End of Peace Talks

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Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I have been struggling with this one for way too fucking long, and decided to go with something more vague, yet still on the nose. Hope that makes sense.

Anyways, let me not stand between you and the story. Hope you enjoy.

( Kouh Academy)

He rushed towards her, striking at her with the spear, changing it into a double bearded axe just before impact. She managed to block the hit and keep her arm from being chopped off, but still got pushed a bit away." So fucking what?" He asked, swinging the axe around restlessly in his right hand, before dashing at her while holding out to his right.

"As-" He jumped."Long as-" Swung sideways down." I keep attacking-" She jumped back, dodging the first swing." You can't-" He swung upwards, cutting her bangs off."Say a thing!" Then let flung it downwards, cutting her lightly vertical down her stomach.

" But I still can." Issei felt a sudden push from behind, as two blueish wing shaped lights appeared on the ground below him." Divide!" He felt his strength dwindle. But Nazo, nor Vali gave him a chance to process fully what had happened, as the pair hit him from behind and in front, stopping him from getting his footing and instead keeping him in a state of constant back and forth motion.

He tried to put his hands up as a shield, but Vali placed a bone rattling hit on his shoulders, letting Nazo break through his weakened defense. And when he tried to turn and hit Vali, Nazo kicked his right leg, putting him down on one knee, letting the two start kicking the shit out of him. Vali kept dividing his strength, and Nazo began to use fire attacks on him, scorching his back.

His normal skin color had returned, but with all the burn marks he was getting, it didn't look like it had. The others wanted to help, but the leaders had warned against crossing the walls of fire. Even they didn't feel confident in their own ability against these hindrances, as they were not just some special or bloodline magic. It was primal magic, the most dangerous kind.

" I think that's enough, Vali." Nazo interrupted, as she stopped stomping on the half burned, all bruised, body of Issei who was weakly and desperately trying to breathe. Vali stopped herself, her foot being only half a centimeter above Issei." Hero's are dangerous, you said so yourself. This won't be enough to kill him."," But it will be enough for this." She put her index and middle fingers down her cleavage, lifting a small veil of purple liquid out, before showing it to Vali, who took a step back by instinct." The hell is that?"

Nazo smirked, as she leaned down to Issei, patting him softly on his burnt back. He heaved weakly." Some evil dragon blood." She took off the cap and immediately the smell of it filled the place. It was sweet, really sweet. Like a cheap gummy bear, it also had an off after taste, or smell in this case. Vali took a few more steps back, even trying to cover her helmet's air holes to keep the smell out." What do you intend to use it for, Daughter of Python?" Albion asked.

She ignored the dragon, as she spilled the blood on his back. At first it just pooled on the muscles of his back, then it began to seep inside of his wounds and into his veins. His body began to shake, as steam came out of each scratch, claw mark and wound, as they each healed themselves." What's happening? What did you do?" Vali yelled, confusing the onlookers.

They couldn't see much past the fire, but they knew Issei was down and that the two women were now arguing. Only Irina, who had been left somewhat alone. She had been using boost, storing now 5. Nazo cut her left palm open, spilling her own blood onto Issei as well. The steam stopped flowing out, and the small tornado above them came to a stop. Like it had been frozen in place.

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