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Nayeon ran out, caring little for the coachman urging her on or her parents yelling for her to go back. She had her daughter with her, her daughter, their daughter. She ran like there was no tomorrow and everyone looked at her and thought she went mad after the trip among the "natives". The little girl was crying and Nayeon tried to reassure her by singing a few songs while she ran as fast as the wind towards a precise destination. There she stopped. There, in front of that door of that house where they made love, there where both denied reality, there where there was another man who loved Jeongyeon with all his heart, or maybe not. Without even catching her breath, she knocked and the maid immediately opened it.

-Good evening, is Jeongyeon there?

-Oh? She just left. Didn't she come to you?

Nayeon frowned. -No... I haven't seen her.

-How strange... Mr. Richard is lost in thoughts, you know. The lady went out to come to you, then she came in and went out again. The gentleman went to look for her.

-Thanks for the information.

Where was Jeongyeon located?Nayeon remembered that she loved spending her days on the bench in front of the Thames, she was probably there writing one of her thoughts. She decided to try her luck and go to that place, that very place where her smile had finally returned after a long time without seeing each other, that very place where they said with a game of looks that they didn't want to get married. The girl ran faster and faster as she reached the main road along the Thames and that was where she saw him. Richard was doubled over and was paralyzed.


The boy looked up. It was her, she was carrying a little girl.

-She would have really wanted to see her... Why didn't you show her the little girl, Nayeon?- asked the almost lifeless boy.

-She didn't ask me. If she had come—

-If she had come what!? If only you had come!- The boy got up. -If only you had come in time! Or if you had never appeared in her life... What's the point of appearing and then disappearing? Do you think you can be the only one to decide what to do?Why didn't you take her feelings into account? Why didn't you leave her to me, who really love her?

-Richard, where is Jeongyeon?

-Look, she wrote to me!- He handed her the letter. Richard was furious and the reason had to be written in there. -I found it on the bed.

Dear Richard,
I thank you for having stood by me and for choosing me as your bride. I'm sorry for being ungrateful and suddenly disappearing. I am sorry for not being able to give you a son. The reason for my disappearance is that I was in love with someone else. No, not another man. I loved a woman, and I still do. But is it really wrong to love a woman? I've asked myself that several times. Maybe it wasn't wrong to love a woman, but to love that woman. That woman who was my sister, then my cousin, yet I continued to love her despite everything. And now here I am, back to you as if you were just a replacement. What a horrible person I have been. You don't deserve this. Don't look for me. It will be useless. The waters of the Thames will have already carried me into the North Sea by now. Take care of yourself and be kind to your niece, who I would have loved to see grow up, or at least see once. I will watch you from above,

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