'm your husband. You are forced to love me but you don't really love me, just like I don't love you.-Nayeon looked up. -You are beautiful, intelligent, a woman of culture and I would love you if only...

-Is there another woman?

-Don't tell your father about it.

Nayeon shook her head smiling. -May I know who are is she?

-She is a woman who works in an inn... Isn't it absurd for someone like me to fall in love with an innkeeper?

Nayeon shook her head. -It's lovely. And it's love.

-You are also in love with someone else, aren't you?


-You don't have to tell me who it is. I want to suggest that everyone lives their own life.

-It would be cheating...

-You betray when you love. Nayeon, happiness comes first. I want to be happy but I want you to be happy too.

-Or you just don't want to be the only one with a guilty conscience?

Edward shook his head. -I really mean what I say. I loved you but what I feel for that woman is...

-Special, different, wrong... It's a mix of conflicting feelings, yet it feels right for some reason.

Edward nodded. -You feel the same about that man. I can read it in your gaze. Nayeon, we can do what we want but for no reason in the world should we let the others know. They would look at us as the worst sinners.

-They would look at me with contempt. Men are always forgiven.

-Go to him. I know you need it.

-And you go to her before some customer steals her from you.


Mr. Im had agreed to let Jeongyeon date Richard, considering him a good boy. The two were walking along the River Thames and admiring the water rush by, a bit like time.

-I'm happy to marry you.- confessed the boy. -You remind me so much of her.

Jeongyeon turned to him. -Who, Richard?

-My mother. She had your eyes, your smile, your elegance...

Jeongyeon smiled. -I'm sure you got those qualities from her.

-My mother would love you. As soon as I saw you... I knew you were the one and when you agreed to marry me... I was over the moon.- Was it so wrong that Jeongyeon didn't feel anything? Richard was not like other men: he valued women, gave them compliments and expressed all of his love for her. -And I want to have many children with you.

-Children?- Jeongyeon asked almost turning pale.

-I know that at first it might be strange for you but... You will like making love with me. I promise you.

Jeongyeon hadn't thought about this aspect of marriage. That means Nayeon had done it too. But she... How was she supposed to do it? She was not attracted to Richard and the idea of ​​doing impure things with him disgusted her. Yes, acts acts, because for her that was what they were if done with someone you don't love.

-It's cold.- Jeongyeon changed the subject.

-You miss her, don't you?

-Oh?- asked the girl raising her head and looking her fiancée in his eyes.

-Your sister. You haven't spoken to each other for over a month. From her wedding to be exact.

-How do you know it?

-Because it's been a month since you last smiled.

Jeongyeon lowered her gaze again. It was so obvious that she missed her. She wondered if Nayeon felt the same.

-I... It was good for both of us to get away.

-Why ever?

-Our love and esteem for each other would have led us to drift apart sooner or later. We just preceded fate.

Richard didn't understand what she meant. He was curious but he decided not to ask questions. He remembered how he had preferred not to answer to anyone when his mother had passed away.

-I think you should go see her.

-I don't agree.

-You'll see her at the wedding.

-We shouldn't have to talk to each other.

-Today the river is more beautiful than usual.- Richard commented looking down.- Jeongyeon joined him and looked at the water if it was moving fast and bad. -Look at that beautiful reflection. We are perfect together.

Jeongyeon strained to see their reflections in the water. The river ran too fast and she couldn't focus on their figures. She watched the water for a long time, and as she began to notice their bodies, she saw instead of Richard Nayeon. She was going crazy. Yet she was so beautiful with her ceramic skin, her cheekbones always high even when she wasn't smiling, her red and inviting lips, her pink dress, her prosperous breasts, that long black hair that fell softly on the shoulders. At that moment, however, Jeongyeon noticed one thing: Richard was to her right and her reflection was to her left. Jeongyeon turned to the side and saw the girl she had been thinking about for a month.

-Good morning, Jeongyeon, how are you?

Today I feel more single than usual

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