Short Break

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This chapter a bit short, I know. But I just kinda wanna feel out this arc of the story a bit, so I'll try a new style for the next few chapters. Shorter, but also more "mysterious", at least I hope the few mysterious I have pointed at have been Mysterious. I am surprised no one figured out who Issei's dad was, but then again I have been misleading a lot of the time, but one scene, tells the truth.

But for now, enjoy and bye for now!

(Kouh Town)

The students, the human ones, had all returned to school Monday morning, unaware of the epic battle that had taken place here last friday. So they had no worries for the patch work and repairs or if they would hold, they only had worries for the upcoming Parents day. No teenager in their right mind, likes to have their parents watching them in school.

It was basically a death sentence socially, if one of your parents went too far with their praise or reactions to whatever they did. Though this was also the one thing that made all students stand together as a group, both the human and the supernatural, as all of them wished, prayed and begged for their parents to stay home, in hell or in heaven.

But a few students, namely Akeno and Irina, felt differently about this whole "problem". They had no parents to pray away, they only had ones they longed to see again, even if one of them denied it deeply. The both had been awfully quiet since the time and day had been picked during the first class.

And it stayed that way throughout the class following, with none seeming to be the wiser, not even the other orphans of the group. All of which had seemed to find comfort from either their masters' goodhearted families or from those who took them in. So the day started and ended quietly for the pair.

Irina and Issei had been sent on stray hunting for the night, as neither were hurt or wounded like the rest of the group. Issei had been wounded, but thanks to his godly regantion, a few holes in his body meant nothing to his ability to work. And Irina had been virtually unharmed in the fight, so this had been made into a semi real combat training lesson for her.

Issei just had to watch over her, and only step in if things became too dangerous. They had their school outfits on, but they each had a more "protective" piece as a small add-on for safety. Irina had the Boosted gear out, with the massive slab of great sword, that she had last friday unintentionally not summoned as well.

It wasn't a part of the gear, it was more like her soul had imprinted it onto the gauntlet, but if she didn't wish for it to appear alongside it, then it didn't come out. Issei meanwhile, carried both of their bags, along with less red gauntlet, that had a chain attached to it. He called it a bad attempt at learning how to work with metal, that ended with him making a whip fused to a gauntlet.

It came in handy sometimes, like grappling through caves, whipping at meat eating horses and catching wayward Arrows of Love. At the moment the two had stumbled into zero strays, Issei had been too good at killing them or hunting them out of town, so when they found one it was pretty weak.

Just a pawn, who had swelled up and became a pudding orangy color. Issei had stepped back, whilst Irina tried to avoid getting any of its slime on her clothes." Back step, then counter thrust!" Issei yelled out over by a dumpersted, while Irina, side stepped and counter swung, ending with a similar result.

The slime devil loses his right arm, and Irina gets gooped. Issei tried to keep himself from laughing. Irina meanwhile groaned, then continued her offensive, cutting off its left and then right leg. Then with a little magic she had learned from Akeno, burnt what remained painfully.

She saw how it tried to put out the fire, screaming in horror, fearful of death. Issei and the others had all told her that Strays were mad and uncaring, and could barely feel anything besides whatever desire that made them stray to begin with. Issei swung his whip once, noticing how Irina seemed to be stuck in head, not seeing through the strays act.

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