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-I can't believe we're up here. It is madness. And your father? And our father!? And our mother? And Edward? And Richard?

-And Minhyuk, and Momo and Jihyo and the twins... Jeongyeon, calm down. If you regret it, we'll take a ship back. I have no shortage of money.

-It is madness! You robbed Edward!

-I didn't rob him. That money was given to him by our father.

-Our father... What will he think when he doesn't see us anymore? You are his beloved daughter. Our father? What am I saying? Your father and my uncle.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -You should have told me that you suffer from ocean panic.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I'm sorry, I had no idea. But... What if they find us?

-They will find us together. What can they do?

-Kill us?

Nayeon laughed heartily, even though she was partly afraid it might happen. -We have a few days to escape where no one will find us.

-I hope so.

It was Tuesday and exactly three days had passed since their meeting. They never saw each other again and suddenly Nayeon showed up at the Johnson house telling Jeongyeon that they had to hurry. Luckily Richard wasn't home at the time. Perhaps Nayeon had studied everything. Quickly packing a suitcase, Jeongyeon went to the Im family's carriage, and Jimin took them to the port.

-Let's go to sleep. What do you think?- Nayeon asked reassuring her with her sweet smile.

Jeongyeon smiled a little and nodded. -Let's go.


Waking up wrapped in Nayeon's arms, Jeongyeon realized that she had managed to fall asleep despite all her fears. She was about to kiss her forehead but she stopped midway. She was her cousin ... She ran away with her cousin. At the time it often happened that cousins ​​fell in love but for noble families it was a scandal. They were a scandal. Their love was a scandal. Jeongyeon removed Nayeon's arms from her waist and slowly stood up. Of course, sleeping two in such a narrow bed hadn't been the best. By the way they were also wearing the bodice. That thing was uncomfortable and Jeongyeon still hated it even though it had been four and a half years since she started wearing it.

-Jeongyeon?- Nayeon's soft voice made her turn around. The girl had sat up and she was rubbing her eyes. Jeongyeon found her just adorable but something told her to stop. -Have we arrived?

-I don't know. How far is it from London to Busan?

-We are not going to Busan. Do you remember how long it took us to get to Japan? Also, it's easier for them to find us in our father's homeland.

-Your father.- Nayeon hated her for repeating it. -Where are we going then?

-To America. You know... Our father doesn't have a good opinion on America and so do I. I don't think he would expect to find us there. Also, America is big. He won't be able to find us. It will take us about ten days.

-Ten days on this ship?- Jeongyeon asked, panic reflected in her eyes.

-Don't worry. It's not so bad.- Nayeon said smiling at her.

That smile she had tried to avoid and forced herself to hate was soothing her. Jeongyeon didn't understand what was happening to her. If it was all wrong, why was God allowing this to happen?


Mina went to open it because of the insistent knocking on the door. Richard entered the house like a thunderbolt.

-Mina, where is Jeongyeon?

The girl arched an eyebrow. -She's not here, Mr. Johnson.

-How is she not here? She's not even at the Morris house. Could I speak to Mr. Im? I do not know where she is.

Mina nodded a little worried and went to call the hosts. It was only Tzuyu who got off and he looked quite worried. -What do you mean you don't know where Jeongyeon is?

-Mr Im, you weren't at home yesterday when I got back. I thought it was at Ms. Nayeon's here but... She's not here or there.

-Richard, your job was to protect her!- Tzuyu yelled. -You made a commitment! Where were you yesterday!?

-I was talking about business, sir.

-Business... Business... What business can conclude someone who can't even protect his wife!? Take the carriage and let's go look for her. She can't be far away. She will be on the Thames. And why did you warn me just today?

-I thought she would come back.

-Did you think!? Let's go!

Tzuyu took his coat and left the house followed by Richard. They both got into the carriage and went towards the center of the city.


Sana was reading a book, unaware of everything that was happening. Mina suddenly went into the library and bowed. -Mrs. Im, Mr. Morris is here and he wants to talk to you. Your husband has gone out. He says it's urgent.

Sana closed the book and walked out confused. What did Edward want? She went towards the entrance and saw him there with a pale face, fingers outstretched and an expression that was anything but calm.


-Mrs. Im, your daughter Nayeon ran away. I can't find her anywhere.

-What does it mean that she ran away?

-I went looking for her everywhere. I went to Ms. Jeongyeon's but she wasn't there and my maid told me that Mr. Johnson had come to see us because Jeongyeon also seems to have run away.

-Jeongyeon too?

Sana's concern increased. Not only was her daughter missing but also the only memory she had of her of her sister.

-Let's mobilize. Edward, take the carriage. Mina! My coat!

Mina immediately ran to get it and helped her put it on. Sana got into Edward's carriage and the two set off for the city. The woman's heart was pounding. Thinking that at first she didn't care all that much about Nayeon. Her favorite had always been Momo and she quite liked Jihyo. Nayeon, on the other hand, didn't look like her at all and hated her for it. She was simply her husband's copy. But in the end the beautiful and well-mannered girl won her over. And Jeongyeon... She hated her too but then she loved her with all of her. Sometimes it seemed that she loved her more than her own daughters.

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