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-Jeongyeon.- little Dahyun called her while they were waiting for the teacher. -Is it true that where you lived there were mice?


-And is it true that your father is an ogre?- Chaeyoung asked.


-And is it true that you used to eat lice?-asked Dahyun.


-Then Jihyo lied to us!- Chaeyoung said accusing her older sister. -When we're done, would you like to play with us?

-Chaeyoung! Our mother said not to stay with her!- Dahyun reminded her.

Jeongyeon was disappointed but it didn't seem to be new now. Yet she had been there for less than twenty-four hours.

-I'm sorry Jeongyeon. Our mother doesn't want us to stay with you.- Chaeyoung said sadly.

-Don't worry.- Jeongyeon smiled bitterly.

-Our mother also told Nayeon not to stay with you.

Suddenly Jeongyeon felt sad about Dahyun's revelation. She thought she had found at least one person in the world to talk to. Someone knocked and a gentleman with glasses made his entrance. Dahyun and Chaeyoung stood up, so Jeongyeon did the same.

-Sit.- They sat down. -You must be the new one... Jeongyeon, right?- the man asked peering through his glasses.

-Yes, sir.

-What do you know about arithmetic?

-Nothing, sir.

-Nothing? Chaeyoung, what is three times four?

-Twelve, teacher.

-Good. Dahyun, what is seven times eight?

-Fifty-six, teacher.

-Excellent. Jeongyeon, try harder.

Jeongyeon knew nothing. She didn't know what she had to try harder.

-Dahyun, why don't you teach Jeongyeon the addition?

-Yes, teacher.

The little girl opened her notebook and showed her new sister how to add numbers together. Jeongyeon was so confused. For her, numbers had only been an abstract concept until then. For example, she used them to indicate her age, twelve years. It was all so strange and humiliating. An eight-year-old girl teaching a twelve-year-old girl. Of course, it wasn't Jeongyeon's fault. The teacher was exactly like everyone else. Humiliating people was their hobby.

-Do you understand?- asked the teacher.

-Yes, teacher.

-Good, do these additions while Chaeyoung and Dahyun do some multiplication.- he said giving her a sheet.

The girl worked hard and immediately did her best. In two minutes she was already done. -I'm done, sir.

The man was shocked. -Give me it here.- he snatched the sheet from her hand and checked. -Surprising... You are not stupid, then... Try doing the subtraction. See in my book how to do it.- Jeongyeon couldn't read, so she just watched the numbers disappear. She understood that it was necessary to follow the logic of additions but in reverse. She immediately started doing the ones in the book, while her twins were still doing the multiplications. The man looked at her curiously. He didn't expect an illiterate person to figure it out on her own and do it. He took the sheet and checked the calculations, noting that they were all correct. -Amazing... In a few lessons you can join Miss Nayeon if you keep up this way. You two, are you done?

-Almost, teacher.

-Time is up. You'll finish them for next time. In fact, why don't you teach Jeongyeon times tables?

-Already, teacher?- Dahyun asked perplexed.

-Exactly, Dahyun.

The teacher stood up and the three girls did the same to greet him. The man went out as he was done for that day. He only taught Nayeon and the twins, now Jeongyeon too. He headed downstairs, meeting Mina.

-Can you call Mr. Im?

-Immediately, sir.- said the girl making a bow.

Mina went to Mr. Im's study and then to Mrs. Im's room and took the couple to the teacher.

-Gentlemen Im, the girl has a shocking intelligence.

-Who? Nayeon? I always thought that Momo was the smartest.- Sana said. -But I'm sure she's learning from her sister.

-No, I'm talking about Jeongyeon.

Sana looked at him puzzled. -Excuse me, are you talking about the sewer rat?

-Darling...- Tzuyu intervened. -I'm glad she learned to count.

-To count? She taught herself how to add and subtract. She is a true genius. She will bring you a lot of money and satisfaction.

-And the twins?- Sana asked.

-They can improve. Nayeon is good enough but none of them is as good as Jeongyeon. I've never seen a girl like that. She is a prodigy. Guard her. Now I have to go. Goodbye.

-Goodbye.- Tzuyu said smiling. -See, dear?

-Jeongyeon will never be better than Momo. And Nayeon is your daughter, you should appreciate her, not Jeongyeon.

-Jeongyeon is also my daughter and you should learn to appreciate her and recognize her good sides. Think that she has no parents. Have pity on her.

-We'll see if she learns to behave like a gentlewoman. Right now she's just a rat in the gutter.

With that, Sana lifted the skirt of her dress and walked away. Tzuyu sighed. Meanwhile, upstairs, Jeongyeon had returned to her room, where she found Nayeon on her bed reading a book.

-Jeongyeon! How was it?

-Good... The teacher complimented me.

Nayeon smiled. -I was sure you were good. Come here.

-What are you doing?- Jeongyeon asked as she approached her, then sat down on her bed.

-I'm reading.

-I don't know how to do it.

-Do you want to hear it?- Jeongyeon nodded. -And Patroclus hurled himself upon the Trojans, contemplating ruin, he darted three times like fiery Ares, fearfully shouting: three times he killed nine men.

-You read so well.

Nayeon smiled. -Thank you. Maybe you're not understanding much because I've been on the book for a while. You know... There are twenty four books.

-Twenty four? Will you read them all?

Nayeon shrugged. -I don't know. I hope to succeed. Can you please get me that book with the yellow cover?- Nayeon asked Jeongyeon. The girl immediately got up and took it. She could not read but she saw the figure of a girl and a boy. -Do you know Hänsel and Gretel?- Jeongyeon shook her head. -It's a story about two siblings and... I'm not going to anticipate anything. Sit next to me.- Jeongyeon sat back down and Nayeon opened the book. -In front of a large forest lived a poor woodcutter who had nothing to feed himself; he could hardly get bread for his wife and his two children: Hänsel and Gretel...- Jeongyeon listened with interest to Nayeon's calm and soothing voice. She was very nice reading that story to her. No one had ever done it before. -...Now the children brought enough riches so that they no longer needed to procure the necessities of life.

Do you know how I started writing this book? Two Saturdays ago I watched Oliver Twist and this storyline came to mind. Let's thank Dickens for it
Does it have anything to do with Oliver Twist? Absolutely not
But I have this ability to make connections

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