Cats Out of The Bag

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(Kouh, Issei's House)

The door's lock released, as Issei turned the handle and opened the door. At the doorstep, smiling from ear to ear, stood Irina. She, without a single word between them, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, then ducked to his right and went into the kitchen." Great to see you too." Confused by her sudden affection, he said hello as normally would.

" You too babe!" Already seconds later, he could hear her chopping up ingredients for dinner. He closed the door, and leaned into the kitchen, watching Irina filled with a whole different kind of energy then the one he saw earlier today. Smiling, humming to something he could swear was a love song and even swaying from side to side to the beat as she cooked dinner.

A smile formed on him as well. He was unsure of how gratifying devil work could be, but if it had this kind of effect on Irina, then he couldn't really complain." I'm guessing work went well?" He snuck behind her, trying to imitate her rhythmic humming fueled moves, with his own. She spun around, planting another kiss on him. She pushed her lips onto his.

" It was amazing, and I managed to get my very first client!" Cheers and jazz hands went into the air, as Irina kept celebrating her very first client. Issei tried his best to help with the mood. Taking her by her upper legs, and spinning himself and her around the air in circles." That's amazing Irina!" He cheered her on. He let her down a bit after, while he prepared the table for the two.

Irina could not stop herself from spilling each part, and each moment she saw and experienced at Ms Jiku's house. From how she changed from a simple bath, dinner and girl talk. How she could probably beat Issei's sisters and female relatives in pure beauty, much to Issei's great horror. And how different to most people she seemed, like an angel among humans.

Issei barely got a word in, and ended up finishing his part of their meal, long before she even began to eat. He felt so entranced, just listening to Irina, speak and speak, like she could never stop again. Each new part and part seemed different, but the way it made Irina look was what truly bound him to his chair.

Genuinely happy. Pure joy beamed from every inch of her face, elevating her beauty and allure to new heights.'You're the real beauty here, Irina.' He thought to himself, as she again began describing how massive Penku's tits and ass were. She even explained how it wasn't in a way that looked weird, unnatural or slutty. It was pure and natural beauty, given to her by some or every god of beauty alive.

" She is just so amazing, I wish you could meet her. You would like her too." Irina finally seemed to end her ted talk of why Penku was great. Issei could see the way her eyes seemed to plead for him to join her next time, but he had promised Rias not to interfere in devil business." Sorry, can't Irina. If I did, I might just try to make her pay tribute to Aphrodite." He joked.

She made a sad expression, but seemed to kind of just accept it, only pulling the puppy's eyes out for a brief moment. But in the face of Issei, just closing his eyes, she gave up her last attempt pretty quick." Fine. I guess I wouldn't want you to suddenly fall for her, she might just make you forget all about me. That's how beautiful she is." Issei nearly opened his eyes, but knew it was a bait for an old, yet unbeatable trap.

A trap even his sister, Athena, had never taught him how to counter, as it was the greatest weapon of every woman alive. "The Baited Question". Legend says, it was what led to Troy's fall and to the first form of equity between genders. But thankfully, his older brother was a famous womanizer, so he had been shown how to dodge this trap.

He opened his eyes, put a bit of fire into them, making them glow warmly at her. Plus the steam emitting from his body made the sight of him a bit nicer, at least he hoped so. He took each of her hands in his own, softly clutching around them, and spoke slowly and with a sinch of sexiness." No god, human or being in any dimension or era, could ever make me stop loving you, Irina." Counter successful.

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