A devils deal

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Hey there guys! Sorry for the delay in me releasing stuff, but I have been really overworked in school stuff, not to mention other things that have just been annoyning me or stressing me the f out. But I am also sorry to say, that I will be going on a small trip soon overseas, so I won't be able to post anything, nor writ anything for a bit. So this might be the only you guys get for some time. Hope you all enjoy it to the fullest!

( Kouh Academy)

" Now, now class, raise your hands if you have any questions for Hyoudou-kun." The teacher said, even adding kun to the end of his name, made Issei feel a bit weird for hearing that being used with his name again, since it had been such a long time since he last had his name being used with it. A few hands shot up, mostly from the girl's side of the class, with two or three from the boy's side. Issei just pointed at whatever girl was closest to him, and it so happened to be a girl with medium length brown hair and with hands that seemed, at least from his fast glance at them, to train with weapons. It made him a bit curious as to what a human would need to train with a weapon for, but that was something he could ask later." Where do you come from?" The girl asked, having suddenly stood as she asked her question.

Issei thought about her question a bit, before answering it with." Well, I was born in Japan, but I was raised in Greece, but now I have moved back here." Issei said, feeling that his answer was good enough, judging by how the girl seemed to nod, in a weirdly approving way with some of the other girls whispering something. He just shrugged it off, and pointed at another girl, one who had her hair tied into two ponytails, had some crooked glasses and had this weird smile on her. It almost reminded him of when he saw Ahdrodite drunk." Do you have a girlfriend, or any interest in getting one?" She asked in a weirdly nice tone, making Issei feel he should steer away from her, but her question had been interesting, at least mostly to the other girls." Well, I would say no.. to the first part, but also no to the second one, as I already have someone I want to be my girlfriend." Issei said, sending a friendly smile to the class, as he felt a bit embarrassed about it, but it was also the truth and what harm could come from him saying? A lot, that's what.

In a single moment shortly after he had stopped talking, all the girls began to awe and fawn at him, as though his actions and words seemed cute to them. He had, by sheer dumb luck, managed to make most of the female members of his class fall for him, like he was the second coming of Herakles or something. But it had also served to fuel the sudden rage and anger of his fellow males, as they all stared at him with envy and hate.' Oh sweet Gaia.. are all humans like this?' He wondered, as he desperately tried to find another hand, and found one he did. It was one of the boy's though, but that could hurt too badly as what had happened earlier right?" Do you have any hot sister, who would be willing to go on a date with me?!" Asked a bald boy, as he seemed to smile in an impure way, making Issei feel a want to smack him over the head for having lewd thoughts about his sister. Not that Adhrodite had made that too hard, but that's besides the point. Issei smirked a bit evilly, before speaking.

" I have a few sisters, who are as you would say hot, but no they would never date you. After All a goddess does not date trash... oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to-'' A sudden uproar from the girls stopped him dead in his tracks, as they all cheered for his harsh words against the poor boy, with even the teacher placing her hand on his shoulder and giving him a thumbs up. Issei was, needless to say, very, very confused and worried about how this school works." Well said, Hyoudou-san, well said. Anyways, could you please take a seat next to Asia over there. Asia, could you stand up please, so Issei can see you?" The teacher asked, making a small blonde haired girl stand up, showing a friendly smile as the two made eye contact.

Issei nodded at the teacher, before going down the side lane of the tables, while ignoring both the fawning of the girls and the quiet insults from the boys, before stopping at his seat next to the blonde haired girl, Asia. He could tell right away that she wasn't from Japan, that much was obvious with her blonde hair, and that she also wasn't human or at least as much as the others around them." Hey, my name's Issei Hyoudou. I hope we can get along." He said, as reached his hand over to her from his seat, while the teacher began explaining something about their subject. Asia reached over with her own, smiling slightly at his friendliness." Asia Argento, I hope we get along as well." She said, before putting her focus back on the teacher, with Issei doing the same or at least trying to as he soon began to realize, he didn't have a clue about anything people his age learned in school.

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