Monsters Family Tree part 2

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( Present, with Issei)

There in the mist, a figure he had feared for so long, began to form, only more beautiful then he would like to admit. She wasn't really there, she could never leave her home fully, unless permitted by her father, so she would always appear like this, where death was most likely to appear. So she could bring them with her, granting them passage along her curvy, near endlessly long body.

Color began to form as a pair of starlights in the shape of eyes, fully formed, with a face of godly beauty and a body able to make any man's knees weak. Her dress matched always so well, seeming like a river following from her head, crowned with her raven dark hair, that slid like a calm branch of streams down her back and shoulders.

He felt her eyes devour him, like she had time and time again far back in his past. She began to crawl along the floor, only having enough space to form her upper body at her true height. Her arms, slender and smooth, with fingers so thin with nails like claws, softly were laid besides him and Irina on each side, as she pulled as much of her body out of the underworld.

Her head was as big as Irina's entire body. The pair could have been fooled by her pleasant face, and her charming smile as she rested her head on her arms. She had stopped her slow and struggle some advance, now filling most of the room and barely half of her body was inside the room.

The pair felt her misty breath hit them, softly lifting their hair to the sides. Yet it was warm, and comfortable despite how it seemed to hang in the air seconds after." Hello Issei, my dear hero~." Her soft and charming voice seemed so small and polite, despite her massive size and the pride that shines in the back of her eyes.

Issei wanted to speak, but he couldn't. He felt buried under a mountain. Chained and shackled with a mouth piece and everything. He could only shake in fear, as his body betrayed his wish to run away or at the very least warn Irina to run. The goddess merely snickered, as she neared them just a bit further." Speechless aren't you? Well, if not for how nervous I feel right now, we would already be back home by now, Issei~" She spoke so calmly.

She chuckled, letting them hear she really was nervous, but the two couldn't understand why, but mainly. Irina could not understand why she would say such things, like Issei was hers." What.. What do you mean.. by that.." She asked, still fearful of her, yet curious to know what she was to Issei or what she and Issei had once been.

Issei weakly gripped her back with his hand, trying, begging that she would back down, that she didn't by chance angered the goddess." Oh, I nearly forgot you were here as well, dear little empress, I look forward to seeing what you'll get up to now that you are a devil's pawn. With great Intresse, might I add." Dodging her question, she instead played her off, as she switched back to Issei mere seconds after.

" You have quite an interesting taste in friends nowadays, my dear~. Now, do let me hear your voice, it's been so long, ISSEI." Her face changed, almost like her patience for a split second ran thin, making her look more demonlike. Her beautiful features, all vanished, as she took on the appearance of a sea monster of some kind, only for that to vanish as well. She looked like she did before again, yet the sight of her like that, could still be seen in some minor ways.

Issei seemed to have been the most affected, as he began to try and fail at using his mouth, barely getting a single sound out of it. Then he managed to let out one single word, but not to the woman in front of the pair, but to Irina and her alone. "Sleep" His voice was like a whisper, but his words confused her.

She watched him out of the corner of her left eye, seeing him look solely at her, ignoring the being in front. A small smile present on his face, before it all seemed to vanish. She fell over suddenly, caught by Issei's arms, as he laid her on her back next to him. He still sat on the ground, his back slowly repairing itself, close to being finished.

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